This Time, She Ended Up Harming Herself When She Wanted To Harm Someone Else!

"What are you going to buy for Sister Lian? Let's go," Ye Liu said after he parked the bullock-cart.

If he knew what he wanted to buy, they could go there straight away and wouldn't need to waste any time.

At this time, Ye Mo spoke up and said, "Liu, you go with him. I will wait here on the bullock-cart."

He wanted to calculate the recent items so he wasn't going to accompany Li Wazi to buy his things.

Li Wazi didn't have any objections to him not going and he said to Ye Liu, "Liu, let's go to the tailor shop."

He felt the clothes his mother and wife usually wore were really too old. He always wanted to buy something for them but they never let him. They said something about how they should save money to renovate the house and how Little Huzi would need money to go to school once he grows up!

"Okay! Mo, you wait here," Ye Liu said to Ye Mo, and then went towards the tailor shop with Li Wazi.