Chapter 20

The group of three had taken only a day and a half to travel from the peak to where Wang had set up his home.

It was a large palace that he'd taken from the old ruler of this area. He had many guards and servants rushing about doing their tasks when the group finally arrived at the gates.

Those servants that saw Wang swiftly bowed, some glancing behind the red-headed god they feared to look at the beauty that followed behind on the Ice Tiger.

The whole way Ai had refused to let Wang carry him. What more, he even went so far as to downright ignore Wang whenever he tried talking to him.

Wang was in a rather bad mood, his face blacker than the bottom of a pot!

He cleared his throat as he waved the servants off. "Ai, get off Hiu now, we are here. Let me take you to your palace," he said trying to keep his calm. Though he was at the edge.

Ai rolled his eyes as he finally got off the Ice Tiger. "Fine, stop being grumpy already!" he said as he hurried to follow the other.

Wang looked back at him with a glare before leading the way. He would make sure Ai realized his mistakes later. The punishment would be really sweet ah!

The servants around all seemed shocked that someone dared to speak to the great king in such a way. Though, they were really curious as to whom the beauty was. So pretty ah!

Wang led Ai to a large palace that was grand and beautiful. With flowers growing all over the courtyard. Though, he did leave out one piece of important information. This was also his palace. What husband and wife slept separately huh? They were from modern times, no need to have many lovers. He only needed his wife!

Ai looked around nodding as he smiled. "I like it! It looks really relaxing!" he stated as he hurried to look all over, finding a swing, and several flowers to enjoy. There was also a small outside resting area, as well as a personal spring in the back with naturally warm water.

After looking all around outside, Ai hurried in and found a good sized living space, a study to the side of the lobby area, a resting room and the bedroom which connected to another bathing area that was closed off by a divider screen.

The young male hurried to the large bed and fell back into it, rolling all over as he sighed with glee. Ah, a real bed!

Wang laughed as he followed the little male all around, finally stopping to lean against the door frame as he watched his love roll about in the bed.

"So I take it that you are happy with this living space, yes?" he asked with a mocking tone.

The little fox smiled as he nodded, having missed the tone due to his blissful mood. "This bed feels so soft!" he said while letting a pleased sigh.

Wang nodded. "That's good, well I'll be off. I need to go and check how things went while I was gone, I'll have dinner sent, later on, get some rest," he stated before turning to leave.

He paused for a moment, watching as Ai snuggled up and swiftly fell asleep. Traveling for a day and a half right after using up a great amount of effort to transform took a lot out of him ah!

It wasn't until the sun began to fall that Wang finished his work and returned to the courtyard and requested dinner to be sent over.

The kitchen hurriedly made several dishes before bringing them over. Wang washed up while waiting before heading into the bedroom to wake up his beauty.

Ai grumbled as he slowly sat up, his hair disheveled as he blinked the sleep out of his eyes before looking at Wang as if unhappy. "Hm?" he asked. He was sleeping so good ah, why wake him up!

Wang let out a soft laugh. "It's time for dinner, ah, you don't wanna go hungry huh?" he asked poking the other's nose.

Ai's eyes lit up as he shifted, moving to quickly get out of bed at the mention of food. This brought a new chuckle from Wang as he followed the boy into the living room where it was set up for dinner.

It was a large spread, and Ai happily sat down while picking up his chopsticks and waiting. Sure, he didn't like Wang but he was taught to be respectful at meals, you don't eat until everyone is ready!

Wang smiled as he took his own seat and the two then began to enjoy the great feast together.

Hiu at this time was off in the garden, resting under a tree. Wang had gotten someone to feed him earlier. He used to sleep outdoors. So he had no wish to go into the house to sleep.

When the meal was over and the dishes were taken away, Wang shooed Ai into the bathroom to wash up, leaving him some night clothes before heading to hurriedly change his own clothes.

It wasn't until Ai had finished and gotten into bed that Wang returned and moved to lay next to him that Ai realized what he was doing.

"Ah, this is my bed! What are you doing?" he said sitting on the inside holding a pillow in his arms as he pouted.

Wang laughed as he sat on the edge. "It is also my bed. This is our room." he finally said as he made himself comfy in the bed. Ai pouted for a moment, glaring down at the other before Wang hooked his arm around his waist, forcing him to lay down.

"Sleep now my love, or I'll eat you up!" he said as he grinned at the weaker male.

Ai shuddered as he quickly closed his eyes to sleep, his body frozen stiff from the others comment.

Thus, Wang enjoyed his first night with his lovely wife sleeping in his arms with a human form. Ai however felt as if he had somehow lost a great deal that night, sleeping in the male's arms no longer as a fox, but an actual person.