Take Care

"Want to know why?"

Before An Xiaoyan could reply, Gu Jun continued, "I want to know how you disguise yourself in front of your parents. Aren't you a model student? I especially want to know how you, a murderer, pretend to be a top student."

A handful of onlookers stood around watching. Gu Jun put on his sunglasses and walked in front. The remaining bodyguards took An Xiaoyan to Gu Jun's car.

"Back to the villa."

After the bodyguard received the instructions, he started the car and drove towards the villa. An Xiaoyan sat beside Gu Jun, breaking out in cold sweat. He wished to leave Gu Jun as far from him as possible. His heart felt uneasy.

If Gu Jun exposed my lies in front of my parents, what should I do? Gu Jun would not be so kind to let me go back home.

The more he thought about it, the more confused he was.

Finally, he summoned up the courage and said, "Mr. Gu, can you not expose me in front of my parents?"

An Xiaoyan's expression resembling that of a small sheep worked well with Gu Jun. Gu Jun agreed readily. He then continued to lie in his seat with his eyes closed. After a while, he added, "You must obey me, otherwise I don't know what will happen."

"I will," An Xiaoyan would really keep to his word. He was afraid of Gu Jun and resisted Gu Jun in his heart. When facing Gu Jun, he forced himself to meet Gu Jun's requirements as far as possible. Even though Gu Jun had done so many things to hurt him, he still felt that his repentance was not enough.

Gu Jun has not returned to the villa for a long time. When the car arrived at the door, there was a woman and a child standing beside the door.

Getting out of the car, the woman greeted with joy and respect, "Sir, you're back."

Gu Jun only gave a casual reply "Hmm" before going inside the villa. An Xiaoyan noticed that the nanny's face turned sad at the moment Gu Jun passed by.

"Daddy, Daddy" Guo Guo was chasing the tall man in front of him, but the distance between them was getting farther. Just when he wanted to take a big step forward, he accidentally tripped over the pebbles on the ground.

"Daddy, Daddy, Pain..."

An Xiaoyan went up and picked up the child. The child was very heavy. He felt exhausted after carrying him in his arms and walking a few steps.

The nanny caught up with An Xiaoyan. Thinking that he was Gu Jun's guest, the nanny took over the young master immediately, "I'm sorry to bother you, but the child is very heavy."

"Is he Guo Guo?"

As soon as the nurse heard that he knew the young master, the worried look on her face disappeared. She replied, "Yes, this is the young master."

An Xiaoyan took out a paper towel from his pocket, wiped away the tears on Guo Guo's face, took his hand and said gently, "Follow uncle, uncle will take you in."

It was as if Guo Guo had understood An Xiaoyan's words, he firmly grasped An Xiaoyan's hand and followed him into the house.

Gu Jun sat on the sofa. When he saw that An Xiaoyan came into contact with Guo Guo, he shouted loudly. "Let go!" An Xiaoyan released his hand out of reflex and Guo Guo cried.

"Who allows you to touch him?"

An Xiaoyan knew he had committed a taboo and apologized quickly. "Mr. Gu, I didn't mean it. I saw him crying."

"Take the child away, nanny."

The nanny carried Guo Guo in her arms and hurried upstairs.

He was fine just now. Why is he crying again?

"If it weren't for you, the child would not be like that. What would you like him to be? He's already a retard!"

An Xiaoyan said nothing. He had no right to answer as he was the one who caused Gu Jun to lose an outstanding child.

One was standing up while the other was sitting on the sofa. A while later, Gu Jun went upstairs. An Xiaoyan was relieved. After standing for so long, he felt a little exhausted. Seeing that no one was around, he sat down on the carpet.

The nanny looked downstairs from the crack between the door and the door frame. Although she could not hear their conversation, she could sense that the relationship between the man and Mr. Gu was not ordinary, and perhaps he could help the young master.

The nanny went downstairs and looked around. Seeing that no one was around, she sat beside An Xiaoyan, "I want to ask you for a favor."

"What?" The nanny seemed innocent, An Xiaoyan answered.

"I asked the doctor before and the doctor told me that the young master's inability to speak may be related to the environment. As long as the young master has frequent contact with more people, he will certainly be the same as other normal children."

This was not impossible in medical theory. Many children's autism or loneliness was related to their living environment. If they changed their environment or had frequent contact with more people, they might return to their normal state.

"I know Mr. Gu is going out later, and he is ordering the housekeeper to pack his things. I beg you to persuade Mr. Gu to take the young master out to contact others. When the young master is home, he only gets to be with me and the housekeeper. This will be a good opportunity."

After listening to the nanny, An Xiaoyan had mixed feelings. Emotionally, he felt that he should agree and protect the child as he had a part in what happened to the child. However, logically, he knew that he should not interfere in this matter.

"I know you are somehow related to Mr. Gu. I beg you. I took care of Guo Guo since he was a baby and he is almost five years old. If he still doesn't get any human contact with more people, it will be very difficult for him to recover in the future."

The nanny's plea reminded An Xiaoyan of himself. He used to ask Gu Jun for mercy, but Gu Jun would never give him a chance.

But unlike him, Gu Jun was a cold-blooded animal, a ruler and a devil, and he was sympathetic. He could not bear to refuse such an appeal from the nanny.

"Well, I can try, but I'm not sure what the result will be."

The nanny excitedly and incoherently replied, "Okay, that's good enough."

Gu Jun came out of his study and saw the conversation between the nanny and An Xiaoyan on the second floor. They seemed to be engaged in a very happy conversation.

When the nanny saw Gu Jun, she gave An Xiaoyan a final firm look before she got up and left.

An Xiaoyan was left alone in the room again.

Gu Jun, dressed in casual clothes, walked down the stairs, "What are the two of you talking about?"

An Xiaoyan did not know where to start. He had not decided whether to dive straight into the topic or talk about something else first. Gu Jun added, "You can choose to not say anything. I can look at the surveillance video."

"Can we bring Guo Guo along?"

Gu Jun was stunned. To think that An Xiaoyan wanted to bring along his retarded son, he felt that An Xiaoyan must be crazy.

"Who will take care of him if he falls ill along the way?"

An Xiaoyan gritted his teeth, "If I take care of him, can we bring him along?"

Gu Jun did not wish to accept the proposition. He did not believe that An Xiaoyan would take care of others. No matter how much he disliked Guo Guo, Guo Guo was, after all, his son. It seemed foolish of him if he were to hand his own son to his enemy.

"As long as you bring him along, I will take care of him and ensure that he comes back safely."

An Xiaoyan assured him so faithfully and Gu Jun's interest was aroused. Gu Jun wanted to see how someone like An Xiaoyan, who had never taken care of a child, would take care of his son.