He Was Just About To Go Call Him.

After Dongfang Ming finished speaking, he turned and continued walking out of the room without even giving her a single glance.

Right now, he could be completely sure that there was definitely something wrong with the herbal tea she brought! Moreover, this was such a cheap trick. In the past, he was tricked because he didn't have his guard up against her. However, she didn't consider he was not the same as before.

Hate? Disgusting?

These words kept on repeating in Wang Xiangyun's head. She was so upset that tears started streaming down her face.

She really wanted to leave right now. Her mind was completely blank as she stood up and ran out of the room…

Little Tian followed and kept an eye on Ming Yan from a distance that was neither too close nor too far.

Being monitored so obviously pissed Ming Yan off so he said to her, "Are you very free? Why are you looking here and not looking after your lady?"