Registration for the competition

From that day onward, Liam would always wake up early in the morning to start his martial arts training behind the mountains until he is completely out of energy, then he spend the evenings cultivating in the cave, even John was very busy training in making pills and learning new recipes, he also was trying to raise his cultivation level in the medicine hall with his master, so they haven't saw each other for days now.

The time kept flowing, and before Liam even realized it, the competition was just 10 day from now, luckily when he finished his cultivation and went back to his room he found John Bach from the medicine hall, he was so happy to see him after so many days and asked:" hi John, why are here? did you finally finish your training in the medicine hall?".

John answered him:" no, not yet, I just came back to take some rest, plus I need to go tomorrow to register so I can participate in the competition 10 days from now".

Liam was very surprised, he didn't know he needs to register if he wants to participate in the competition "what? register? I thought that as long as you're an outer disciple you have the right to participate".

John answered him:" yes that's right, you can participate as long as you're an outer disciple, but it's necessary to register first".

Liam kept quite for a moment then he said:" does that mean that I need to register as well if I want to participate?".

John suddenly yelled:" what? you want to participate as well? but I heard you can't cultivate, are sure about this? the competition for us is pretty safe since we just need to make some medicine, but for cultivators, it's very dangerous, you might get hurt".

Liam answered with cofidence:" what are you talking about? I'm more powerful than you think, I spent the past six months training every day, so I'm sure I can take the first place if I wanted to".

John sighted, then he said:" I don't care any more, since you're determined I won't try to stop you, now I finally know what you were doing in the mountains every day, well, let's go tomorrow register together, as for now, let's get some sleep".

Liam went straight to bed after he finished talking with John, since he was very tired from all the training that he did the whole day, he fell asleep straight away,

After he woke up the next day, he found John already preparing breakfast, they ate immediately and went on their way to register, along the way they noticed a huge crowd of people going on the same direction as them, they were all outer disciples who want to take part in the competition looking for a chance to advance to the inner sect.

John went on his way in another direction since the office for medicine competition was in a different location, as for Liam he had to wait his role for a very long time since the participants for the martial arts competition are much much more than the participants in the medicine competition.

While waiting Liam heard a lot of people making fun of him, they were all pointing fingers at him while laughing:

"look look, even the trash want to become an inner disciple"

"hahaha how does he expect to advance to inner sect when he can't even cultivate"

"does he really think that he'll be one of the 5 strongest outer disciples? hahaha I guess he finally lost his mind"

"hahaha if he was able to become an inner disciple, then I'll be the next patriarch hahaha....."

Although Liam heard all of them making fun of him, he didn't feel sad or anything, he didn't even care about what they were saying, his full concentration was on registering as fast as possible so he can go back to his training.

Luckily he didn't face any trouble and was able to register very smoothly, when he finally finished and went back, he found John already waiting for him, it was lunch time so they ate together and went in there separate ways, before John went back to the medicine hall to complete his training, he asked Liam to come cheer for him since the medicine competition will be held in a week, 3 days before the martial arts competition.

Liam promised that he'll go cheer for him and went on his way to the mountains to complete his training, when he was about to reach the mountain, he heard his teacher's voice:

"Liam, for the next 10 days you need to concentrate fully on raising you're cultivation level, so there no need to go behind the mountain, let's go straight to the cave instead".

Liam asked his teacher:" what about martial arts? I still haven't mastered

<> skill yet".

His teacher answered him:" it's okay, you have already mastered the first 8 forms, you are just one form away from mastering it completely, anyway, even if you mastered it but your cultivation level was low, it'll be useless, so for now concentrate on breaking through the Human realm 8 stars as fast as possible, do you think you can do that?".

Liam answered with confidence:" of course I can do it, I already reached the peak of Human realm 7 stars, I'll do my best to break through before the medicine competition 7 days from now, so I can go cheer for John".

His teacher started laughing:" hahaha I knew that'll be your answer, as expected from my disciple, for now let's go on our way to the cave so you can start your cultivation".