The body training

Liam spent the whole day training his body before he was able to go back to the outer sect, along the way he used the money inside the ring to buy some food and went back to his room, there he found his roommate John already there waiting for him:" hi Liam, where have you been the whole day? the instructor just came to give me my food and he said that you won't get anything today as well since you didn't do your mission, and yet you look very tired, what were you doing?".

Liam answered while laughing:"hahaha I just went to play by myself in the mountains, and didn't notice that it was already this late".

John moved his face close to Liam's face and said while looking in his eyes:

" are you sure that what you have been doing the whole day? something seems very suspicious to me".

Liam moved away from him and answered in a nervous way while laughing:"haha w....what are talking about? enough with your weird questions already, and let's eat dinner, I bought you a lot of delicious food as thanks for sharing your food with me yesterday".

John answered while looking at the food:" well, it can't be helped, I'll let you off this time, I know you must be hiding something from me, but since you don't want to talk about it, I won't force you, now let's eat before it gets cold".

Liam was very relieved because his roommate and only friend; John was very understanding and didn't ask too much questions, since every one in the clan knows that he can't cultivate, if they find out about his special body, it will bring unnecessary attention, and there are even some people who might try to hurt him, so until he is strong enough to defend himself, he won't tell anyone about his body, even his only friend John.

After eating dinner and talking for a while Liam and John finally went to bed, the moment Liam closed his eyes, he heard his teacher's voice:" you better be prepared for tomorrow, since today was your first time taking the medicine bath, I was kind enough to let you take it only once, but from tomorrow onward, you'll have to take it twice a day, before and after training".

Liam answered while pretending to be crying:" you are a demon not a teacher, I just took it once today and I almost lost my life from the pain, how am I supposed to take twice? how can you let your cute disciple go through this much pain every day? you are definitely a demon".

The teacher answered with an angry face:" so you think I'm a demon, you should be happy that this demon accepted a crybaby like you as a desciple, we just spent two days with each other, and I already saw you cry on both of them".

Liam's face turned red and said in a hurry:" w.....what are you talking about? I never cried, stop lying".

The teacher answered while laughing:

"hahaha are you sure you didn't cry?

well you don't have to worry you won't have to cry again, the bath today was painful because it was your first time taking it, once you get used to it after a few times, you'll be able to feel comfortable while taking it, plus I promise, if you were able to bear with it for the next month, I'll teach you two techniques that will help you winning the competition".

The moment Liam heard his teacher talking about the techniques, he was very excited and answered his teacher:

" you better keep your promise".

and finally went to sleep.

The next day he woke up very early and started preparing himself to go to the mountains, before he went out his room he asked his teacher:" should I go to the medicine hall again today to buy herbs for my bath?".

His teacher answered him:" no it's okay, the effect of the herbs that we bought yesterday will last in the spring for a week, so we don't go buy then every day".

After hearing his teacher's answer, he finished his preparation and started his journey to the mountains, and after walking for a while he reached the cave, the first thing he did was taking off his close and went inside the spring, although it was very painful, but as his teacher said he felt like it wasn't as much painful as it was yesterday, after two hours, Liam finally finished his medicine bath and got out of the spring to take some rest.

After a few minutes, Liam's teacher went inside the ring and came out while holding something that looked strange to Liam so he asked:" what are those things teacher?".

His teacher replied:"the things that are gonna help you in training your body from now on".

Liam said sarcastically:" how is these small things supposed to help me in my training " then he tried lifting them, but surprisingly they were a lot more heavier compared to there size "what? how are these small things so heavy"?.

His teacher answered him:" that's because they aren't made of normal materials, they are made out of a rare kind of metal famous for his heavy weight, now put them on you hand and legs and start running, you have to keep running until you run completely out of energy, this traininh gonna help strengthen both your legs and hands".

Liam in a hurry:"what? how am I suppose to run while putting those heavy things on me?".

His teacher looked at him very seriously and said:" didn't you say that you want to get stronger? then tell, how are you supposed to accomplish your goal when you give up before even trying? didn't you say that you won't let any one look down on you anymore? then you should stop looking down on yourself first, and have trust in your straight, l am sure that you'll be able to do it if you tired you're best".

After Liam heard what his teacher's said, he immediately put the weights on and started running, no matter how much tried he was or how much painful it was, he just kept running and running until he felt like he was about to lose consciousness, suddenly be felt a warm feeling coming for inside of his body and kept getting stronger and stronger until he started feeling like he was burning with energy, wich aloud him to keep running for a much longer time than he expected.

After he run for a few more hour he finally was out of energy and sat under a free to get some rest, then he asked his teacher about the strange feeling that he felt inside his body.

His teacher started explaining:" that's because you kept running until you reached your body limits, and yet you kept running which aloud you to surpass your body limits, the warm feeling that you felt means that your body has improved".

after hearing his teacher's explanation Liam was very happy to know that he was getting stronger, even for just a little bit.

After he took enough rest, Liam went back to the cave to take the two hour medicine bath, which allowed his to regain all of the energy that he lost during the training, then he was finally able to go back to his room in the outer sect.