The heavenly spiritual body

Liam replied to the master in a hurry:" if you could cure my cursed body than i promise to do what ever you want me to."

"there is no need for you to worry, your body is not cursed or ill as you think, it's the other way around, you sholud be happy that you have the heavenly spiritual body, tell do you know how people culivate?" the master asked Liam.

"of course, every one knows that you need to absord the spiritual energy in your body in order to cultivate, do you think i am an idiot?"Liam in a proud way.

the master answered Liam while laughing very loudly:"haha that's only half the the answer, what are so proud of? in normal case that would be true, but there are some people who are blessed with heveanly bodies, those people can absord heavenly energy which make them more talented and faster at cultivation than normal people, but these kind of talents are very rare they only appear once in a few hunded years."

Liam was very excited to hear about this and asked the master in a hurry:"so do you mean that i am one of those talents that appear only once every few hundred years?."

the master answered Liam question with a very serious look on his face:"no you don't have a heavenly body, what you have is even more rare, it's called the heavenly spiritual body which allows you to have a demonic speed in cultivation, you can absord heavenly and spiritual energy at the same time which means that your cultivation will be even faster than people with heavenly body, but usually people who have this kind of body can't cultivate or even die while trying to, but in case you survived you will be the ultimate demon cultivator, but that's very rare, there aren't many people who managed to survive with this kind of bodies."

"then what is the purpose from having this kind of body when i can't even cultivate, i prefer to have juste a normal body with the ability to cultibate, at least i won't be a trash anymore, no one would insult me or make fun of me, and i wouldn't have being kicked out by my own familly." Liam while trying his best to hold bach his tears.

"who said you can't cultivate it's juste that befor you start cultivating, you must train your body so that you'll be able to withstand the spiritual and heavenly energy at the same time, or else you'll lose you life when you try to cultivate with that weak body of yours, when you train your body enough, i'll help you open your hevenly spiritual meridians and give you technique that will help you grow even faster and stronger in the futur, but i can only do that for you if you were willing to take me as your teacher."

after hearing what the master said Liam was unable to hold back his tears , and kneeled in frount of the ghost of the mysterious master "please accept this kid as you disciple master."

the master was very happy with Liam's answer "hahaha who would have tought that even after i lost my life i get the chanse to take a disciple with a heavenly spiritual body that appears only once in a thousand years, hahahaha i guess the heavens didn't give up on me hahaha. Don't worry boy soon no one will ever look down on my disciple any more."

"then tell me teacher from now on what name should i call you from now on?" Liam asked his teacher.

Suddenly the teacher expression changed and he stoped laughing:"i abandoned my name a long time ago, you are still too weak now to let you know about myself, just call me teacher for the time being".

the moment Lian saw that painfull look on his teacher's face he understood that he shouldn't ask anymore, he needs to get stronger as soon as possible so that his master could depend on him, and tried to change to subject by asking him:" so tell me teacher, how am i supposed to train my body in order to withstand the heavenly and speritual energy."

"juste training your body won't be enough and will take too much time, so you'll have to take a medcine bath, that's mean you have to bring me some herbs that i'll need to prepare it, you can use the money in the ring to buy them, and keep the ring always with so that i can protect you in case you're life was in danger, and also by keeping it with you i can communicate with you anytime, from now and for a month i will help you prepare your body, you'll take the medcine bath every day when you wake up and before you go to sleep for at least 2 hours, and spend the rest of the day training your body."

Suddnly Liam remembered that he still has to do his mission as an outer disciple:" wait teacher, this way i won't have enough time to do my misdion and i won't get any food."

"what an idiot disciple? is food more important than your training? if you get hungry you can juste use the money in the ring to buy food, why wait for them to give you food?" the teacher while shaking his head.

Liam answered with a silly laugh:" hahaha that's right hahaha."

"enough with that idiotic smile and let's get down this mountain it's already late, it's almost dark."