
An Xiaoyan put down his lunch. Liu Cheng sat beside him, not knowing what to do. He actually wanted to ask about what happened with Gu Jun earlier, but he didn't know how to start. He was afraid he would cause Yan Zi to focus on bad memories.

An Xiaoyan noticed Liu Cheng's awkwardness. He couldn't escape from it. He put Wonton at the bedside. As the cat ate and gradually fell asleep, An Xiaoyan said what he was thinking.

"Back then, I thought that I could use my own power to make up for my mistakes, but now I see that it's impossible. I don't imagine a day where I can clear the debt to Mr. Gu either. It was my fault—my mistake that caused two deaths. If destroying my life can make up for it, then it's worth it. If I can't clear the debt in this life, I'll do it with my next life."

An Xiaoyan's nonchalant tone made it seem like it had nothing to do with him.

"As long as it's within my abilities, I can take it."

Seeing Yan Zi like this, Liu Cheng asked, "If he still makes you work as a male hostess, will you do it? If he tells you to die, would you comply?"

"Cheng, I value my life. You know it. Mr. Gu won't do that again either. I can be his servant in the future, but I won't be his lackey."

Liu Cheng understood An Xiaoyan. He just didn't want Yan Zi to do stupid things to make up for his so-called "sin." Yan Zi had dignity. His method to "clear the debt" was just to try his hardest and reduce his offence.

"Okay. No matter what, just remember that I'll always be on your side."

An Xiaoyan took Liu Cheng's hand and thanked him.

Liu Cheng, this life of mine is Gu Jun's. I have to repay my debt. If possible, I'll also repay you for your kindness.

"When you recover, come to my hospital. I won't worry if you're by my side."

An Xiaoyan couldn't make the decision. Gu Jun controlled him completely at this point. He had to get permission before doing anything. Otherwise, it would be like before. His dignity would be trampled mercilessly.

Liu Cheng knew what An Xiaoyan was worried about, but he wasn't worried about Gu Jun's control. Gu Jun, no matter what you do this time, I won't let go.

"Yan Zi, I'll protect you. Just come."

An Xiaoyan still refused deep down, but when he saw Liu Cheng's gaze, he still nodded. What if Gu Jun really did let him go?

When he was discharged, Liu Cheng insisted on having An Xiaoyan stay at his home. However, he couldn't convince An Xiaoyan, so they compromised. In the future, they would eat lunch together every single day.

An Xiaoyan rented an apartment near the hospital. He'd borrowed money from Liu Cheng earlier and promised to pay him back later. Liu Cheng agreed, but he didn't actually care. He was satisfied so long as Yan Zi was still by his side.

"Remember to eat breakfast and eggs every day. Eat lunch at the hospital. If you're tired and don't want to make dinner, we can go out to eat. Treat yourself well, alright?"

Liu Cheng's tone was like an old servant, temporarily making An Xiaoyan forget about Gu Jun. The kindness warmed his heart.

"Alright, I'll leave since you're settled in. Oh, this phone is for you. The first number is mine. If anything happens, call me, whether it's good or bad news."


At the door, Liu Cheng suddenly looked back and said seriously, "Yan Zi, can you hug me?"

An Xiaoyan opened his arms without hesitation and hugged Liu Cheng. "Okay, get going. It's getting late."

He didn't doubt the feelings in this relationship. Liu Cheng was his closest friend who'd financially supported him since he was released from prison.

Satisfied, Liu Cheng went downstairs. He hadn't moved on from that hug. It was fortunate that their relationship was still so intimate. No matter how they changed, their time at university would still be the foundation of their friendship.

Lying in his comfortable bed, An Xiaoyan took in the fragrance of the blankets. This was no longer the cold hospital room. It didn't smell like antiseptics either. His confidence grew. Maybe Gu Jun would forgive him and leave him alone.

That night, he finally had a good dream. However, dreams never lasted long. They would always be shattered.

On his first day at the hospital, Liu Cheng obviously didn't plan on giving him a lot of work. It was just to familiarize himself with the job. He only had to check the patients' IV drips and temperatures. It was very easy. He just had to walk around the rooms a few times.

An Xiaoyan was very satisfied with his current life. If his life had a value, there was reason to keep living. When he changed the IV drip or took another patient's temperature, he felt joy.

At 3 o'clock, just as he returned to his apartment, he saw a car stopped on the side of the street. He recognized the car. It was Gu Jun's.

He had been happy about his new life yesterday, but he'd failed again. Maybe Gu Jun was just passing by. After all, this place was so busy. It was possible. Thinking of this, An Xiaoyan composed himself and went upstairs.

As soon as he sat on his sofa, the doorbell rang. No, he couldn't go out. Gu Jun would discover him.

But the doorbell kept ringing. There was a faint voice that said, "An Xiaoyan, open up. If you don't, I'll break in."

Gu Jun started kicking the door. He knew there was someone in there. He would make the man come out.

An Xiaoyan couldn't hide anymore. He walked over and looked out through the peephole. He slowly opened the door.

