Chapter 48

Wang had finally managed to finish his meeting with the many ministers that rambled needlessly about unrelated problems. Though most of the tasks were normal concerns that needed to be addressed after creating a new country, Wang honestly could care less.

His mood was slightly soured as he made his way to the bedroom. When he saw that Ai wasn't in bed as he had thought, his mood dropped even more before he quickly used his new 'ability' to find the little wife. Stabilizing his mood, he quickly made his way to the bathing room as silently as he could.

Ai however still realized his arrival and just lifted his head to look at the other with hooded eyes, "Finished with work?" he asked as he lazed in water, it wasn't like there was any need to be flustered. They were both males, despite the acts from the night before, it really didn't bring a sense of embarrassment to be seen by someone who'd already eaten him completely.

Wang smiled as he nodded, heading over to the other with quick steps. "Yes, I just told them the direction to go and left them to deal with the problems. It's not like they can really mess up too much, it's just a matter of how to set up farming lands and smaller businesses to promote growth." he said waving his hand.

Ai sighed before shaking his head, he slowly pushed himself up and got out, using his spirit force to pull some clothes from his newly opened space. It took no effort to clothe himself now. He'd also found that the space was rather easy to use, other than needing to focus on what he wanted, he could will things in and out so long as they were within reach.

Ai then shook his head, his hair still dripping slightly before Wang hurried over to start drying it with a towel he grabbed from the side. "Did you wanna eat now?" He asked, wanting to keep the good mood going. They'd already had a bout once, so his thoughts were focused on trying to get another serving of his wife's tofu.

Ai let out a slightly annoyed sound before swatting his hands away, heading into the lounge area and lazily leaning against the small resting bed on the side, it wasn't really meant for sleeping, but more for relaxing. "I wanna talk to you about some stuff, we'll eat later" he finally said after making himself comfy. He still didn't want to admit that his body wasn't really that comfortable at the moment, his muscles were still sore, and his waist felt as if it may snap at any moment.

Wang blinked a few times before nodding, his gaze moving along the others frame before moving to sit himself on the free stool to the side, he needed to make sure Ai wouldn't chase him out later, or there really would be no way to be able to 'eat' his fill of the other.

"I wanted to talk about the matter from before, with the sects." Ai began, his gaze was shifted to the side, staring at nothing really, just his thoughts were unable to calm down and he had trouble trying to focus on anything, so instead he just stared in a daze.

"That matter?" Wang asked, his thoughts going back, it did seem he'd agreed to help Ai get rid of them, though at the time he hadn't thought much about it. It wasn't really a very feasible idea. There were a lot of sects scattered around the lands, and who knew how many were hidden in the shadows?

"Yes, I thought about it for a while, but...Do you think we can really do it?" Wang said before shifting his weight as he leaned closer to Ai. "Not only do we need to work out a real plan, but we should adjust our thought process. Work on finding out more information about the sects, rather than just going head in and trying to fight them."

Ai nodded, his gaze still clouded over as he thought. "I think we should try to consolidate the new levels...." he then stated his face grew a light pink as he thought of how they leveled up, but quickly discarded it.

Wang smiled slightly as he let out a low laugh, "yes yes, How about we go and explore the mountain of the lost?" he asked. It was a Hidden realm that he'd found out about from Some of the older cultivators. It apparently was a realm that had a bad rep, basically if you went in, you didn't come out. So not many people dared to go in, even from the sects. Despite the lure of possible treasures, it would mean nothing if they were unable to leave.

Ai blinked for a moment before he slowly nodded. "Sure, but aren't you afraid we won't come out again?" he asked with a slightly raised eyebrow. If even the sects didn't dare to try to take control of it, then it shouldn't be an easy task. What more, no one else had come back, so who knew what really awaited them on the other side of the boundary.

Wang laughed as he reached to lightly pat the others head. "That's fine, even if we get stuck inside the realm, then we'll just focus on ourselves." he said his eyes holding a strange light. It didn't matter if they were trapped in some other realm. So long as Ai was with him, Wang was happy to be anywhere. What more, if they really did get stuck, then didn't that mean Ai would be all his and no one else would get in the way of his actions of eating tofu?

Ai glared at him before swatting at Wang's hand again. "I want to get revenge, so if I get stuck then you'll bare the brunt of it!" he then stated with a low mood. Wang quickly pulled his hand back, nodding along while patting his chest. "yes yes, bite me and hit me. That's fine too" he said in a serious manor.

Unable to follow the thoughts of this idiot, Ai just rolled his eyes before leaning back down and closing his eyes. "Whatever, go get dinner ready!" he said in a shoo'ing tone.

Thus Wang quickly left to get his lovely wife something to eat.