<<The demonic cultivation>> technique

After a good night sleep Liam woke up to find John as always already prepared breakfast and went to work, he ate his breakfast and departed to the mountains, the distance that usually take one hour, now takes only 30 minutes without even using his full speed.

The moment Liam reached the cave and went in, he noticed something strange, the pressure that made Liam so scared at the beginning, now he can barely feel it, and not in the form of pressure but it feels like a very soft and warm touch on the skin, after he asked his teacher about what was going on, his teacher answered him:" that's because you can finally feel spiritual energy, as I said before the pressure that you always felt was because the spiritual energy in this cave is multiple times more than the outside, it was thanks to this cave that you could break straight away to Human realm one star after I opened your meridians yesterday, so from now on, you'll be meditating in this cave every day".

Liam answered:"what do you mean? aren't you gonna teach me any martial arts techniques? you promised to teach me two techniques a month ago, so don't go back on your promise".

His teacher answered him while laughing:" hahaha of course I won't go back on what I said before, but do you have what it takes to learn my techniques? most of my martial arts techniques aren't for beginners like you, so for now I'll give you a technique that will help you increase your cultivation level very fast, after you reach Human realm 5 stars then I'll teach you a martial art skill that will help you in winning the competition".

Liam answered with a disappointed look on his face:" okay".

His teacher moved closer to him and said:" why are you looking so down? the technique that I'm about to teach you is a very special one, it was made specifically for cultivators like you who can absorb different kinds of energy and not just spiritual energy, with this, in just a few month you'll be at the same level with the other outer disciples who have been cultivating for years".

Liam's expression changed right away, he suddenly became more excited to learn and said:" then what are you waiting for, stop wasting time and let's start right away".

His teacher answered him:" yeah right, I'm the one who have been wasting time, well as long as you're motivated to learn again, I don't care, listen carefully, this technique is called <>, as I just told, it was made for people who have heavenly spiritual body like you, it can help you absorb spiritual and heavenly energy at the same time which help you double your cultivation speed, it is a very rare technique since there aren't many people with your kind of body".

The moment Liam heard the word <> he felt like if there was something wrong about this technique and asked right away:" wait, did you just say <> doesn't that mean that it is a forbidden technique, isn't that dangerous".

His teacher answered him:" no, there is no need to worry, it has the world <> not because it's forbidden, but because it give the person who practice it a <> speed in cultivation, although it only works with cultivators who have similar body to yours, but that doesn't mean it isn't dangerous, this technique will help you absorb two kind of energies at the same time, so you need to be very calm and focused, in case you lost control on the balance of the two energies, you'll suffer from inner injuries, do you understand?".

Liam looked at his teacher very seriously and said:" I understand, I'll do my best not to loose my focus".

Right away after his teacher explained the technique to him, Liam started meditating, he did his best to keep calm and stay focused while trying not to think about anything that might distract him, and after a while he was finally able to feel a flow of warm energy going through his body, he knew right away that it was spiritual energy according to what his teacher told him, not too long after that, he felt another kind of energy, this time it was very soft but cold at the same time, that was heavenly energy.

After Liam was able to feel both kind of energies through his body, he immediately started using <> in order to absorb both energies at the same time, he was so focused to the degree that he didn't even notice it was evening already, although it was his first day using the technique, he was able to understand most of it, he made a lot of progress in his first day of cultivation.

Even his teacher was surprised from the progress Liam made on his first time trying to cultivate using <> , but he knew that it wasn't thanks to the technique alone, it was also because of Liam's talent in cultivation, but he didn't want to tell Liam to make him always do his best, then he said:" alright, let's finish here for today, you did a good job considering it was your first time".

Liam was also getting tried, and he didn't want to be late and make John worried about him again, so he agreed to what his teacher said and went back to his room in the outer sect.

This has become his way of living his daily life, he wake up in the morning, eats the breakfast that John made for him, go to the cave to spend the whole day meditation then go back in the evening to his room and buy dinner before John come back from work. Just like that 3 month has past.