Chapter 36

Ai managed to have a rather relaxing bath, though he did have to send the servants out after filling up the tub. Despite how great it might seem to have someone helping you wash, it wasn't something he was really into.

The idea of two girls seeing his nakedness put him off. Besides, he wasn't sure Wang wouldn't somehow make a deal out of them seeing his naked body first.

When he finished washing up, and spending some time just letting the water relaxin his muscles, Ai finally got out. He dried himself off before making his hair damp before putting on a clean robe that was set aside for him.

The fabric was soft and made of silk. It was very beautiful, with soft whites and blues that enhanced Ai's beauty. Though clearly something a woman would die to wear.

Ai found as he looked down at himself in it, finding how it held his body in a rather...sensual way. Sighing, the little fox made his way out of the bathroom while still trying to dry his slightly damp hair.

In the room, Wang and a table filled with pleasantly smelling food waited. Some servants stood to the side with their heads lowered. Just outside the open door stood some guards that peaked in to look at the 'wife' that their Emperor said he had.

Wang cleared his throat causing them to turn away as he looked at Ai with affection. "My love, come on over and sit. There's plenty to eat," he said, patting the seat next to him.

Ai pressed his lips as he looked at the table for a long while. Finally, his stomach let out a soft grumble before he made his way over.

"You didn't need to make all this food," he muttered slightly embarrassed. This only made Wang smile at him as he pulled Ai to sit next to him. "Hush and eat. I know you enjoy good food," he stated with a smug look.

Ai wanted to refute his words, but he wasn't sure what to say. Nothing Wang said was wrong, though Ai didn't think it was that odd. Who didn't enjoy yummy foods?

Instead, Ai decided to ignore the male and just eat. Taking his time to taste everything laid out before him.

Quickly his expression became that of someone rather happy. The meats were soft and cooked to perfection, the veggies were neither undercooked or overcooked. The seasonings were just right, not too much of anything, nor grease.

Wang sat with an elbow on the table, his chin resting in his palm as he watched Ai eat with bliss. How he had missed just staring at his love! It wouldn't take too much longer before he would be able to eat him up himself right? Clearly getting Ai to enjoy staying in his company with good foods would help the boy open his heart up right?

When Ai finally filled himself to the brim, he looked at the half-eaten plates with a confused look before looking at Wang. "Are you not eating?" he then asked, finally realizing that Wang hadn't started.

Wang laughed as he shook his head. "No, I just wanted to watch you. Did you eat enough? There's plenty if you wish to eat more." he said nudging his free hand to the plates.

Ai felt flustered as he sat there unsure of what to say. He wasn't a glutton! "No, I'm full," he said with a blush as he sat his chopsticks down.

He then pushed himself up from the seat planning to head out to walk off what he'd just eaten. However, before he was able to make his escape, he was pulled into Wang's lap.

Blinking a few times Ai looked up at the male with a confused look. Wang just wrapped his arms around Ai's waist as he held the boy to his chest. "Clean this up." he then said to the servants before standing up, lifting Ai in his arms as he did so.

He then began to head to the bed, his hold tight on the boy who began to squirm. "Stop struggling, I won't do anything you don't agree to..." he said, though his brain wasn't able to pause the thoughts of 'Yet'.

Ai froze as he looked at Wang with a look of uncertainty. "Then what are you doing?" he asked, still confused.

Wang sat Ai down on the bed before joining him, moving to snuggle up to Ai, forcing him to lay next to him. "I want to sleep, though you should nap with me. When we wake up we'll be leaving" he said with a soft yawn. His body pressed up against Ai's as much as possible.

Ai frowned as he lied there unable to move. "You shouldn't sleep after eating, it'll make me fat," he said in protest. Wang just laughed as he nuzzled his head into Ai's neck.

"That's fine, just means you'll have trouble running from me later on," he said in a teasing tone.

Ai used his fists to hit Wang's chest, though this didn't really do much other than getting another laugh from the male holding him...

"Now rest," Wang said before closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep. This was most likely the best rest he'd have since Ai was taken from him. His mind was finally ready for a break, and regardless of how Ai struggled, he wasn't going to be breaking free.

The little fox huffed before trying to make himself comfy before giving up and just laying there.

It didn't take Ai long either before he finally fell asleep. The servants did their best to quietly clean up the table before hurrying out before Wang woke to punish them for disturbing his time with his Empress.

The room was left in peaceful silence as the two males slept snuggled together. The day passed into night and soon into the morning when a brave servant decided to enter the room to try and wake their lord so that he may go about his duty of inspecting the empire like he was supposed to be doing.

However, the male wasn't able to even get two steps into the room when Wang's gaze landed on him, sending the boy fleeing.

Wang turned his gaze to Ai who was still sleeping in his arms, he didn't want to break this moment, not after he'd finally found his happiness again.