Chapter 5.1

After finishing class, Ai spent his afternoon working on his class work and doing some self study in the library before it was finally time to go meet Saoi.

He wasn't sure what the proper dress wear would be, so he just had on a pair of jeans and a baggy sweater. It wasn't really cold, but the cool fabric seemed bulky but it was actually pretty breezy. Even in the dead of summer, Ai wouldn't be overly warm. He thought it made him look larger than he was, though instead he just looked really adorable as the sweater more or less drowned his small frame.

When Ai arrived, Saoi was taken back as he stared at the male for a while before giving him a soft smile. "You ready?" He asked, seeming to ignore how the adorable youth dressed himself. He didn't have the heart to question his fashion sense!

"Yeah, are you sure it's okay for me to go?" he asked. Saoi just nodded as he began to lead the smaller male towards the exit. "You'll be fine. If anything it might make the get together a bit more interesting!" he stated as if keeping a secret. Ai just nodded as he followed behind the other, his bag that he'd kept on was hanging to one side with the strap stretched across to the other side.

When the two arrived, Ai looked up to find that they were going into a bar and grill shop, and his expression seemed a bit confused. Granted he was now in college, but he'd never really thought about drinking or anything. But they did serve food, so he was sure they'd have something non alcoholic for him to drink.

Entering with Saoi, Ai looked around at the other groups, not sure where they were heading before finding himself standing before one of the few private rooms, Saoi opened the door before ushering Ai inside. His gaze quickly seemed to a group of 5 seniors and 5 freshmen like himself. He wasn't really sure who any of them were aside from the few he'd seen around due to them being part of the student body.

"Oi! You are late Saoi!" one of the older boys said while holding what looked like a beer bottle. The older male seemed to be faking his annoyance before his gaze moved to the little bun that was Ai. "Oh? You finally found someone?" he then asked. "I thought you'd end up coming alone.." he then said, seeming a bit annoyed.

Ai shrunk his neck, unsure if his appearance was making the older male mad at him. Saoi laughed before dropping an arm around his shoulders, helping him relax a bit. "Don't be so rude Yuma, Ai isn't like those other underclassmen that only chirp annoyingly!" he stated as if it was a matter of course. The other youths in the group seemed a bit embarrassed at the comment, some of them being those ' annoying chirping' youths.

Yumi laughed as he patted a young girl's head. "Maya here isn't annoying at all, right darling?" he asked in a teasing tone. The girl just bobbed her head, seeming shy

Saoi just rolled his eyes as he led Ai to sit at the free spot at the large table, leaving plenty of room for the two. Ai was relaxing by the minute as they sat. Keeping himself quiet, he listened as Saoi and the others began to bicker about some things he didn't know about.

A few of the younger youths would chip in with a comment or two, the mood easing out as Ai sipped a juice that Saoi had requested for him. It wasn't til about half way through the meal that someone finally turned to talk to Ai.

"So, what major are you in? I didn't know there was such a cute girl!" they said, Ai's face flushed as he looked at the older girl, his eyes seeming to water slightly as he pressed his lips together, the other members seeming to catch this and looked confused.

It wasn't until Saoi's laugh brought them from their staring that Ai lowered his head, not daring to speak. How embarrassing!

Saoi finally finished his laugh as he looped his arm over Ai again, leaning in. "See? Even a girl thinks you are female!" he said remembering his own words on the first day they met. "I really don't understand how hard it is to see the difference." Ai muttered.

The group was more lost now, all waiting for the joke to be given. Saoi finally seemed to be willing to let them in on it, as he coughed. "Ai's a boy..." he then said, only to have silence follow.

The female that had made the comment coughed slightly as she adjusted a bit awkwardly, "Um...Sorry." she said, her gaze moving from the small 'male' that clearly was cuter than any girl she's seen!

The rest of the night went by rather naturally after the awkwardness had passed. Ai slowly warmed up and began to join into the conversation, though most of his attention was drawn to Saoi as the male drank, often leading the conversation in a way so Ai was focused on him. None seemed to realize this though.

It wasn't until rather late that Saoi finally led Ai back to the dorms, most the group seeming to want to continue their get-together at a different location, all wanting to drink more.

It wasn't until Ai was standing before his dorm room, that he realized that Saoi had walked him all the way 'home'. He blinked a few times before giving the larger male a smile. "I had fun, thanks." he said as he moved to get his key. "That's good, we should go out together again for dinner. Though, maybe just the two of us." he stated as if thinking about something

Ai didn't really pay attention as he agreed, giving a goodbye before opening the door. Saoi hadn't even had time to leave before he saw another male throwing himself onto Ai with a fake tone "You are finally home honey! I'm hungry~" his voice drew out.

Saoi froze, a smile forcing his way to his lips. "Ah, this is?" he asked. Ai seemed really annoyed as he swatted at Dashi, making the male get off him. "I'm not your maid! Cook for yourself!" he said in an annoyed tone before looking at Saoi. "Huh? Oh he's my roommate. Useless waste of space." he said, the last part being more of a mutter.

Dashi feigned a hurt expression as he patted his chest. "That hurts you know! Ah is this the senior you talked about? Hello! I'm Dashi." he said before holding a hand out. Saoi kept the forced smile up before he shook the others hand, "Yes, I'm Saoi. Pleasure to meet you." he stated in a tone that seemed different then normal.

"You are useless...Whatever, find yourself something to eat, I'm going to get ready for bed. Goodnight Saoi! Thanks again for tonight." Ai said in a huff before fleeing into the dorm.

Dashi let out a few complaints before nodding to Saoi and headed in himself, closing the door behind him.

Left in the hall alone, Saoi's smile fell and he clinched his hand, a flash passing his eyes.