Chapter 5.2

The next day passed in a flash, Ai had found that Saoi seemed more interested in his daily life than before, asking him about how his day usually went in more of a detailed manor. He thought nothing of it and gladly told the male his troubles with how classes went and the issues he had on getting to them when the halls were crowded.

Ai even found time to complain about Dashi as the other seemed to be a good source to vent to! It wasn't until he was back in his dorm with Saoi alongside him that he was a bit lost as to how the other ended up following him all the way home again. "So, let's get to studying?" the other asked as if it were just normal to randomly decide to tutor him.

Ai nodded as he moved to set out a folding table for them to study at, placing some floor pillows down to make it a bit comfier. When they were settled in, Saoi looked around, his gaze taking note of everything. "Your room is really...clean." he said as if taken back. He knew the male knew how to clean, but he could clearly tell what side was Ai's and which side belonged to the roommate.

"Of course, not everyone would live in a dirty room" Ai said with a huff. He still couldn't understand Saoi's lack of interest in cleaning! He said he was too busy, but it was clearly his just dislike of doing chores!

Saoi laughed before he began to put some books on the table before pausing. "Is there anything to snack on?" he then asked, they would be studying for most of the night. Ai blinked a few times before he tried to think, he then went over to the little kitchen before looking for his stash. It wasn't until his expression fell that he slowly stood back up. "I' right back" he then said before rushing out of the room to give a roommate a good scalding!

Saoi seemed lost for a moment before his expression changed, silently he stood up and went to look through his bag.

Ai had found Dashi within his club room. After swatting him a few times and lecturing him on eating what wasn't his, he finally managed to get the male to cough up some money before he went to replace the food that had been snatched.

When he returned, he found Saoi was going through some notes, making a worksheet before looking up at him. "Ah, is the problem solved?" he asked, seeming to find it amusing. His eyes showed his own mood with a hit of laughter on the edge of his lips.

Ai pressed his lips as he came over, ignoring the comment before setting up the snacks to the side and handing Saoi a drink. "Well, now that's everything, so lets start?" He then asked his gaze going to the books before him.

Saoi kept his amusement to himself as he handed Ai the worksheet before starting to direct Ai on how to solve a few of the starting problems before allowing the male to go through it himself to see how much he caught on.

It wasn't until Dashi returned that the two realized how much time had passed. Ai glanced at the clock as Dashi sat his club bag down on his side. "Thanks for the tutoring, You should head back before you get in trouble with the curfew." he stated to Saoi.

Saoi gave a soft smile before shaking his head. "We don't have one, besides. It's not unusual for study sessions to go late into the night, so the college allows for sleep overs in a way. I can just stay here tonight." he said with a shrug.

Ai blinked a few times, he hadn't heard of that rule before. Then again, he didn't really bring friends over. If anything, Saoi was most likely his first true friend aside from the annoying Dashi.

Dashi himself didn't seem to fret at the idea, he just went to hug Ai to beg for some snacks when the smaller male tossed a notepad at him, halting his assault. "You are too cruel!" he stated, rubbing his shoulder and faking his tears.

Ai just huffed before moving to grab the notebook and beginning to clean up. "You should realize your wrongs, now shush" he stated like a mom nagging their child to be good..

Saoi just sat to the side, silently putting his own things away. "Would you like to bathe first?" Ai then asked him, his mood seeming indifferent to the crybaby trying to gain his attention. Saoi laughed as he shrugged. "I don't have clothes to change into" he then stated as if it were normal. Ai frowned, he thought to offer some of his own things, but...well, their sizes were rather different...

Dashi seemed to take the chance, his eyes gleaming. "You can borrow something from me~" he then said, he was closer to Saoi's size, if only just a few inches shorter. Saoi seemed a bit taken back, "That's fine, I'll just use my spare gym clothes. I keep them in my bag." he said grabbing the clothes.

Dashi seemed a little annoyed, if you had something why lie! Ai himself didn't mind it, one wouldn't think to sleep in gym clothes. He went to put the snacks away, giving a warning glace to Dashi as he did so.

With that, Saoi took a shower, before Dashi did. After they finished, Ai headed into the bathroom with his own clothes before washing up.

Waiting, Saoi just sat on Ai's bed, fiddling with his phone, while Dashi nagged him on the side. Not seeming too interested, Saoi would just give a few replies before trying to cut the conversation off. Dashi didn't seem to realize this as he continued to talk.

It wasn't until Ai came out, drying his hair that the two turned to look at him. Saoi's eyes widened slightly before he smiled. "You really do have long hair huh?" he said, seeing how it was still falling down despite Ai's attempts to pull it up to dry.

Before Ai could respond Dashi laughed. "Ai's mom apparently wont let him cut it. Never had I seen someone who has to take pictures of their hair's length and send it in for inspection!'' His comment made Ai humph at him before going to sit on his bed. Saoi himself seemed a bit taken back before shrugging. "To each their own, Ai is still Ai" he stated as if it were a matter of course.

"Thank you." Ai said pleased, see, not everyone was so annoying!

When his hair was mostly dry, Ai then pulled it back into the sloppy bun that hid how long it truly was, before moving to set up a little area for Saoi to sleep on. Saoi smiled before going to sit there instead, the three boys finally getting ready to turn in for the night. Despite Dashi's complaints.

After the lights were out, and some time passed, Saoi slowly slipped from his makeshift bed. He glanced at Dashi, watched as the male just snored happily. He'd clearly been the first to fall asleep despite protesting it so much.

His gaze then moved to Ai, who slept silently, his little body cuddled up in the blankets. He shifted, slowly crawling onto the bed, his body snuggling against the others before moving to make it seem like it was just out of habit, his arm hanging over the others waist. When he was comfy, he finally began to fall asleep.