Chapter 13

Edited by: Mystic

After a few more days of traveling, Wang and Ai finally managed to make it to the base of the Peak. Wang sat the little fox down onto the ground before he prepared a small sitting area for the two to rest.

Once it was finished Ai hurried over and plopped onto his little bed of pillows that Wang always pulled out of his storage space for him. "So what now?" he asked. He knew that they were going to the Peak so he could practice and get stronger. But, he really wasn't sure how they were to do this.

Wang laughed as he sat down and began to brew some tea as he calmly thought for a moment on how to form his thoughts to words. "Well, You really don't need to do much outside of absorbing some spiritual energy right now. Your body is rather lacking it. I'm surprised you managed to level up as far as you have. Plus you have to cleanse the impurities you took in. "

Ai frowned before tilting his head as he stared at the other, not understanding what he was saying. Absorb spirit? Cleanse impurities? Hah?

His confused expression made Wang laugh as he nodded, 'Yes. I'll help you first with the Cleansing then we'll go find a good spot for you to cultivate." he said before getting out a small basin of water, he then got a few towels out along with a pill. "You'll need to get off the blanket. Or it will get dirty." he said getting up to set up a new little area for 'bathing'.

Ai got up and followed him over before waiting. Once Wang was ready, he gave Ai the pill, who quickly ate it.

After a while, his body began to tremble as his eyes shut and he fell onto the ground. His little fox body curled up as his white fur began to turn a dirty black as a smelly black tar-like substance oozed from all over his body.

Letting out whimpers he shuddered, the pain was horrible. Ai wasn't even able to think much less understand what was happening.

Wang stood to the side, waiting with a calm expression as the other's body went through the purification.

When the process had finished, Ai was finally able to weakly push himself up before shaking his head. Once he was able to think again a foul odor hit his nose making him grimace.

"What is that smell?" he said with a horrid expression.

Wang laughed before moving to pick up the now filthy Ai before taking him to the basin and setting him into the water and starting to wash him clean. This process had to be repeated several times before Ai was finally cleaned of all the nasty impurities from his body.

His fur was whiter than before and seemed to glow with a purity that he didn't realize existed.

Ai smiled as he looked up at Wang surprised. "Ah it's so fluffy!" he said shaking his body, his fur fluffing up.

"Yes yes, that's how it should be, you little rascal. Who asked you to go and take in so much filth ah?" Wang teased.

Ai pouted before looking away with a 'hmph'. He wanted to comment but didn't really know what to say. He still didn't understand much of the world. So instead his thoughts filled his mind. 'Who asked you to leave this helpless me to fend for himself ah!'

Wang shook his head with a smirk before heading over to lift Ai back into his arms, petting his now fluffy soft fur. "Alright let's go up the Peak now," he said before waving his arm and all the items left about were packed up.

It had taken them a few hours to get up the peak, and then another few hours before they found a cave that was filled with Spiritual Energy.

Ai who wasn't sure what Spiritual Energy had finally figured it out after they'd set out up the Peak. The feel of it was like a soft breeze that warmed one's soul.

Inside the cave, Wang let Ai go before looking around to make sure no danger was around. "Okay you go and cultivate and I'll go keep watch," he said before turning to head out.

Ai wanted to stop him, to ask him how one even cultivates, but he gave up on the idea. Why should he ask such a silly thing ah? Wouldn't Wang just make fun of him again?

So instead, Ai went a little further in before he sat down and just felt the feeling of Spiritual Energy floating around him.

After a while, Ai slowly began to feel a slight sensation as he slowly pulled it into himself. A sliver of it traveling between his brows as he felt his own soul growing.

After a While, Ai got used to the sensation and was able to bring in more, time slowly passing as he focused on pulling in the Energy around him.

It was after a while that Ai began to realize the warm breeze he was pulling in had different colors to them. He saw Reds, Yellows, Oranges, Blues, and Purples. There was also White, Black and a Golden orb floating around. All of these orbs were what made up the Spiritual Energy around him, and it was these orbs that flew between his brows and filled his soul.

Ai wasn't sure what this meant, but the feelings the energy gave him were slightly different, all made him feel comfortable. He wasn't sure how to describe the different sensations, but they all left him with a peaceful feeling.

Ai hadn't realized it, but he'd been pulling in the Energy around him for the past 3 days, and finally, he felt his soul shudder before it began to expand and the Energy around him flushed around in a gust before quickly settling into himself.

After the remaining Energy calmed down, Ai found that he felt as if his body had gotten lighter as well as felt stronger. He blinked a few times before standing up, he also felt that he was able to grow larger, so he did. Now his larger size was that of a smaller dog, a bit bigger than his cat size.

Rather happy with himself, Ai rushed out and found Wang resting at the entrance looking out to the trees surrounding them. He hurried over and jumped onto his lap, causing the other to let out a small huff before looking at him.

"You are much bigger now ah!" he teased patting the others head with a smile.

Wang let his own Spirit force to travel out and feel the others level. He gave a bright smile. "Ah really good! You are now a Spirit Lord Peak level," he said nodding happily. "Just a little more and you'll be a Spirit King. Though before you level up again you need to go and consolidate your level. Or the foundation will be ruined and cause more harm" he said as he moved to stand up, Holding Ai.

Ai nodded before shrinking into his smallest kitten size again to snuggle against Wang's chest with a light purr. "How do I do that?" he then asked, really happy with the light pets he got.

Wang laughed as he began to leave the cave. "Easy, you go fight ah!" he said, heading to find a beast for Ai to fight.

{{ I will later Explain the colored Orbs, Please don't worry about them for now. Also, Spirit Lord Peak level is stage 6.}}