Chapter 35

After leaving the area where the so-called trial took place, Wang led Ai into a rather fancy room in the nearest Inn.

Ai wasn't sure why he was following this man, but he was. He had heard the male calling himself Wang before. But strangely a lot of people would randomly say that name. He wanted to make sure of some things.

"You....You are Wang?" he asked finally after standing near the entrance of the room for a while. His gaze was unsure as he waited for Wang to answer.

Wang smiled as he nodded, standing just to the side of Ai as he looked at him with a soft gaze.

Oh, how long had it been since he'd been able to look at his beautiful wife? What more, his wife was even more breath taken. The hair and eyes made Ai look even more like a fallen goddess!

"That is right, I am Wang. You are my wife," he stated with a nod as he smiled at the smaller male.

Ai felt a strange thud in his heart as his face darkened with red while he turned in embarrassment.

"W-what wife?! I'm clearly a male!" he said as he tried to steal his rapidly beating heart. Why did the other stare make him feel so heated?

Wang shifted to grab Ai from behind, pulling him to his chest as he leaned over Ai's shoulder, using one hand to turn Ai's face towards him. "This is something that doesn't matter. You are my wife, and only you will be as such," he said in a soft tone before pressing his lips to Ai's with a soft peak.

Ai's eyes widened as he stared at Wang frozen. With his rebirth factored him, this was more or less his first kiss. So his heart shattered as his mind blanked.

Wang's lips teased at a smile as he looked at Ai's stumped look before leaning in again to steal another kiss.

He kept his eyes on Ai as he slowly deepened the kiss, using his tongue to sneak out to lick at Ai's soft plush lips. It only took a little teasing before the delicate lips parted open and allowed the dominant tongue into the younger males mouth.

Ai's breath hitched as he felt the wandering tongue exploring every area of his mouth. His eyes glazed over while his body grew weak, leaning back into Wang's hold while he trembled ever so slightly.

His mind was unable to process anything other than the odd feeling of pleasure creeping throughout his body.

It only took a moment before he was out of breath and Wang's free hand that wasn't holding the others chin started to explore. The hand took liberties to grope at Ai's hip and up to his chest, slowly moving to slip into the smaller males robes, teasing his now hardened bud that rested under his thumb.

Ai shuddered as the head tormented his chest, his body seemed to fill up with a heat he didn't understand. The kiss sucked his breath away as the head seemed to create an odd urge to grow from Ai's lower area.

Letting out a struggling moan, Ai's eyes began to close as the hand teasing his chest slowly began to go down, opening the robe while heading to Ai's excitement below.

Just before Wang managed to make it to his goal, a sound broke the heated atmosphere of the room.

Ai's brain finally began to work again with the distraction as his eyes started to clear. He quickly began to squirm, trying to break free of Wang's hold.

Wang reluctantly let the boy go before his mood dropped as he turned to glare at the door, his own excitement that was now left to be ignored.

He really wanted to kill the person that had caused the interruption. He was so close! Ai was about to let him finally eat the poor fox up!

"What is it?" he said, it was clear his tone was displeased as the door opened and a startled male stood at the entrance with his head lowered, his body stiff as a rock. "My lord, I was informing you that the rest of your party has arrived to serve you." said the town's lead guard.

"They are awaiting orders, as is the council waiting for a newly appointed overseer for this city," he stated as he tried to keep his tone neutral.

Clearly, he was only doing his job, and trying to inform the emperor of his duties as he was informed to do! But why was it that he felt his life was about to be snatched?

Ai had gone to Straighten his clothes and was hiding in the corner of the room while still calming his own reactions to what had happened as he listened.

He slowly peaked at the guard before Wang as he stood there for a moment, "Eh..." he started, unsure of what to refer to Wang as. "Wang.." he said with some hesitation.

Wang's eyes lit up as his mood lifted slightly, turning to look at his beautiful bride. "Yes wife?" he asked, making sure to appear respectful. He just needed to get Ai into the mood again right? He was able to get that far once, surely he'd be able to do it again, and next time he'd make sure no one would be able to interrupt!

Ai blushed slightly as he glanced down for a moment before shifting awkwardly. He felt like Wang was truly weird! "I-I'm going to go finish my bath!" he finally stated, unable to state his own thoughts from before as he hurried to the bathing area of this room.

Wang smiled slightly as he half thought to follow the boy before he saw the small face popping out from behind the wall. "Y-you go deal with your empire!" he said in a tone that left no room for arguing.

Wang paused as he had already started to head to the other. He frowned for a moment before he sighed. "Fine, I'll send someone to help you get the water and clean clothes." he started waving the guard to go off to get a servant to help."

Ai nodded before heading to hide again, Wang reluctantly headed out of the room to deal with his guards that he'd thought he'd ditched along with the servants meant to serve him. He had them busy setting up a good meal for his love to enjoy.

Surely Ai would still love food as he had before right?

(( sorry it's only one chapter today. I had a long weekend of work and stupidness and I'll try to get more up my next day off. I'm just really tired. Also, I'm going to inform you all now, but next week I'll be going out of town on a road trip so I won't be able to update :( my days off will be used for said road trip and won't have my laptop to type up my chapters. ))