The martial arts competition begins

After the medicine hall grandmaster yelled "tier two supreme-grade pill", all the other masters seamed very surprised, but none of the disciples knew what he was talking about since most disciples in the sect don't have much interest in medicine, instead they focuse on cultivating their bodies.

The grand master started explaining so the disciples could understand:" a supreme-grade pill has a better quality than a high-grade pill, but not every one can do what this disciple just did, to make a pill with this quality you must have talent in choosing the right amount and kind of herbs, also you must choose the right time to start forging the pill, what I mean is, you must be very talented to make pills with this kind of quality, second you must have already reached the next level, which mean if you want to make a tier two supreme-grade pill, you must be at least a rank 3 alchemist, that means that this disciple is the youngest to ever reached rank 3 alchemist in the western country at the age of only 13".

When the grandmaster finished explaining, every one was surprised, the fact that just an outer disciple was able to do something like this made every one who looked down on him in the outer sect speechless, even the inner disciples who were training in medicine for years couldn't accept the fact that an outer disciple could reach or even surpass some of them at such a young age:

"what? a rank 3 alchemist at the age of 13? is there really such genius alchemist in our sect?"

"what are you talking about? I heard that a master of the medicine hall was supporting him"

"no wonder he was able to reach such level at a young age"

When he heard the others talking about John, Liam got angry and said with a loud voice:" hahaha, what could the losers do except talking? even if they trained for the rest of there life they will never accomplish anything if all what they can do is talking behind others back".

When they heard Liam talking this way, they were about to start a fight with him if it wasn't for the presence of the master of the medicine hall at the moment.

After they finished the competition, the grandmaster of the medicine hall announced the ranking ad the disciples who were accepted as inner disciples, of course as every one already knew, John toke first place in the competition among the three accepted disciples.

With the announcement, the medicine competition has finally reached its end, all the outer disciples were on there way to do there jobs, while the inner disciples were going to complete there training, but Liam just stood there in front the arena for a while waiting for John to come out, since he was held back by all the masters of the medicine hall.

After he spend a long time waiting, John finally came out with a very happy look on his face, the moment he saw him, Liam started running towards him:" congratulation on becoming an inner disciple, but why did you take so much time to come out? the other two who were accepted with you came out ages ago".

John looked at Liam with a big smile: "what can i do? I wasn't late because I wanted to, but all the masters were fighting for me to take me as there own disciple, not to bragg or any thing, but I'm a genius that only appear once in a few hundred years".

Liam smiled and said:" yeah yeah, I know, since you took the first place I won't say anything, you can bragg as much as you want today, now it's time to go back to our room".

John looked at Liam with a sad face:" but I won't be able to live with you anymore, I need to move to the medicine hall dorm in a week".

Liam looked at John and smilled:" what are you talking about? there is nothing for you to worry about, I too will have to move once I advance to the inner sect after the martial arts competition three days from now".

Then they went back to their room in the outer sect, the moment they went inside, Liam started preparing himself to go back to the mountains to complete his training, but he heard his teacher's voice:" what are doing? the competition is just three day away, right now the best training you could do is to take some rest and relax your body in the next few days, do you understand?".

After he heard what his teacher said, Liam stayed in his room, doing nothing but sleep and eat, even John was keeping him company since he just finished his competition and decided to take the next few day to rest as well.

Just like that three days has passed and it was the morning of the martial arts competition, Liam and for the first time woke up before John, since he couldn't sleep the whole night because of excitement, he prepared breakfast and waited for John until he woke up, they ate right away and went to the arena where the competition was held.

This time Liam didn't go to sit with the audience, but he went on stage as a competitor, he was surprised by the huge number of participants in the martial arts competition, unlike the medicine competition, there was more than 600 participants.

The participants and the huge audience weren't the only one there, there was also all the masters from the medicine hall, the 12 elders of the outer sect, the 4 grandmasters and the most important person, the patriarch of

<> sect.

After all the participants were on the huge stage, the patriarch stood up and said with a very powerful voice:" now, I, the patriarch of <> sect officially announce the beginning of the martial arts competition".

Just after hearing his voice and for the first time Liam started to feel nervous.