"You finally opened the door!"

"Mr. Gu."

Gu Jun ignored him. He went right over to sit on the sofa and then studied the room. It was much better than the last apartment. At least, the things weren't too shabby.

"Liu Cheng is really willing to spend money on you."

"No, I borrowed this money."

Gu Jun left this alone. He gazed around the room and saw a picture on the table. Seeing the clean smile, bright sunlight, and pure youth, anger rose up out of nowhere. He dug the picture out of the frame.

An Xiaoyan came back with water and saw this scene. "Give it back."

"You still have such a pretty picture. Not bad. It must be important to you, right?"

"It's my only one. Mr. Gu, please have mercy."

If it was another time, Gu Jun might have compassion, but he'd seen Liu Cheng come out of An Xiaoyan's apartment today. He came to destroy it.

An Xiaoyan stared as his only picture from university was ripped to shreds. He sprawled on the ground, picking up each shred, but the remaining bits didn't come down as shreds. They sprinkled onto his head like dust.

"I saw that you're having fun with your old lover, huh. When did you get together with Liu Cheng? I'm guessing it was university, right? You must've been f*cked well, huh? Otherwise, why haven't either of you moved on?"

"Mr. Gu, Liu Cheng and I are friends. It's not what you think!"

This kind of beautiful friendship couldn't be sullied like this.

"Are you going to take it off yourself, or do you need my help?"

An Xiaoyan quickly understood what Gu Jun meant. It was happening again. It had already happened many times, so what was once more?

He got into bed and waited for a long while without anything happening. An Xiaoyan looked back at Gu Jun. He saw eyes filled with fury and hatred.

Gu Jun entered him without any warning. This time was more intense than before.

Pain. It was soul-ripping pain.

An Xiaoyan's body didn't feel like his anymore. His lower body was numb. He could only feel thrust after thrust.

However, Gu Jun didn't seem willing to end this battle so soon. He pressed down on An Xiaoyan, touching every inch of his body.

"An Xiaoyan, does it hurt?"

An Xiaoyan couldn't hear clearly anymore. He just wanted to pass out. When Gu Jun didn't get a satisfying reply, he thrusted again. The man below him moved; the hand gripping the bed sheet loosened.

After a long while, An Xiaoyan's numbness passed and he gradually woke up. He pushed himself up and swept up the shreds of paper on the ground. Then, holding onto the wall, he made his way to the bathroom.

Last time, the doctor had told him that he needed to clean up each time. Otherwise, he would get infected. With his back arched, he dug out the remnants. White and red liquid streamed out, flowing down the drain like dye.

The next day, Liu Cheng bombarded An Xiaoyan's phone with calls, but no one answered. Helpless, he went to the apartment and had the landlord open the door. He found Yan Zi still asleep.

Feeling the burning forehead, Liu Cheng shook An Xiaoyan awake.

"What's wrong?"

"You're burning up. Come to my hospital. You need a doctor when you're sick."

An Xiaoyan's mind cleared a bit. He knew what was wrong with him. Pulling Liu Cheng back, he recited a hospital's address.

The car drove into a remote place. Liu Cheng helped An Xiaoyan down from the bed. This was the hospital that he'd gone to before. Going to a big hospital would embarrass Liu Cheng. At least he knew the doctor here.

When the doctor saw An Xiaoyan, he knew what had happened. He turned and started preparing the rubbing alcohol and swabs for his wound.

"Huh, you didn't come last time, but now you found your conscience. Don't hurry out later. We need a chat. I have a lot to say to you."

After applying the medicine, the doctor told An Xiaoyan to lie down. He dragged Liu Cheng to a private office.

"Seriously, you need to learn how to control yourself. He's already so badly hurt and you're heartless enough to not even come with him."

"I didn't do it."

The doctor swallowed back the insults he'd prepared. He chuckled awkwardly. "Ah, I was thinking that you don't look like an *sshole."

He gave some more advice before letting the two leave. Liu Cheng carried An Xiaoyan to the backseat and told him to lie down. "Was it him again?"

An Xiaoyan buried his face into the seat and didn't refute anything.

"When will he let you go?!"

"It's okay. It's between us. Don't get involved, or else he might attack you."

Gu Jun had already warned him last time, but Liu Cheng wasn't scared. He couldn't bear it. His Yan Zi always thought for others.

"It's okay. I can go to work now. Isn't it good to be able to feed yourself?"

Liu Cheng also hated himself a lot. He didn't have the power to fight against Gu Jun. Otherwise, he would definitely teach Gu Jun a lesson to vent out his hatred!

In the following days, Gu Jun became a regular visitor at An Xiaoyan's apartment. He would come sit after work. Sometimes, he wouldn't do anything. Sometimes, he would bring papers from his company to look over. Most times, he would just sit for a while before going. Only occasionally would he make inappropriate requests, but An Xiaoyan never refused. The earlier he could end it, the less pain would be inflicted.

