Opening the meridians

After Liam cried for a long time he was finally able to calm down, but he couldn't say anything since he was very embarrassed for crying in front of John, after he mustered all his courage he said:" t...thank you for your help, and sorry, because of me you had to stay awake the whole night".

John answered him with a smile on his face:" what are you talking about? there is nothing for you to thank me for, we are brothers after all not just friends, for today just stay in bed, I already treated your wounds, now you just need to take some rest and you'll be completely fine by tomorrow morning, and remember from now on if you had any problem you can depend on me, I'll do my best to help you okay, now go back to sleep, I need to go to the medicine hall".

Liam was embarrassed and said: "okay, see you later", after John went out Liam went back to bed, suddenly be heard his teacher's voice:" how are you doing? does you body still hurts?".

Liam answered with an angry voice:

"now you are worried about me? when I needed your help yesterday where did you go? didn't you say that you'll protect me when I'm in danger?".

The teacher answered with a cold voice:

"why should I help you? you have to take care of your own problems, and I won't break my promise I will protect you, but only when you're life is in danger, as I said before I've been sleeping in that cave for almost 100 years and I already lost a lot of my power, so don't expect my help in every little problem you face, plus if I help you defeat seventh elder that will only put you in more danger, plus if I kept protecting you, how are you supposed to grow stronger".

Liam felt guilty for getting angry on his teacher without knowing anything, he thought that his teacher doesn't care about him, and said with a low voice:"I'm sorry for yelling in your face and getting angry an you, I shoul have thought more abou it".

Liam looked so depressed and sad that his teacher couldn't help but feel sorry for him and said:" it's okay, you don't have to apologize and don't think too much about what happened yesterday, you'll soon make your father regret kicking you out, for now just go to sleep and take some rest we can't open your meridian in this condition of yours anyway, let's wait until tomorrow when you heal completely".

Then Liam went to sleep, he didn't wake up at all even when John came back from work in the evening, he just kept sleeping since his body needed a lot of rest to recover, and finally woke up the next day, he was so hungry because he didn't eat anything since yesterday's breakfast, luckily when he woke up he found John already prepared breakfast and waiting for him, so he immediately ate and went to the mountains, he was so excited, after all it's finally the day when he open his heavenly spiritual meridians, on his way he heard his teacher's voice:" did you prepare yourself? as I said before it's gonna be so painful, if by any chance you lost your consciousness from the pain, you'll loose you're life, do you understand".

Liam answered with confidence:" don't worry teacher, I already prepared myself, I'm sure I can take it, and even if I wasn't able to I would still do it, I prefer to die while trying than living the rest of my life as a trash, plus if I gave out before trying, wouldn't that mean that they were right about me this while time?".

His teacher answered him while looking very worried:" since you already made your disission, I won't say anything anymore, for now let's go to the cave".

Liam kept going on his way fully prepared, he don't want to what happened two days ago to ever happen again, he don't want to feel hopeless anymore even if his life was the price, after he walked for a while he finally reached the cave, then suddenly he heard his teacher's voice again:" take your shirt off and sit down like if you were about to cultivate".

Liam immediatly did what his teacher told him, after he sat down his teacher came out of the ring, he putted his hands on his back very gently and asked:" I'm gonna start, remember once I start we can't stop until your meridians are opened or if you lost your life".

Liam answered without fear:" I understand".

Liam suddenly felt a warm wave coming from his teacher's hand to his back then spreading through his whole body, the warm feeling kept getting stronger and stronger, but surprisingly Liam didn't feelhurt at all, then he asked:" how come I don't feel any pain".

His teacher answered him:" that's because the medicine bath that you took for the past month, now I'm pushing some of my spiritual energy through your meridians , if we did this a month ago it would be more than enough to break all your meridians, making you unable to cultivate for the rest of your life, but don't relax yet, we are just getting started, the real pain will start from now, so try your best not to loose your focus,not even for a moment, if anything went wrong, it'll be the end of your life".