Chapter 38

The next few weeks for Ai passed in a blur. There were many things that took place that made him somewhat confused on how to see Wang.

The larger male would often tease him, grope him, but also just make him feel safe. At night his promise was kept, never doing anything other than just holding him as they slept. But during the days, his hands would always wander around whenever given the chance.

Not only that, but Ai was able to get more information on the sects around during this time than he'd been on his own. Spirit Beasts on the outside were unable to travel into the villages and towns to gather more information as easily as Wang was.

The Spirit Beast bound to the disciples wasn't really allowed out and about unless they were on missions.

Through this investigation, not only did Ai and Wang find out that these 'proud' sects not only boast about their skills in training with the Dao but they also all denied those of orthodox training that relied on 'evil' means. Like sexual cultivating or using dark arts.

This was only on the surface. Looking deeper, these 'proper' sects all had their own secrets. Elders that kidnapped younger children and used them for experiments on potions, Elders that stole land and other helpful items from the family's all around.

If the land was good and someone lived there? The sects that wanted it would pressure the family to leave their home by force. Sending plenty of people into hiding. If they refused to leave? They were murdered.

Ai's heart hurt as he thought of his adoptive family. They were the only thing he knew of in his past. Sure he'd had a life before that, but it was all gone. Wiped from his mind. He didn't know his past self.

His rebirth made him a different person. Regardless of what Wang teased him about. He wouldn't be the same. Experience is what makes a person, how they are raised and how they live.

Seeing that Ai was in a mood again, Wang shifted in his seat as he reached over to pull Ai into his lap.

They were currently heading to his palace after this past month of travel.

Ai had been deep in thought about everything when he felt himself being pulled against Wang's chest.

Looking up he blinked as he stared at Wang confused. He felt a hand resting around his waist as the other moved to hold his chin in place.

"What are you thinking about love?" Wang asked, leaning in closer, his face was hovering over Ai's, his lips brushing the smaller ones but not yet touching fully.

Ai's cheeks darkened with embarrassment as his eyes remained wide open, his heart skipped slightly as he felt a strange stir in his body.

"N-nothing. I just... I was trying to think of what to do next. I want to destroy those sects that abuse their power...but there's so many of them." he said trying to turn his head.

Wang let out a hum as he tapped a finger against Ai's hip. "True, there is a lot. But didn't I say you do not need to worry about that right now? Just focus on your cultivation." he said with a husky tone.

"I can help you if you'd like? We just need to make a new bond. renew the one that was suspended when you were taken from me." he said... His thumb rubbed Ai's cheek in a teasing way.

Ai blinked for a moment, his mind slightly dazed. He was finding it harder and harder to resist Wang's tormenting touch. His body was responding to it more and more.

"I - If I agree... You'll let me set the rules for the binding?" Ai asked with a nervous tone. The idea of binding was something he didn't want, His heart held a disagreement to it, but if it helped him get revenge? Honestly, he was willing to sell his soul for that.

Wang was slightly taken back, normally Ai would have hurried off his lap by now, refusing to bond with him in any way. At least, that was how he'd reacted during this time so far.

He smiled slightly as he shifted, letting Ai just sit on his lap, without holding him there. "Of course my love. You are the one in charge," he said with a slight tease that Ai didn't hear.

Ai sat there, his mind working as he thought for a while. There wasn't really any other idea's he had to help him. Wang was the only one so far willing to help him. So why was he trying to push the male away so much?

Settling the worry in his heart, Ai shifted so that he was sitting on Wang's lap, facing him. He leaned in to press Wang back so that he was able to trace a finger over Wang's forehead. Spiritual energy lit the markup as Ai spoke in a language unknown to Wang.

The spiritual energy in the area shifted surging towards the two as the traveling party halted, alerted to the change in the air. The guards were unsure of what to do as a servant called out to Wang, asking if he was okay.

The binding took a bit of time before the air finally settled. Ai's body slumped forward as a mark appeared on his forehead. A little blossom that made his face seem even more alluringly adorable.

Wang's mark faded as he sat up, holding Ai. He reached out to feel that Ai's body was hot and that the male seemed to be trying to adjust his spiritual core that was suddenly overfilled with spiritual energy.

He shifted, moving so that Ai was able to lay down in his lap, holding him as he sent his own energy out to help Ai's settle down. "Don't disturb us. Just continue on." Wang finally told the people outside who let out a breath of air in relief.

They went on, Wang still helping Ai as the other fell into a sleep. The bond was an odd one, one that Wang had never heard of. He was able to feel it in a way different from before.

It wasn't as if one was the master, the other the servant. They were Equal but at the same time, they weren't. Maybe it was because Ai was different from other spiritual beasts, but Wang knew that he wouldn't be able to have another spiritual beast bound to him, regardless if Ai was with him or not. Ai would be his only bonded spiritual beast.

Not only that, but their bond was deeper than it should have been. If one was really hurt, the other would feel the backlash of it. If one died, the other would suffer greatly.

What more, if either tried to break the bond by force, the only thing waiting for them was a fate worse than death.

It seemed it took all the negative things about being a bonded spiritual beast and made it better while keeping the 'master' responsible for his own end. Wang wouldn't be able to just use Ai and tell him what to do, no they were both equally in this bond, Wang would be affected just as Ai would.

A smile shifted onto Wang's lips. "It's more like a marriage you fool," he said in a soft tone. "The wife in charge in secret while pretending the husband has any power."