The seventh elder

Liam was surprised to know that the father who mistreated him, and always ignored him, the rather that kicked him out and disowned him suddenly want to see him, although Liam hate his father and yet he couldn't help but be a little happy to know that his father was looking for him and wants to see him.

Liam asked the inner disciples:" why would father be looking for me?".

The inner disciple answered:" come with us if you want to know".

Liam had no other choice but to followed the inner disciples back to the house that used to be his, and after walking for a while they finally reached the seventh elder's mansion, Liam went to his father's room straight away. When he went inside he found his father already there waiting for him.

Liam was a little bit nervous, but he tried his best to hide it and said:" hi father, I heard that you were looking for me, how may I help you?".

The seventh elder stood up from his chair and approached Liam, he looked at Liam's face for a few moment, suddenly fe slapped Liam so hard until he almost fell down and said:" who are you calling father? didn't I already told you that you're no longer my son a month ago? how can my son be a trash like you? you must be the son of another man for sure, your mother was pretty known among the sects men after all, you must be the son of one of the many useless servant".

Liam was very angry, but he couldn't offend an elder or else he might even gat kicked out of the sect, so he tried to be as polite as possible without letting his anger control him:" I understand, it was a mistake, I hope you can forgive me SEVENTH ELDER, but can you not offend my dead mother please, she had done nothing to harm you".

The seventh elder slapped Liam again with an even more straight that the first time, this time Liam couldn't hold in and fell down, the seventh elder looked down on him and said:" how dare a mere servant like you tell me what to do, anyway that's not why I ordered you to come here, the reason I wanted to see you is to ask you, how dare you steal money without me knowing before I kicked you out?".

Liam was confused and answered :" what are you talking about? I have never stole anything when I was living here".

The seventh elder looked in Liam's face and said:" so you think I'm an idiot or what? didn't you hear what everyone at the outer sect are saying?".

While Liam was completely focused on training his body for the past month, rumours were spreading about him without him even knowing, everyone think that Liam must have stole some money before he was kicked out by his father, or else how could be afore buying food every day and expensive herbs every week when he is just an outer disciple that don't even do his work.

After Liam heard about this from his father he was shocked, he couldn't help but stay quiet, he can't tell him he got money from the ring after all.

While Liam was thinking what he should he should say, his father suddenly kicked him as hard as he can and said:

"how dare you steal from me after I was so kind to you? I even took you in after your dirty mother died and this how you repay me my kindness you ungrateful trash?" and he kept hitting him, Liam didn't try to defend fimself at all, since he knows that if he made any move, that would just make the seventh elder angrier, plus he prefer to endure this on having to tell his father where he got the money from.

After a while, Liam has lost his consciousness, and wasn't able to move from the pain, finally the seventh elder was satisfied and ordered the inner disciples to throw him in front of his room, and that exactly what they did, they didn't even bother putting him inside the room, they just throw him on the street and left, although Liam was very hurt and couldn't even stand to go inside the room and yet no one helped him , but instead they just stood there while making fun of him:

"look isn't that the famous trash? why is he in that state?"

"didn't you hear? he stole money from the seventh elder before he was kicked out and spend it on buying expensive herbs, so the elder taught him a lesson".

"that's what he deserve for stealing, but he must be an idiot, after he stole the money he spent it on buying herbs, like if herbs can cure his trash body that can't even cultivate".

In that state Liam had no other choices but to stay there while the other outer disciples make fun of him since he wasn't able to even lift his arm.

After a while he heard someone shouting:" how can you be so cruel? if you weren't gonna help then just leave already".

Liam was able to recognize this voice right away, after all there is only one person in the whole sect that would take his side, he was his roommate and only friend John, after hearing his voice Liam finally felt a little bit relieved and lost consciousness. After he slept for the whole night he finally woke up:" where am I? ugh, my head hearts so much" and he tried to stood up but his body was hurting every where.

When he heard Liam's voice John came running to his side, he was so worried about Liam that he couldn't sleep the whole night and stayed awake treating his wounds " tell me, are you okay? can you move?".

Liam was so surprised that his roommate was so worried about him, but he was still depressed about what happens yesterday and said:" why do you care so much about me? after all I'm nothing but a trash that stole money from his fother".

John was so sad for Liams sake and suddenly hugged him and said:" what are you saying, you are my friend so of course I'll help you, plus I believe in you, and I know that you would never do something like stealing, and don't ever call yourself a trash, you are not a trash or at least that's what I believe".

After hearing what John said Liam was very relieved, at least there is someone in this world who will stand for him, support him, and always believe in him no matter what the others may say, then he hugged him back and started crying like a baby.