The martial arts

In the past 3 months, Liam focused completely on culvation, he spent the whole day very day cultivating in the cave, he also used a lot of herbs and medicine that his teacher had in the ring, and after so much effort he has finally reached Human realm 5 stars.

Although Liam was happy with his cultivation level, but he knew that if he, and by any chance got involved in a fight with someone at the same level as his, he'll definitely loose, so how can he win the competition when there is a high possibility that he'll face someone even stronger than him, that's why he was so eager to raise his fighting potential by learning martial arts from his teacher.

So he woke up very early today and departed to the mountains, this time he is not headed to the cave, but he is going behind the mountain where no one can find him in order to practice martial arts.

After he arrived he immediately put on the weights that he used to straighten his body at the beginning of his training , but this time they were much much more heavier, then he asked his teacher:" what martial arts are you gonna teach me first teacher?".

His teacher started explaining to him about martial arts:" first you need to know that martial arts have many categories, and they are divided to many ranks which are: Human, earth, heaven and legendary rank, every rank has also 3 stages: lower, middle and upper stage, there is also some martial arts that surpass legendary rank, they are god rank martial arts, but no one have ever seen or heard of any god rank martial arts since the death of the dragon king in the ancient times".

Liam was completely focused on what his teacher is saying, but the moment he heard about the dragon king he was very curious and asked his teacher:" who is the dragon king? I've never heard of him, and why no one learnt a god rank martial art after him".

His teacher continued explaining:" the Dragon king is the ultimate cultivator from the ancient times, as you know the cultivation realms end at the legendary realm, but what you don't know is what comes after that, after the legendary realm there is the Life and Death realm, then, the Demigod realm, and what comes after that is God realm, the dragon king was the only one that reached the god realm and started using god level martial arts, but all of this might just be a fairy tail since no one knows if it was true or not." then his teacher kept talking:" for now just focus on learning the skill that I'll give you, it's ranked as a Human rank upper stage skill".

Although Liam was so motivated after hearing about the dragon king and the god level martial arts, he didn't feel sad or disappointed at all after knowing that the martial arts that he is gonna learn is just Human rank, he knows that he can't be too impatient, if he wants to get stronger then he must be patient and take one step at a time.

His teacher was happy that Liam didn't complain, but the opposite, he was motivated to learn, then he said:" although it's just a Human rank skill, but don't forget that it is at the upper stage, which means that if you could practice it to perfection it will be the same as an earth rank lower stage skill, plus you don't have to think too much about skill ranks, after all what determine the straight of the skill is the cultivator, for example if a Heaven realm culivator used a human rank skill, it would be more powerful than even a legengary skill used by a Human realm cultivator".

After he finished his explanation, the teacher started using the skill in front of Liam " watch carefully, this called <> it has nine forms, once you can use the ninth form, it can be considered as an earth rank lower stage skill." he kept using the 9 forms of the skill for a few time, very slowly, so that Liam can learn the movements, then he asked:" can you remember the movements? ".

Even though he was very slow and kept repeating every move for a few time, Liam could feel a wave of straight coming from his teacher's fist every time he finished one of the skill's nine forms,

Liam kept silent for a few moments then he said:" yes, I think I can remember most of the movements now".

The teacher was surprised from Liam's reply and asked" then can you show me what you can remember?".

Liam stood up right away and started performing the skill, his teacher was completely astonished by Liam's performance, even though it was amateurish and very slow, but the fact that Liam could remember all the movements was enough to make the teacher show a very satisfied and happy look on his face, after all his only disciple was gifted and very talented in learning martial art.

After he finished, Liam was very confused and asked his teacher:" why is there no straight waves after I used the skill? when teacher used it, i felt a strong wave coming from your fists every time you finished one of the forms, did I do something wrong?".

His teacher answered him:" what are you talking about? it's impossible to learn it just after seeing it for a few times, from now on you have to wake up early every morning to practice <> skill, and you'll spend the evenings cultivating in the cave, every day for the next two months, if you do as I tell you, then you'll have a chance to win the first place in the competition, do you understand?".

Liam answered very seriously:"yes teacher, I'll do my best".