She's So Unfair

When Ye Ling heard her, he said, "Duo Er, I won't go with you."

He knew Liu Duo was going to town to take care of proper business and he wouldn't be able to help if he went. That's why he wanted to stay at home and do some work like helping Aunt Li and the others make the tomato sauce.

Liu Duo changed from scrubbing his back to massaging his back. She did it with neither too much or too little strength and it was just right.

"Why aren't you going? Ling, aren't you afraid your pretty wife is going to get lost?"


Get lost? Ye Ling said dumbfoundedly, "Then… then ask Liu and Mo to go with you. Aren't they also going to town?"

Pfff. Liu Duo laughed out loud when she heard what he said. Why was he so stupid? She had said what she said because she wanted to go with him!

She moved her body forward to lean against his back and also hugged his neck with her hands. She said with a smile next to his ear, "Ling, what I mean is I want you to accompany me."