Journey begins

After a while, that warm feeling kept getting stronger and stronger until Liam felt like his body was burning from the inside, then he heard his teacher's voice:

"don't loose you're focuse now, I already gave you a lot of my spiritual energy, now I'm gonna start opening your closed meridians".

The moment His teacher started, Liam felt like his body was getting ripped from the inside then healed again and again and again, Liam has never felt any thing like this before, it was even more painful that the pain he felt when his father was hitting him hundreds and thousands of times, but he did his best to bear with it, he even bite his tongue in order to stay couscious.

After a while, Liam was at his limits, but luckily he heard his teacher'svoice calling to him:" it's okay Liam, you did a great job bearing whit it until now, you just need to do your best for a little bit longer, I'm about to finish, most of your meridians are already open, there is no danger on your life anymore", while hearing his teacher's speak Liam felt the pain in his body disappears little by little leaving a very warm feeling inside him, he knew right away that it was finally over, now he can finaw take some rest, the moment Liam felt relieved he fell asleep right away from the exhaustion.

After sleeping for a while, Liam woke up to find that it was already late at night, he stood up immediately and went back running to his room, on his was way back, Liam noticed something strange about his body, although he was running as fast as he can be didn't feel like he was losing energy or getting tried at all, he wasn't even out of breath, plus his speed seems to be double what it used to be, Liam was very surprised and happy with the changes in his body but he didn't have time to ask his teacher about what happened to him,he needs to go back as soon as possible, not because he's afraid of his instructor or something like that, but because he was sure that John will be worried about him, and he was right, when he reached his room's door he found John in front of the room waiting for him to come back.

The moment John saw Liam he run towards him with a very worried look on his face:" where have you been the hole day? I looked for you everywhere but you were no where to be found, I thought that the seventh elder did somehing to you again".

Liam answered with a silly smile:" haha I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry about me, I just went to the mountains to play as usual, suddenly I felt very tired and when I tried to take some rest, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until now".

John answered while sighting:" well I don't care if you don't want to tell me the truth, like if I'm gonna fall for your obvious lies, well, I don't care either way as long as you're fine i guess, you must be tried and hungry, let's go back, I already prepared dinner for you".

Liam was relieved that his friend was very understanding and didn't ask too much questions, he then went back to his room, ate dinner and went straight to bed.

Before he went to sleep he asked his teacher about what happened to his body earlier, his teacher answered him:

"first I need to congratulate you, you really did a great job earlier, because of your will power I successfully managed to open you heavenly spiritual meridians, and that's the reason you didn't loos energy when you were running back to here, but that's not the only reason, it's also because you have a special body so when you run out of spiritual energy, you start to consume heavenly energy, while you recharge your spiritual energy".

Liam jumped out of bed of excitement and said:" what? you mean that my meridians are already opened now? does that mean that I can finally become a cultivator?".

His teacher answered him while laughing:"hahaha what do you mean that you can finally become a cultivator? I guess you didn't notice, opening your meridians means that you can absorb energy now and that's it, but whene you were coming down the mountains didn't you notice that the amount of your energy wasn't the only thing that changed in your body? you now can run for a long distance without feeling tired that means you now have more stamina, plus you can run double your original speed, why do you think your body suddenly became stronger? you have already became a Human realm one star cultivator".

Liam was very shocked about what his teacher said:" what? you want to say that I'm already a cultivator? does that mean that I'm not a trash anymore?"

His teacher answered him with a smile:

"what are you talking about? you were never a trash, instead I would say you're a genius, you broke through Human realm one star as soon as I opened your meridians".

After hearing what his teacher's said Liam started crying:" finally, finally I'm a cultivator".

His teacher said to him:" what do you mean finally? this is just the beginning, you better prepare yourself, your journey as a cultivator has just begun, now go to sleep and try to get as much rest as possible, tomorrow you'll start your real training to increase you cultivation level before the competition 5 months from now".