The mysterious ring

Just after Liam fell asleep he heard a loud voive yelling "I said wake you trash, don't you want your life anymore?"

Liam answered with a sleepy voice "juste five more minutes".

Then he suddnly got kicked off of the bed " i said wake up you worthless trash do you think you're still in your father's house, outer disciples should wake up even before the sun rises to do their duties".

After he woke up, Liam remembered that he is no longuer in his father's house anymore, he got kicked out by his father because of his inability of cultivation and was placed as an outer disciple to spend the rest of his life as a servant, and he couldn't sleep because he was crying the whole night instead of sleeping.

"haha sorry instructor i didn't sleep early last night" answered Liam with a silly voice.

"seriously, why was i appointed as an instructor for this idiot trash?" replied the instructor.

"haha i am sorry " aswered Liam with an idiotic smile on his face.

Although Lian is smiling and pretending not to care about his instructor kicking him off of the bed, or calling him by trash instead of calling him by his name, but he has no other choice but to endure the humiliation, he is too weak to defend himself, even his father who is one of the twelve elders of the outer sect of "the golden sword" sect will not protect him anymore since to him he is nothing more than an untalented illegal son.

"Enough with your idiotic laugh and follow me to the mountains to tell you what your mission is" the instructor with an angry voice.

While following his instructor to the mountains Lian kept hearing the peole of the clan whispering about him while laughing.

"hey look look isn't that the famous trash of the sect"

"I heard that he got kicked out of his house by his own father."

"that's what he deserves, he is 12 years already and yet he still hasn't reached even Human realm one star, i heard that his older brother has alredy reached the earth realm one star at the age of only 15".

"he must have inherited his mother's dirty blood, instead of seventh's elder blood".

"now that he is nothing more tha an outer disciple with no background, lets see if he dare look down on us from now on, hahaha...".

Facing these laughing voices and insults, Liam had no other chose but to keep quiet and keep following his instructor.

After about an hour of walking they finally reached the mountains near "the golden sword" sect .

"From now on you'll have to cut 10 trees every day to complete your mission as an outer disciple, in case you didn't complete your mission you won't get any food from the sect ". the instructed with a rough voice.

"what !! 10 trees every day ? how am i supposed to do that with my weak body?" replied Liam with an angry look on his face.

"it isn't my fault that you are a trash that can't cultivate his body, here are the tools that you'll need" answered the instructor.

"can't you give me another mission please, a mission that i can actually do?". Liam with a desperate look on his face.

"do you think am your servant to listen to every singel one of your orders? you are no longuer the son of the seventh elder, you are nothing but an outer disciple who will never have a chance to advance to become an inner disciple with that crappy body of yours, either you do your mission or starve to death". the instructor with a furious voice, than he left Lian alone in the mountaines and went back to the sect.

Liam had no other choice but to do his best to complete the mission that was given to him by his instructore, and after many hours Liam could only cut 4 trees, than he realized that no matter how much hard-working he is, he will never be able to complete his mission, so instead of wasting more time on doing an impossible mission, he decided to hunt for his own food instead of relying on the clan that has already abandoned him.

While following a rabbit through the mountains, he suddenly reached a place that looked unfamiliar to him, so he decided to explore this pary of the mountain while looking for something to eat at the same time.

He kept walking until he found himself in front of a weird looking cave, the moment he tried to go inside he felt a strange pressure and a very dark aura comming from inside the cave.

"I better go back and report about this cave, i am sure there is somthing dangerous inside, i might even lose my life if i went inside".Liam thought while moving backward out of his fear from the dark aura.

Suddenly Liam slaped himself:"untile whene am i supposed to hide behind the sect that has already abandoned me? untile when am i gonna let my fear controle me? so what if it's dangerous? so what if i am gonna loss my life? if i avoided every single problem i face, how am i supposed to get stronger?".

The moment Liam stepped inside the cave he felt a strong pressure on his body, and the further he goes the stronger it gets, and the darker the cave becomes.

After he walked for a little bit further inside, he saw a point of light in front of him, so he started following it until he reached it, but all what he found was a weird looking ring.

"what!?!? after walking all the way and wasting so much time instead of looking for food, all what i get is this weird broken ring?" Liam said with a disappointed face.

Suddenly Liam heared a very deep and scary voice through the whole cave:"who dares wake me up from my sleep and insult my ring?".

The moment Liam heard the voice he realized that the owner of the ring must be a very powerful master, maybe even more powerful than the master of the "golden sword" sect.

"i am very sorry master, i didn't know that this ring was yours, can master please forgive this inexperienced kid" said Liam in a hurry.

"hahaha, not bad, you are able to speak normally in front of my pressure".said the mysterius master while laughing.

Liam was very scared, and yet, he couldn't help but think that this was a chance given to him by the heaven, he thought maybe this master can know why he can't cultivate and asked:"can you please reveal yourself so i can apologize to you directly for my mistake".

"hahaha, a poor culivator like you want to see me face to face, all right i'll reveal myself as you requested". the master while laughing.

Suddenly a white smoke stated getting out of the ring until it took the shape of an old man with a long white hair and beard.

Facing this scene Liam started yelling:"help, help, a gost" while running to get outside the cave.

the master kept laughing:"hahaha, what is it? i thought you wanted to see me face to face".

Liam kept running and running but for some reason he couldn't find the exit, and after he kept running for some time he finally could calm down and went back to where he left the ring.

"what is it? didn't you want to leave juste now, so why are comming back?". the master with an idiotic voice.

"i am sorry master for being rude, i was juste surprised by the master appearance, can you please let me out of here, and i promise i will never come back or tell anyone about this place." replied Liam to the master's question.

"i will let you out of here only if you do me a favor." the master while looking at Liam very seriously.

"if i was able to do it i prose i'll do my best." Liam whit a concerned look on his face.

"i already spent 100 years sleeping in this cave, i want to see the outer world now, so all what you need to do is take this ring whit you from now on, of course not for free, this ring is not normal it's a space ring that has all the money and treasures that i collected before i died" the master to Liam.

After afew moment of thinking, Liam replied to the master's request:"i am very sorry master i can't take this ring with me outside, as you said tgis ring is a treasure that could make many people kill in order to get it, and i am juste an intalented trash that can't eaven cultivate, how am i supposed to protect this ring?".

The master smiled in Liam's face and said:" then what if i cured your body and helped you in your cultivation, would you be intrested?".