The roommate

Through the whole way back from the mountains, Lian wasn't able to calm down at all, he kept thinking about every thing that happened to him from the moment his father found out about his inabiliti of absorbing spiritual energy, how he became an outcaste in his own home until he kicked him out eventually, how he was looked down upon by every single member of the clan, or how his instructor kept insulting him and kept calling him by trash instead of his name. But he can't help but smile when he thinks that he won't have to endure this kind of treatment for the rest of his life, he was determined to make every single person looked down on him regret treating him like trash. And before even knowing it he was in front of his father's house, then he left in a hurry to the outer disciples resident, after all that is no longer his house, when he went inside his room he found a young kid who looked almost the same age as him.

"hi, my name is John, i am 12 years old and i'm gonna be your roommate from now on, i hope we can get along." the strange kid with a very innocent and bright smile on his face.

"oh hi, i did't know i had a room mate i didn't even notice that there was another bed in here since i arrieved late last night and had to wake up early this morning, anyway i'm Liam, i juste moved here, i'm the same age as you, but i didn't find anyone here last night, where were you?" Liam asked his new roommate.

"oh so you are Liam, you are very famous through the clan, yesterday i wasn't able to come back here because i had to stay out last night in order to complete my mission." John answerd Liam.

"oh so you already know me, well i guess i am pretty famous as you said, who dasen't know about the clan's trash after all." then Liam walked away from him and went to prepare his bed with a very sad face, he thought that his roommate was the same as the othet outer disciples that would make fun of him whenever they saw him.

Baam, the instructor kicked the door and came inside the room:"John come over here and get your dinner" then he looked over Liam's direction "as for you trash you'll have to get your own food for today, i went to check if you were able to complete your mission this afternoon, but all what you were able to cut was 3 trees, and i didn't find you anywhere, where did you go?"

"I....I was...." Lian didn't what he should tell his instructor, all what he knew was that no matter what he shouldn't tell him about the ring.

After a few seconds of awkward silence the instructor yelled in Liam's face" it isn't like i care about what a trash like you did or where you went, you not doing your missions makes my work easier, so don't even dream about getting even a single piece of bread if you kept wondering around instead of doing your work."

Liam answered the instructor with a low voice while trying his best to hide his anger:"i understand."

after the instructor handed over John's food he left the room, leaving Liam with no other choice but to go to bed with an empty stomach since he didn't eat anything the whole day.

The moment Liam closed his eyes to sleep, he heard the sound of his roommate's steps going back and forth "can you please go eat your food and go to sleep already am very tired and i can't even sleep because of you" Liam with a roogh voice.

"I...I juste wanted to say sorry about what i said befor, i guess i offended you without noticing, here i'll share my food with you as an apology " John with a sad and a low voice.

looking at him Liam felt sorry for assuming that he was the same as othrers and for yelling at him while he was concerned about him " it's okey, i'm sorry as well for yelling at you, but you don't have to share your food with me."

suddnly John expression changed back

to the way it was at the beginnig, a very warm smile "p....please have some, i know you must be starving as well."

Liam felt very happy to have a roommate that he could get along with, it was the first time that someone treated him nicely since a long time ago, and he was very happy to make his first true friend, it isn't like he didn't have any friends in the past, but he knew that those people weren't his friends but they were the friends of the seventh elder's son.

After they finished eating, Liam and John spend a long time talking and getting to know each other befor they finally went to bed to sleep.

Although Liam was very tired he couldn't sleep, he kept thinking abou every thing that happened to him, today he was able to make his first friend, he was also able to find out the reason why he couldn't culivate he also met a strange old ghost tha became his teacher.

Liam suddenly heard his teacher's voice inside his head "who was the strange old ghost that you met again ?"

Liam with a surprised look on his face "what?!?! teacher how can i hear you voice inside my head?".

The teacher answered Liam while sighting:" how did you think i'm gonna talk to you when there are too many people aroud? i can juste stay in the ring and communicate with you through telepathy, that's not what matther right now, who did say was your teacher again?".

"hahaha i juste said that my teacher was a very handsome and very strong young man." Liam with a silly smile.

his teacher replied to him while laughing:" hahaha i wonder who started crying when this strange old man took him as his desciple".

Liam's face turned to red "wha....what? i never cried, stop lying old man".

the teacher kept laughing " hahaha yeah right, let's stop here for today and go to sleep already, we are very busy tomorrow, good night".

Liam answered with a sleepy voice "good night teacher" and went to sleep.