The medicine competition

When Liam went back to the cave, he started cultivating immediately, he stayed there for 7 days and 7 night's straight, he didn't even come down the mountain for food, since he already stored some in the ring, and finally on the morning of his seventh day of cultivation he came out of the cave.

Liam started running back to his room as soon as he came out, and all what he was thinking about is the promise to cheer for John in the medicine competition.

After he run all the way back to his room in the outer sec, he didn't find any one there, not only in the room, but the whole outer sect was completely empty, luckily he saw an outer disciple running in a hurry, so he followed him and asked him:" hey, wait, why is there no one here? where did all the outer disciples go?".

the outer disciple looked at Liam very suspiciously :" what? how can you not know? every one went to watch the medicine competition in the arena, it's about to start".

As soon as he heard that, Liam started running again, this time he was running toward the arena before the competition start.

When Liam reached the arena, he was very surprised by the huge audience that was there, not only that all the outer disciples were already there, but also a huge number of inner disciples came to watch the competition.

Suddenly a very beautiful girl came on stage and started talking:" welcome every one to the medicine competition, I'm very honoured to be chosen as your host today".

The moment she appeared on stage, the whole audience started cheering for her:

"look, she is Sofia, she is the most beautiful girl in the inner sect"

"what are you talking about, she is the most beautiful girl in the whole sect"

"I'm not really interested in the medicine competition, but when I heard that she'll be the host, suddenly I started liking medicine"

"hahaha most of the outer disciples are just like you...."

Liam was very surprised that a very beautiful girl like her was already an inner disciple.

The host continued her speech:" now please welcome our contestants every one" after she finished, almost fifty outer disciples went on stage, their number was very small to Liam compared to thousands in the outer sect.

After all the contestants were on stage, and every one of them in his place were he is gonna prepare his pill, the host started talking again:" And now, every one please welcome the judges of this competition, the masters from the medicine hall".

Among the medicine hall masters, there was one who seemed very powerful, he was the grandmaster of the medicine hall, he was already a seventh rank alchemist, he was also at the peak of Earth shattering realm, just one step away from the Heaven realm, he was the most powerful person Liam ever met after his teacher.

After the host finished talking, the grandmaster stood up and said with a powerful voice:" welcome all to the medicine competition, after a lot of discussion with all the masters from the medicine hall we finally decided what the test gonna be, we decided that every one who manage to make a tier 2 pill will be accepted as an inner disciple".

The moment the grandmaster finished talking, every one was very surprised:

"What? a tier 2 pill"

"doesn't that mean that if you want to become an inner disciple you must be a second rank alchemist?"

"who can even do something like that in the outer sect"

From hearing all what the audience said, even Liam started getting worried about John, but when he looked at him on the state, John didn't look surprised or worried at all, instead he looked very calm.

The host started talking again:" alright every one, please be calm for the contestants to be able to focuse on making there pills, meanwhile, let me explaine to you more about medicine, first, pills are ranked from tier one as the lowest rank to tier ten as the highest rank, pills are also divided into low-grade, middle-grade and high-grade pills, as for alchemists, they are ranked from rank one to rank 10 as well, currently, the grandmaster is the best alchemist in the sect.....".

While the host kept explaining about medicine, a lot of contestants already failed at there first attempt in making a tier 2 pill, there were also some who were doing surprisingly well and about to finish there pills, but John was just standing there looking at his ingredients, which made Liam even more worried.

Although half the time has already past, John had a very calm expression on his face, and while every one else thought that he already gave up, Liam knew that John wouldn't give up without even trying, and kept believing in him and cheering for him.

Suddenly John started moving, he was very smooth and fast at the same time, but there wasn't enough time, most the contestants have already gave up, but there was a small number of them who were still trying and we're about to finish.

When Liam was very worried and completely focused on John, a strong light came from the pot of one of the contestants, then a pill appeared, it was a tier 2 low-grade pill, he became the first to advance to the inner sect, after him there was another one, this time the light was even stronger, this time a tier 2 middle-grade pill appeared, every one was very surprised:

"what? there was actually someone who managed to pass the test"

"and not just one but two of them"

"one of them was able to make a tier two middle-grade pill"

"I didn't expect that there are some really talented alchemists in the outer sect"

After the two have past test, no one managed to make it, most of the contestants who didn't give up failed no matter how many times they tried.

Every one knew that it was the end of the medicine competition, even the grandmaster stood up and was preparing himself the announce the end of the competition.

Suddenly every one was able to smell a very beautiful fragrance coming from the stage, there was only one person who was still refining his pill, the fragrance was coming from John's pot, even the grandmaster was surprised, a pill that has this kind of fragrance must be at least a middle-grade pill or even a high-grade pill.

When John was about to finish, a strong but very warm light came out of his pot, before a very beautiful pill appeared.

At that moment event the grand master wasn't able to keep calm and yelled:" what? if isn't a high-grade pull, but it's a supreme-grade tier two pill, how is that possible".