Chapter 19

Wang glared at the Ice tiger as he heard Ai's words. He then slowly turned his gaze to the smaller male before letting out an evil grin.

"Wife...You don't think these beasts could stop me from having you ah?" he asked with a cold tone.

Ai shuddered as he turned to look at Wang. Though there was a great mass of spirit beasts, They were still at the Lower Realm, plus the weakest area within that Realm.

Wang had long passed the highest Rank for this area, no spirit beasts here was his match, even if they were in a mass this size. Sure he'd struggle, But he'd be able to make it out alive. All he had to do was use his bond over Ai to make the male follow along!

The Tiger stared at Wang for a long moment before shaking his head. "My Grace... I'm not strong enough, besides. He is your master we can't harm him..." he said with a solemn tone.

Ai felt his mood drop again as he sighed. "Fine fine, You all may go, I don't even know how to be a holy one. So I don't know what you want from me," he said bored of it now. If they couldn't help him keep this pesky fly away, then what use was it being the holy spirit beast ah?

The Ice Tiger blinked for a moment. "We only arrived to pay respects, most will return to their own lands, though I wish to remain by your side and protect you," he said before looking at Wang.

"If My Lord agrees," he stated. Already treating Wang as the Husband he stated himself to be.

Ai huffed as he pouted, "Whatever" he stated, Wang thought for a moment. "You can, I need you to help keep an eye on my wife. So he doesn't go running away from home," he said happily. Besides, he wouldn't always be able to stay by Ai's side 24/7, so having a bodyguard would be greatly needed.

What more it was another spirit beast ah! There was no way his Wifey would cheat on him with an animal. Sure Ai was in the body of one...but it didn't count, he was born human!

After talking a bit more, the rest of the spirit beasts finally headed off, only the Ice Tiger remained.

"What's your name?" Ai asked as he went to sit down on a rock. The beast followed him and sat to the side,

"I don't have one," he stated as if it was normal. Which, in this world it was. Spirit beasts only got named after finding a 'master'.

Ai nodded before tilting his head. "What about Hiu?" he asked. The tiger looked at him for a moment before nodding. "I like it," he said, pleased.

After the Ice Tiger agreed, a strange symbol appeared on the Tigers forehead, Ai gasped as he looked at it. "What happened?" he asked.

Wang glanced over from where he was cleaning up after Ai's transformation. "You bonded with him...Though it's not how we bonded. It's a special one. I'm guessing only the one with Holy Royal blood is able to do so...It's like stating he's your servant? Though...It's a higher form of bond then he'd ever get from another race." he explained.

Hiu nodded as he shifted to lay down at Ai's feet. "Yes, though it's not really like a servant, more like a protector? My life is linked to yours, I can't betray you, but also If you die I will die. It's one-sided though, you'll suffer nothing if I die." he stated.

Ai nodded slowly. Hiu's tail swayed. "The Holy Spirit Beast is different from normal Spirit beasts, very special and any spirit beast will gladly serve it. This bond is to show you've accepted me. So others now that I'm a true protector." he said with a happy tone.

Wang snorted, "It's time to go home." he said heading to Ai. "Turn back into your fox form." he then said looking at the male sitting. He wanted to pick him up and carry him like before.

Ai shook his head before standing up and letting out a huff. "No way, I'll walk like this!" He said with a glare. "or I'll just ride on Hiu's back" he said looking at the Tiger to his side, it was rather large. Plenty big enough to carry him!

Hiu stood up and looked to Wang before moving to let Ai sit on his back. He might not be able to beat the male, but Ai was still the one he agreed to protect...

Wang felt his expression darken as he watched his beautiful wife climbing onto the tigers back before he turned around. "Fine! Just keep up...Or you'll have to let me carry you!" He said clearly annoyed.

Thus the little party of three headed off from the peak once again heading to Wang's home.

The spirit beast stampede left a lot of issues in the surrounding area, not that either Ai or Wang would ever realize until it was long passed.

The old Geezer who had stuck around to see if Ai would make it had no other choice but to flee with his disciple due to all the beasts in the area. What more, many powerful cultivators had set out to find out the reason behind the stampede. Though none was able to really find the cause.

Nor did they have any idea what caused the lightning of tribulation. So many had questions that were most likely not going to be answered any time soon.

It wasn't like Ai really cared what others thought, and Wang only wanted to make sure no one else saw his beautiful wife ah. He was just too pretty!!

He managed to get them to a new world, but he wasn't sure if he'd be able to avoid the same issues as before...Though, at least he now was able to kill them without regrets!