Their past (2) (EDITED)

When they arrived at the cafeteria, since classes were still going on, they were the only students there.

After buying their food, they went to the nearest vacant table to eat together.

"What time are you going to go online tonight?" Xia Meilin asked as she paused in eating her food.

"Around nine. I have other things to do," replied Li Bingbing. Since Li Bingbing was a working student, she would usually go to work after school.

Li Bingbing took a glance at Xia Sinian who was quiet the whole time. "Do you play MB too?"


Li Bingbing furrowed her brows. Was that a yes or a no? What kind of response was that?

"I usually play with my brother. His name is Clover in the game."

Li Bingbing gasped in surprise when she heard what Xia Meilin said. Clover was known to be one of the earliest players and the player with the highest level in the game. "Man, who would have thought that you're actually one of the first few players in the game!"

Xia Sinian didn't say anything, he just continued to eat his sandwich quietly.

Seeing the quantity of the food he was eating, Li Bingbing pushed her tray filled with food towards him. "You should eat some more, I don't think that sandwich is enough for you."

"No thanks, this is enough." Although, just like what Li Bingbing said, the sandwich wasn't enough for him. He was really hungry and seeing the food in front of him tempted him a lot, that's why he tried pushing the tray back to Li Bingbing but she stopped him.

"Eat." Li Bingbing said firmly.

A low growl was heard from Xia Sinian's stomach which made Li Bingbing grin. She stood up and went to sit on his side instead. "Come on, you don't need to be shy. Let's eat together, okay?"

Xia Sinian turned to his sister as if asking her for help but Xia Meilin was just smiling at him.

She has seen her brother skip meals a few times at their house and she could only guess how hungry he must have been. Although he was not telling it to her, Xia Meilin knew that Xia Sinian was trying to lose weight.

In the end, Xia Sinian gave in and decided to eat the food that Li Bingbing had offered.

Li Bingbing was pleased to see that Xia Sinian was eating more but looking at how the food was easily finished, she stood up. "I'll go get some more, okay?"

"Ah, no... you don't have-"

"You're not the only one starving here, I am too." She chuckled lightly.

"Oh... I'm sorry for eating your share..." Xia Sinian lowered his head.

"Nah, it's okay." She patted his shoulder and grinned at him. "You can treat me later~" She winked playfully at him.

A faint blush appeared on Xia Sinian's cheeks and because of how bright Li Bingbing he couldn't help but want to hide and avoid her gaze.

When Li Bingbing went to get more food, the school bell rang and students started filling up the cafeteria. Because of this, Xia Sinian was starting to get conscious as students would steal glances on their table.

Although it might not be obvious but Xia Sinian was really feeling insecure when he was in a crowded place.

A young blond haired boy, followed by his lackeys, went to their table and shot a charming smile to Xia Meilin. "Hi, my name is Tan Luo. Are you new? This is my first time seeing you here."

"Yes, I am obviously new here." Xia Meilin said with a plain smile.

"What's your name?" He went ahead and sat beside her.

"Xia Meilin."

Tan Luo blinked a few times when he heard her name. Xia? He turned to look, across the table, at Xia Sinian who was sitting opposite them looking back at him with a blank look on his face. "Don't tell me... that you're related?"

"Why yes, as a matter he is my older brother."

As soon as Xia Meilin finished saying that, Tan Luo started laughing out loud and he was accompanied by his companions, which caught the attention of other students. "Hahaha! Seriously?!"

Xia Meilin's eyes became cold as she looked at Tan Luo. She was about to open her mouth and say something but Xia Sinian cut her off, "Meilin."

Seeing her brother shake his head, Xia Meilin's lips were stretched into a straight line. She hated this part of her brother, he was too kind!

"This is so unexpected, are you two really related? How can it be possible? Who's the adopted one, you or him?" Tan Luo smirked.

"Why don't you come and join us instead, Ms. Xia?" Bing He, one of Tan Luo's companion said with a smile.

"Yeah, leave this boring brother of yours, I can be your-"

Tan Luo was suddenly cut off when he felt a cold liquid dripping down his head.

He turned and saw Li Bingbing, holding an empty can of soda. "Oops, my hand slipped."

After placing the can on the table, Li Bingbing took a bowl of soup and splashed it on him. "Oh my, how clumsy of me."

Everyone in the cafeteria saw what Li Bingbing did.

Tan Luo's face turned from red to black in anger and embarrassment. "LI BINGBING!!"

Li Bingbing smirked, "Oh, so you actually know my name. Should I be flattered?"

Tan Luo was shaking in anger since this was the first time someone had embarrassed him this way, he stood up and was about to slap her but Li Bingbing was fast enough to knee him in the crotch which made him curl up and cup his crotch in pain.

Tan Luo's face was crumpled because of the pain he felt in his manhood.

Li Bingbing took a glance at his companions and the moment she did, they all backed off while covering their crotches.

She scoffed at them. All men have the same weakness, that's why it wasn't hard for Li Bingbing to do something about it.

Li Bingbing eyed the students who were looking at them. She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms and asked, "What are you looking at?"

The students quickly turned their heads away from her before they continued on what they were supposed to do.

"As for you, Mr. Tan.l," she turned back to him, "that won't be the only thing you'll get the next time you come near my friends."

She flipped her hair as she turned to Xia Meilin and Xia Sinian. In a blink of an eye, Li Bingbing's expression changed from looking like a little devil to looking as innocent as an angel.

"Meimei, Senior, why don't we go and change our table? Look how messy it is here." She smiled at them.

"O-Oh... okay..."

Who would have thought that the real bully in this school was actually Li Bingbing? Xia Meilin couldn't help but think how lucky she was that she was able to befriend this wild and fierce girl.