Chapter 40

Wang felt Ai's body pressing against his own as he teased the other with light kisses. His mood became really good while his arms wrapped around the smaller male and pulled him up into his arms.

Holding Ai, Wang drifted to the bed while still lightly kissing his lips. His gaze grew heated as he leaned Ai back onto the bed, his hands resting on either side of the others head.

Ai was breathing heavily as he found himself ending up in the bed, his mind was hazed over and he honestly didn't know when Wang had managed to move him back to the bed.

Wang didn't give Ai much of a chance to question anything before the kisses started again. This time they were a bit deeper than the soft pecks.

Ai's body trembled as he felt Wang's body pressing down onto his. The kisses from before were more like little taps.

These kisses only deepened, even more, making Ai's head spin as his lips were forced open by the teasing tongue of the larger male.

With a flushed face, Ai felt a strange heat taking over his body. No longer able to think clearly, he gave into Wang's advances. Allowing the other to become even bolder as his hand slipped down to slowly sneak into Ai's robes, wandering fingers searching over the smooth flesh for his goal.

When Wang found the little bud he had been searching for, Ai let out a gasp, the sound making Wang pull out of the kiss to gaze at the male with a very aroused look. "Tell me you want it..." Wang's voice held a need that Ai wasn't able to describe.

The acts of Wang so far made Ai feel things he'd never thought possible. His heart thumped loudly in his chest as a warm feeling filled his body, making it react in ways he didn't think possible outside the normal mating season.

Ai didn't think he had reached that far to start feeling the need to 'mate'. His body was confused and it made him even more unsure of what to do at this moment.

Wang was able to see the struggle in Ai's eyes, as well as a strange fragrance filling the room. It made Wang even more heated. It took Wang a moment to realize he'd set off Ai's heat for mating. It was something that only the spirit beast dealt with. Somehow Wang forgot that now Ai was one.

Conflict flashed in his eyes before he finally got up, helping Ai fix his clothes. "I'm going to bathe. Just clear your head" he muttered before rushing out of the room.

Ai stayed on the bed for a long while. His heart was still thumping loudly as he tried to sort out what had happened. He clearly was being teased at by Wang who'd lost himself for a bit after Ai inadvertently started his heat!

Instead of just using it as a means to get Ai to sleep with him, he left?? Wasn't this what he wanted?

Ai was left there confused and still feeling the effects of his first 'heat' as Wang passed an order that none was allowed near Ai. And that anyone found near the Empress would be put to death.

Wang knew that Ai's body was making him react positively to his advances. As well as almost making Wang lose control himself and eating the poor thing without truly winning his heart!

This was dangerous, he wanted to warm Ai up to the idea of them doing naughty things, but if it only led to Ai losing his ability to say yes willingly, then it wasn't any better than forcing himself on the boy.

Wang wanted Ai's heart as well. Not just his body. Sure before he thought having Ai just forced to be with him it would be fine. But then Ai left... His love pushed away! He didn't want that to happen again.

This time he would make sure Ai wanted him just as much as he wanted Ai. Then they would be able to be happy together.

It was clear that Ai having vanished really made Wang fear that Ai would leave him again. So this time, he wanted to make sure Ai was willing and wanted to stay with him.

Ai on the other hand was still confused on what Wang was trying to do. He torments him with those kisses and makes his body flustered and hot before rushing off and leaving him with many unresolved issues. He wanted to help this heat dissipate, but he was at a loss for how.

Fidgeting on the bed, Ai shifted awkwardly as he tried to think of a way to 'relieve' himself of the heat. His hips shifted slightly as he bit his lip.

It took him a great deal of courage to call out to someone, but getting no answer Ai felt great discomfort. Finally, he pushed himself to use his connection to Wang, sending a thought to the cause of all this.

"You get back here and fix it!" Was all Wang got from the connection with Ai. He'd finally managed to calm himself down before the fox was ordering him back!

Wang wasn't sure if he should go back or not. He clearly left so Ai wouldn't be forced into doing something he didn't want to do. But the tone from the summon was rather aggressive.

Sighing, Wang finally returned to the room, making sure to stay a few feet away from Ai as he looked at the male. It was clear Ai was still struggling. His face flushed and his body trembling slightly.

Ai looked at Wang with a look of torment. "You caused this! Make it stop!" It was obvious that Ai truly was struggling right now.

Wang felt his lips turn up slightly as he looked at the male. "You should know that I only will do as you asked." He said slowly while staring at Ai's eyes.

Ai struggled for a moment before nodding. "J-just make the heat go away!" He said with a half moan.

Wang felt a rush as he moved to the bed "As you wish my love." He teased...

(And cut, cliff hanger madness)