Chapter 47

This new pact wasn't much different from the ones programmed into the game. In the game, there were many limits and some other issues, such as the pact couldn't fully control the other, but could affect their mood as well as allowing the 'owner' to have some more power over the other. The limit being set to being unable to completely force them to do anything. However, Ai wasn't aware of this pact. He only knew of the ones from 'this' world.

The pacts within the 'false' world were much harsher for spirit beasts. For one, the 'Master' had complete control over anything and everything their spirit beast did, what they ate, when they slept. They could even order them to go off and die for heaven's sake!

This pact would allow Ai to remain independent from Wang, there would be no need to follow orders, nor would he be forced to do anything he didn't want to. Basically it would just be a little bond to allow one another to find the other if there was a need. Though this aspect could be blocked at will from either party.

Though there was a flaw in this pact, one that was hidden within the bonding process. Most cultivators who ended up being offered this bond wouldn't be able to see it, though Wang wasn't just a normal cultivator. He'd done a lot of research to deepen his understanding of how this 'world' differed from his original one. He easily was able to manipulate a few things without Ai realizing...

These changes wouldn't seem like much, at first it would be as Ai had thought it to be, completely free aside from a small mark. However this mark would deepen into his soul, completely binding Ai to him. They would forever be bound together, regardless if it was this lifetime or any other to follow. No matter how often they would be separated, their souls will be drawn back together.

It also differed from the previous binding from the Inn where it rested against the souls. There would be no way to remove these bonds between the two.

What more, as time went on, Wang would be able to affect Ai in ways he couldn't ever dream of. In some other words, it would be like Ai freely falling in love with him, without realizing as to how it happened. It wouldn't be forced, and the feeling would only grow stronger as Ai allowed it.

When the bonding had finished, Ai nodded satisfied with himself before he moved to the side, sitting on the bed next to Wang.

Wang kept silent for a moment as he stared at the other, his mood was rather good. He wasn't really sure what to say at the moment, but seeing how Ai was fluffing himself up in a proud manner, he figured it was best to just let the little one feel good for a while. "I need to go take care of some tasks now." he said in a light dotting tone.

Ai just waved a hand at him before lying down again, he didn't really feel like doing anything today.

Wang let out a helpless sigh before standing up and heading out to deal with the annoying members of his new court. He needed to get some things set up so that later on he could freely enter Ai into his 'bedchamber' as an official wife. Sure he claimed Ai as such now while in court. But they hadn't honestly been able to finish their wedding after all!

Ai himself was just lazing about on the bed as his thoughts went over the events from the last few days. He felt his mood dropping as he thought of his past 'family' that had taken him in. He really didn't know what to do on that matter. How does one go about correcting the errors in other people's ways? He wasn't a cruel being, he only wanted to get justice for those who had been wrong as he had been.

It wasn't like he would be able to just up and attack the sects. For one, it would be really hard to fight off the might of one sect, let alone many if they decided to band together. What more, what if someone of these sects decided that he should become one of their belongings? He was a rare spirit beast, and his bloodline was now awakened. It wasn't hard to think of how those immoral bastards would want to possess him like they had the spiritual fruits.

His thoughts kept turning, but he got nowhere close to figuring out what his first steps should be. Sure he found someone to help him, but even if Wang was a king and held power, he wasn't the 'strongest'. There were many hidden dragons in this world, what more some of those sects might have connections to the higher realm.

It would be rather embarrassing if they tried to go in head first, only to be stopped before he had any real progress made!

Letting out a huff, Ai got up and slowly made his way to the bathing area. His mood was still a bit odd as he requested a servant waiting to the side to make him his bathwater.

When it was ready, Ai sent the servant out before stripping and stepping into the warm water. His mood evening out as he pushes his thoughts to the side, he'd deal with it later. Now he just wanted to relax his aching muscles!

(( small warning, work is getting really stressful. Not only are we really under staff as it is, we have one person who just went on medical leave, its unknown if she'll come back, and another who put her two weeks in. Plus the only part timer we have is a complete idiot who might be fired if she can't even learn how to count money right.....If things keep getting worse, I might have to work 7 days a week if I don't quit myself...))