Chapter 39

A tilted his head when he heard Wang muttering something he didn't really hear. "Hmn?" he asked while relaxing.

Wang just smiled at him as he shifted, leaning his head into his palm while looking at the little fox. "Nothing, just happy. We are connected again, it makes this King happy." his tone was light and you were able to hear the pleasing tones in it.

Ai blushed as he turned around, getting off of Wang's lap as he went to sit to the side. "Don't talk rubbish," he muttered. His embarrassment made Wang laugh softly as he stared at the male.

The journey home took a few months, with many stops thanks to Ai's nagging to look at the closest sects.

When the group finally did make it back to the palace, Ai was hurried inside with much fanfare. Their Empress was home!

Ai himself was confused at the actions of the many palace maids that rushed to help him inside as well as the few that hurried him into the washroom and stripped him before he had time to register.

Sitting in the bath dazed, Ai flushed before finally sending the maids out with a red face.

Sinking into the water, Ai tried to hide his humiliation, they'd seen him naked! He had been so disoriented and tired from the trip that he hadn't managed to process how they'd managed to strip him in the first place!

Wang was waiting in the main lobby area as he saw the flustered maids rushing from the bath with an odd look. Tilting his head, Wang waived one over. "what happened?" he asked as to why they were so flustered.

The maid bowed before answering, keeping her head down respectfully. "To answer my Lord, The Empress was taken to wash but...Empress isn't....female?" the maid said with a hesitant glance. We were chased out after getting Her Grace into the bath....But clearly, she was a he..."

These silly maids had never thought the 'rumors' about their Emperor marrying a male were true!

Wang narrowed his eyes slightly at the group of girls. "This Wang knows. Though, don't remember asking a group of you to wash my Empress. Even I haven't been able to see the glory under the clothes.." at least not in this place.

The room's temperature slowly lowered as Wang felt a stabbing of envy. These little maids, simply doing their job and they were able to see Ai's body before he was able to up close? The only time Ai's body was shown to him was when he first changed, and it wasn't that much of a glance!

The maids quickly kneeled down with a respectful bow. "Please have mercy! We were just doing what we were trained to do. We don't look upon the masters but serve as needed." they said.

Wang nodded slightly. "Yes, so you saw nothing while undressing the Empress," he stated then waved. "You go remove those eyes. You saw what you shouldn't." he stated to the one who had already admitted to seeing Ai's 'body'.

The rest were smart enough to ignore it. The girl trembled before getting up to go receive her punishment. Blinding would make it so she was unable to work here, but at least she still had her life!

The rest of the maids hurried out before Wang could pick at them and find fault with there own selves.

Ai slowly left the bathing room after wrapping himself in a towel. In his embarrassment, he forgot to get a change of clothes after sending the girls away!

Peaking out of the washroom, Ai felt a slight chill as he shifted, "I need clothing." he called out, really, how does one order others about? Ai wasn't that kind of person! No, he just didn't want them to see him naked again! Plus he had no idea where they kept the clothes in this bloody palace.

Wang laughed as he got up, slowly making his way over to the closet before grabbing a robe for Ai to wear, he then silently went to the male, sneaking around him with some odd tricks before sliding the robe over Ai's shoulders, letting it hang there.

He then shifted his hands to help Ai drop the towel before slowly feasting his eyes as his hands moved to pull the robe the rest of the way on, tying it into place

His actions were rather lewd and Ai felt heat filling his face again, this time worse than when some peeping eyes saw him.

The places that Wang's hands brushed held lingering heat, making Ai's heart frantic as he stood there frozen.

When Ai got back to his senses, Wang had already started to dry his hair, ignoring the flustered look he had.

Letting his heart calm down, Ai swotted at Wang before heading a few steps away. "I can do it alone, you don't need to help," he stated with much embarrassment.

Wang smiled as he shifted, still holding the towel. "But it's my honor to help the love of my life to dress and dry their hair." he teased as he shifted, setting the towel down.

Ai pouted slightly as he pulled his hair up to tie it into a bun.

"I'm not some girl, I don't need it." he huffed. "Besides, Just because you say we were married doesn't mean we still are! I don't remember it, it was a different life!" he stated as if making a point.

Wang laughed as he closed the gap between them, pulling Ai into hid embarrassment as he lightly stroked his face. "This I know, but I will win your heart," he stated as if it was just a matter of time.

Ai blinked a few times before feeling his heart skip again.

Wang always made him feel danger! But he also made his heart do odd things, his feelings were always in conflict with how he wanted to feel towards this male before him!

"You'll just never stop with this teasing!" he said as if giving up.

Wang smiled as he leaned down to lightly kiss Ai, making the male jump yet again. Holding Ai so he was unable to flee, Wang let a rain of kisses fall upon Ai's soft lips.

"I never tease when it's about you. I truly do mean it. I love you." he said with a serious look.

Ai flushed as he felt his heart racing, his body pressed Against Wang's as the male continued to lightly kiss his lips.

The teasing slow pace and the light soft pecks were making Ai's head go blank. His body seemed to slowly start to give into the rather nice feeling of Wang's lips meeting his own.

(( bleh so little time, so much I wanna write :( ))