A month later

After he came down from the mountains, he found his roommate already sleeping while looking very tired without even eating his food. Liam couldn't wake him up, although he was worried about him but he decided to wait until he wakes up tomorrow and aske him, so he just ate his food and went straight to bed, the moment he closed his eyes he fell asleep since he was very tired from all that training, and before he even realized it, it was morning already, luckily he heard John preparing breakfast and woke up right away.

After he greeted him, he asked him right away:"why were you so tired yesterday? is the instructor bullying you or something? now that I think about it, I never asked you what you're mission is".

John answered him with a smile:" you don't have to worry about me, even if the instructor wanted to bully me he wouldn't dare, after all my mission is to assist one of the masters of the medicine hall whene he prepare pills, he cares about me very much, he also give me books and help me learn about herbs and the way of making pills, so if the instructor dared to bully me, he would be offending my master, and he would never do something like that".

Liam was very surprised:" what? you're not a cultivator? instead you choose to study medicine? but how did you manage to become an assistant of one of the masters of the medicine hall?".

John answered:" it's kinda embarrassing, but I knew from the beginning that I have no talent in cultivation, that's why I decided to study medicine from a young age instead of wasting my time on something that I would never be good at, and it was my good luck that I managed to became an assistant to the master, I met him one time by chance when I was looking for some herbs in the mountains and he took an interest in me, and before knowing it I became his assistant, he even promised to take me as his disciple if I managed to become an inner disciple in the competition six months from now".

Liam asked again:" but how are you supposed to win in the competition and become an inner disciple when you aren't a cultivator?".

John answered:" I guess you don't know but inner disciples aren't just cultivators, there are also inner disciples who study medicine, and the competition six months from now isn't for cultivators only, but there is a test for people like me as well where we have to make a pill they aske us to prepare in order to pass, and I'm pretty sure in my abilities in passing that test", then he said while laughing:" not to brag or anything, but I'm pretty talented as my master said".

Liam answered while smiling:" yeah yeah, I know, you are amazing, now enough showing off and let's eat".

After hearing that his only friend will become an inner disciple, he was relieved, at first he was very worried that he have to leave his friend alone when he advance to the inner sect six months from now, but now he has nothing to worry about, as soon as he finished eating his breakfast, he went to the cave to complete his training as his teacher ordered him, and before even knowing it, a month has passed, today is the last day in Liam's body training, unlike the first time, the medicine bath has became very relaxing for him, and now he's able to run for a very long time without losing his energy even with the weights on, just in a month time Liam's body changed completely from the weak body that couldn't even cut 10 trees a day that he had in the past to a strong body that isn't much weaker than people who can absorb spiritual energy and who has reached Human realm one or two stars, all of this before even opening his heavenly spiritual meridians, even his teacher was very surprised, he didn't expect Liam's body to improve this much in only a month time.

After he finished the last day of training his body, Liam was on his way down the mountains suddenly be heard his teacher's voice:" congratulation on finally finishing your training, tomorrow is the day that you've been waiting for, tomorrow I'll help you open you're heavenly spiritual meridians, and you'll finally be able to start your cultivation, are you ready?".

Liam was very excited and answered:" of cours I'm ready, I've been waiting for this day my whole life".

His teacher looked at him very seriously and asked:" are you sure you're ready? it's gonna be very painful, even more painful than the medicine bath".

Liam answered him with confidence:" I'm ready, no matter how much painful it'll be it won't be more painful than being called trash for the rest of my life".

The teacher was very happy with Liam's answered and determination.

While they kept going on there way down the mountains Liam's teacher felt something weird and warned him right away:"Liam be careful, we are being followed".

Liam asked his teacher:" what should I do? should I run away?".

The teacher answered him immediately:" no don't run, that would be too suspicious, just keep going like normal and don't do anything that would bring there attention, we are close to the sect which mean that they are from the same sect as you".

Liam did as his teacher told him and kept going on his way like if he didn't know about there existence, and before much time has passed they surrounded him and finally reviled themselves, they were wearing the clothes of inner disciples, so Liam wasn't very afraid of them and said:" who are you? and what do you want from me?".

One of the inner disciples replied:" come with us without any troubles, your fath.. I mean the seventh elder wants to speak with you".