Life in the hospital was peaceful too. He would sometimes see Liu Cheng's worry and the expression that meant he wanted to say something but didn't. All in all, An Xiaoyan was still satisfied. The patients had good attitudes. A rare smile returned to his face these days.

"Sir, these are the pictures you requested."

A stack of pictures were placed on the table. Gu Jun looked over them with interest. There was a smile in four or five of them. Some smiles were for patients, but some were directed at Liu Cheng. The most obvious one was when An Xiaoyan put food in Liu Cheng's bowl. His smile was clearly wider.

Smiling, huh? You're this happy, huh? You've been too comfortable these days!

For most things, equilibrium is the most stable state. If anything is put out of balance, things will fall into chaos.

For example, An Xiaoyan was preparing to go home. He'd planned everything, but he was still excited.

He was scheduled to leave at 10 o'clock, but by the time everything was moved into the car, it was already 11. After getting into the car, he thought about Wonton. He really liked this kitty that he'd gotten half a month ago. Liu Cheng had found someone to take care of it at the hospital, but he was still worried. He insisted on going to the hospital to get Wonton. Liu Cheng couldn't help but shake his head at this. He didn't realize Yan Zi loved animals so much. He'd thought that it was just an interest.

An Xiaoyan placed Wonton in the cage. Holding the cage in one hand and cat toys in the other, he walked downstairs. He stopped at the door.

Liu Cheng had parked the car and waited for half an hour without seeing An Xiaoyan. He walked towards the hospital, but saw a bunch of people's backs from the distance. He had a bad feeling.

"Where are you going?" Gu Jun stopped An Xiaoyan at the entrance with Chen Chen and a bunch of bodyguards. The guards' auras intimidated the patients and their relatives.

"Mr. Gu, why are you here?" An Xiaoyan was genuinely afraid. Gu Jun hadn't come for him in a few days. He'd thought that Gu Jun had let him go for now. He didn't expect to meet him here.

Gu Jun saw the cat curled up in the cage and fury rose up within him. How could someone like An Xiaoyan raise pets? People like An Xiaoyan were supposed to be his pet.

"Oh, I don't see you for a few days and you get a pet? An Xiaoyan, you're so skilled. Not only do you have a pet, you even found a husband."

Hearing "husband," An Xiaoyan refuted, "Mr. Gu, I don't."

Gu Jun put his hands in his pockets. He looked at Liu Cheng who was walking towards the building. "Isn't that him?"

"He's not. I told you that he's my friend. I don't have feelings for him."

"What kind of friend would risk everything to get you back from Night Charm? What kind of friend would try to kiss up to you by finding you a job? What kind of friend would bring a bunch of tonics to see his in-laws?"

Gu Jun's diction made An Xiaoyan's face turn red. They were in public and Gu Jun's voice rang out before everyone. Some people started looking over.

"Mr. Gu, I can do whatever you want me to do. I can return to Night Charm, I can be a male hostess, but please don't do this." Even he didn't realize he was begging. It was subconscious.

"I'm tired of you being a male hostess. Let me think if there are any other fun things."

Liu Cheng walked over and punched Gu Jun. Liu Lianxun's warning didn't exist in his mind. He just wanted Gu Jun to get away from An Xiaoyan.

Gu Jun moved aside and Liu Cheng tipped forward. He was about to stop when he processed everything, but Gu Jun wrapped an arm around him. "You pair of love swans make me so jealous," Gu Jun mocked.

"Stop your bullsh*t." Liu Cheng had no physical advantages, but he still didn't show any sign of defeat.

"Chen Chen, take Mr. Liu away."

After Chen Chen got the order, he had two guards take Liu Cheng away, tossing him into a car.

"Where are you taking him? This is illegal!"

Gu Jun didn't care. "I don't know what's illegal. I only know that he's in my way, so I won't let him go."

An Xiaoyan was alone now. He started sweating. He forced himself to calm down, but Gu Jun's looming figure kept playing in his mind. Wonton woke up in the cage. It looked at An Xiaoyan through the bars and meowed.

This caught Gu Jun's attention. "A pet doesn't deserve to have a pet. This cat is so unlucky. Toss it."

He spoke carelessly as if he wanted to toss out a piece of old clothing. The guard beside him nodded and took the cage away. An Xiaoyan wanted to run after him, but when he passed by Gu Jun, the man caught his waist.

"I'm not going to toss you. Why are you freaking out? Okay, now both man and cat are gone. It's time to talk about the debt between us, right?"

Wonton might have sensed its fate and started screaming loudly. The pained cries hurt An Xiaoyan's heart.

"I owe you 4,983,000. This card has 200,000. Now I owe you 4,780,000." An Xiaoyan handed Gu Jun the card.

Gu Jun couldn't process it immediately. He thought back to what he'd said and realized that An Xiaoyan had said the debt would be cleared if he was f*cked 600 times. So being f*cked twice cleared 170,000.

"You have a great memory. You're going home, so how about I go with you?"

An Xiaoyan's eyes widened. Gu Jun wanted to go home with him?