The medicine hall

The next morning , John woke up early and went to do his missions, as for Liam he woke up very late since he didn't sleep early last night and he already knows that he doesn't have to do any missions anymore, he already decided to count only on himself and his teacher instead of the clan that treats him like a servant.

Suddenly he heard his teacher's voice in his head:" wake up you lazy disciple, are you planing to spend the whole day sleeping or what? we still have a lot of things to do".

Liam answered his teacher with a very sleepy voice while trying his best to open his eyes "what do you want me to do teacher?".

"we haven't even started yet and you are tired already? we still need to buy all the herbs that we need in order to prepare the medcine bath, we have so match to do so wake up right now or i'll kick you out of the bed".

After Liam heard his teacher talking about the medcine bath he got motivated again, and got out of the bed, right before he went out he heard his teacher's voice again:" wait take some money out the ring first before you go out, you can't use the space ring when there are other people around after all".

Liam kept staring at the ring for a few moment then asked his teacher:"how do i take something out the ring teacher?".

the teacher started explaining to Liam the way to use the space inside the ring "all what you need to do is to imagine the money popping out on your hand and it'll actually happen, the same way whene you want to store something inside the ring, you justneed to use your imagination."

After listening to his teacher explanation, he tried using the ring for a few times until he got used to it. then he took some golden coins and putted them inside his pocket and went out.

Along the way to the medicine hall of the outer sect, everyone seemed very excited for some reason while talking to each other:

"hey have you heard the news."

"of course, evry one in the outer sect knows about it."

"i know right, but who do you think gonna win the first place?".

" isn't it obviouse, Lucas will take the first place for sure, he is just 16 years old and he already reached Human realm 8 star."

"don't be very sure about that, he isn't the only genius in the outer sect, there is also Noah and Alice, both of them have reached Human realm 7 star and aren't that much weaker than Lucas".

"but whene is it gonna start ".

"i heard that it's gonna start 6 month from now, i really can't wait....".

Just by hearing every one else talk about it, Liam was able to know what they were talking about, they were talking about the competetion that happens once every two years, where the outer sect disciples get the chance to advance to the inner sect, but not every one get this chance to advance, only the first five in the competition have the right to become inner disciples.

After hearing abou the competition Liam got even more excited to get stronger as soon as possible, and kept walking until he reached a very expensive looking building. That was the medicine hall of the outer sect where all the outer disciples went to buy herbs and medicine in order to increase their cultivation. The moment Liam went inside he started looking around him untile a worker approached him with a suspicious smile:"yes dear customer, how may i help you?".

Liam answered in a hurry :"I....I wan't to buy some herbs?".

the worker kept staring at him for a few seconds then he asked "you are an outer disciple aren't you? do you eaven have the money to buy what you want? this isn't a place for kids like you, you should go play somewhere else."

Liam got very angry and answered "what do you mean by asking if i'm an outer disciple or not, wasn't this place originally built to help outer disciples in there culivation? if money was all what you care about then yes, i do have enough money".

The moment Liam took the golden coins out of his pocket, the worker changed his treatment to Liam completely and became very polite"please come in dear costomer, how can i help you? we have every hearb that you might need and a very vast collection of pills that can help you in your caltivation, should i bring you some?".

Liam got even angrier when the worker treatment changed the moment he saw the money, he then realised that in order to be respected in this world you must be either strong or rich, and answered the worker in a rude way " no need, juste bring me the herbs that are mentioned in this piece of paper". then Liam handed the paper that his teacher gave him to the worker.

the worker answered:"right away sir" and went to bring him the herbs that Liam needs for his medicine bath, the moment he got back Liam paid for the herbs and got out of the medcine hall, then he suddenly heard his teacher's voice:"now that we have all what we need, let's head back to the cave where you found the ring".

Liam asked his teacher:" what? arent we going back to my room to take the medcine bath? why are we going to the moutains?".

His teacher aswered him:" it's okey, just trust me and do what i tell you".

Liam decided to listen to what his teacher told him and started heading to the cave on top of the mountains.