Chapter 12

Edited by: Mystic

As the two traveled to the peak, Ai spent his time lazing about in Wang's arms or resting on his shoulder. He really didn't mind the free ride to wherever this peak thing was. Well, at least not after having tried to walk at one point and then complaining that it was too far, ah! His little paws were so sore!

Since arriving in this new world, Ai had only moved about the forest and town there, which was not that large. However, the distance to the peak was a few months journey

Wang was more than happy to carry the little fox, giving him plenty of time to pet and love on his little wife without being found out. He'd have to find a way to get Ai to allow him to do this later on after he got his human form, or the contact he would be able to use would be limited due to the size difference. Plus he didn't think Ai would allow him to pet him while he was in his human state.

"Do you want to rest for a bit and eat some?" Wang asked as the sun started to set, he had made good time, but still dragged out the trip, trying to just enjoy the peace they had while alone together.

"Sure. I like your cooking, it's so yummy!" Ai said pleased as he nuzzled against Wang's neck. He wasn't sure why, but he felt so happy just snuggling with the larger male. Wang wouldn't tell him that this was something he'd initiated with the bond, making the other react in such a way.

After finding a good place to settle down, Wang made a small little nest of blankets before setting Ai down and hurrying off to get some food. Ai happily complied while basking in the remaining beams of light.

Once Wang returned, he started up the fire and began to cook up today's meal, adding in the seasoning's he'd managed to find throughout his own travels from before. He had anything he needed storing it in a magical bag he had purchased from a shop in the main capital. It was a little like the inventory system they had in the game, but slightly better with more space. Though unlike in the game, living things couldn't be put inside.

At some point, when he was strong enough he could make a personalized space that would allow him to hold living things but he wasn't at that stage yet. This world would be a really nice place to see how far he could really go, now that there was no game to block his progression.

Over the next month or so, they continued on like such before trouble finally found the two.

A group of practitioners from a sect had come across the two, the group having come out for training and experience.

"Oh, what's this?" one of the elders said, stumbling upon another of the two's little resting spots.

Ai looked at the group, hiding within Wang's arms as he peaked at them. Though he felt like a grand beast, his little heart still worried over someone else trying to snatch him up as that one young lord had done. Ah so embarrassing!

Wang just stared at the group with a frown. Though he'd taken control over the southern part of this world, he didn't really look into the sects much just outside the borders. He hadn't thought they would travel into his territory to do expeditions, then again he should have expected it, being as Mogui was one of the closest peaks that held a lot of good treasures. Other than herbs for pills and the chance of finding some good spirit beasts to tame, it also held hidden treasures and secret tombs of old practitioners that have left legacies for those who could find them.

The elder smiled as he sized the two up, though, with Wang's protective hold on Ai, the older male couldn't really make out what he was. "Good sir, You are?" he asked as if trying to be respectful. The Elder had been warned that the powerhouse of the south had changed, Plus no one knew who now ruled the area outside that he was someone with red hair! Not a lot of people had this trait, so he was exercising caution.

Despite the Elder trying to see the situation first, one of the disciples behind him huffed. "Elder Wui don't talk to this trash let's go ah? Father wants to see the Bright flower herb before it blooms!" the youth said with a glare at the other male.

He was none other than the Sect leader's son, Lui Moi. He was someone spoiled and had a bitter character. He thought the world revolved around him, and he wanted the herb so he could use it to earn the favor of the emperor's daughter, who was currently studying in their sect.

The elder coughed before waving the boy to be quiet. "We'll take our leave then," he said hurriedly, wanting to get Lui out of here before he made the other mad.

Wang had just sat there watching the two speak, having not even spoken a single word. That was until they turned to leave. "I don't think I said you could enter into the peak though," Wang said with a cold tone. This was now his territory. He might not know who these people are, but he wasn't going to let them just walk about like this.

Ai popped his furry little head out, looking between the party and Wang before he stuck his tongue out and huffed. "Shoo shoo, What's up on that peak is mine! Hmph." He didn't feel the tension in the air, but Wang had said he would get stronger on the peak, so that was someplace he wanted to be his. Ai hated sharing…

Wang glanced down at the furry puffball in his arms, raising an eyebrow. This little guy, already claiming Wang's belongings as his...Maybe he wouldn't be as opposed to marriage later on as he thought huh? Very nice. "Right Right, Master's stuff is yours too," he said in a good mood.

Lui, however, turned to glare at the male and little beast. "Ha? This peak is open to everyone! The Overlord said that anyone with a wish to go in May. What more we are of the Sheng Sect, and we were given priority to enter!" he said with a look of pride in his eye.

"Young lord, the master of this place changed, Don't say such things!" the Elder said hurriedly. He'd told them before the rules might be different now that someone else was in control of this area.

Lui didn't like the comment. "Father was stronger than the other lord and made the agreement so that the land wouldn't be taken over. We just have to get Father to fight the new lord and then no one can bother us ah?" he said as if it were fact.

Wang let out a loud laugh, standing up as he looked at the boy before flicking his wrist. A gust of wind rushed through, causing the group to stumble back. Only the Elder was able to remain on his feet, the rest having flopped onto their rear ends with an 'oof'.

"I suggest you just take those white-tailed babes and get them home to their mothers." He said to the elder as his eyes narrowed.

The Elder flushed as he quickly started to help the younger lads up. The Young master seemed really aggrieved, his face going from white to blue to purple. This was so humiliating! "My father will hear of this!" he said hurrying off with a huff.

Wang laughed, "I'll be waiting!" he yelled out.