Their past (3) (EDITED)

Days passed and because of their similar hobbies, the trio easily became close to each other.

While walking one day, Li Bingbing was checking on her phone, collecting the rewards she received in the game she had been playing and almost walked into a pillar. However, thanks to Xia Sinian's fast reflexes, he pulled her into his arms, "Be careful!"

When she raised her head, she saw Xia Sinian's face close to hers and her heart started thumping like crazy.

"Are you okay?" Xia Meilin asked worriedly.

But Li Bingbing didn't seem to hear what she had said since she continued to stare at Xia Sinian as if she had seen the most beautiful face on earth.

Because of the way Li Bingbing was staring at him, a faint blush appeared on Xia Sinian's face. He moved back and let go of her. "Can you... please release me?"

Li Bingbing blinked a few times and realized that she was hugging him. Although that wasn't what made her eyes light up, rather, it was the fact that his body was so soft!

Not wanting to make it more awkward for him, she let go of him. "Thank you for saving me, Senior Sisi!"

Xia Sinian's brow twitched from hearing the nickname Li Bingbing gave him. "What did you just call me?"

She blinked a few times before she tilted her head to the side in an adorable way, "Can I call you Sisi?"

Xia Sinian wanted to say no since it was such a girly nickname but I face of how adorable Li Bingbing was acting, he hesitated. "That's... too girly."

"Then would you prefer it if I called you 'baby'?"

He furrowed his brows at this, "No."

"How about hubby?"


Who was her hubby?!?

"Stop teasing me already." He turned away and walked ahead of them with his face as red as a tomato.

Li Bingbing giggled at his adorable reaction, "Sisi it is then!" She followed Xia Sinian and clung to his arm.

Xia Meilin couldn't help but laugh lightly when she saw their interactions, they were just too cute together. She was about to follow them when she suddenly noticed Li Bingbing's phone on the floor.

How can she forget her phone and leave it on the floor? Xia Meilin thought.

When she picked it up and looked at the screen she saw badly cracked.

Xia Meilin gulped nervously when she saw the state it was in. She quickly followed the two, "Bingbing!"

Li Bingbing paused and turned to her, "What is it..." She trailed off when her eyes fell on her phone.

She instantly let go of Xia Sinian's arm and she hurriedly grabbed her phone from Xia Meilin, "No! My baby!"

Li Bingbing felt like crying when her phone won't turn on. This was her only phone and she had saved money for months just to buy it. "No way... no way..."

Seeing the tears that formed on the side of Li Bingbing's eyes, Xia Sinian couldn't help but offer... "I... have another phone, just like that at home... I can give it to you if you want."

Li Bingbing turned her head to him as if she has seen an angel. Oh, why was Xia Sinian this kind?

"Sisi!" She pounced on him and hugged him tightly. She was not going to say no to his offer, she was in need of a new phone!

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!" Xia Sinian was two inches taller than Li Bingbing and because of this, Li Bingbing can easily give him a kiss on his cheek.

Xia Sinian's whole body became stiff when he received a kiss from Li Bingbing. He had never expected her to kiss someone like him.

He could feel how his heart shook and hear how loud it was pounding. He quickly pushed her away and entered the Xia Family manor.

Xia Meilin smirked when she saw her brother getting all embarrassed. "Ah, please don't mind him. Ge ge is just not used on being thanked that way."

Li Bingbing pouted, "I can clearly see that... maybe I should go easy on him?"

"I agree, you really should. I don't want him to have a sudden heart attack you know." She chuckled lightly.

Li Bingbing entered the manor with her and just looking at how big the mansion was before her, she couldn't help but gasp. "Tch, one day, I will have a house bigger than this."


"Grandma, grandpa, this is our friend, Li Bingbing." Xia Meilin said with a smile as she introduced her to her grandparents.

"It's nice to meet you, madam, sir." Li Bingbing said sweetly as she gave them a bow in respect.

Xia Jiamu, Xia Meilin and Xia Sinian's grandfather, narrowed his eyes when he saw the beautiful, innocent looking young girl that Xia Meilin brought in their place. "Li? Are you the daughter of Li Hua?"

Li Bingbing was surprised when she heard her father's name. Ever since her father left her mother and her one year ago, she hadn't cared about him anymore.

Although, Li Bingbing still saw his face on the news and sometimes on some billboards since he was becoming famous because of the games he had been creating.

Li Bingbing had to admit that her father's abilities were topnotch and the games he created were really good. Just in the span of one year, he was able to develop two games that became top-selling games in the country.

"My father died a year ago. My only parent is Ma Xijiu and we live in a small house." Li Bingbing said seriously.

"Grandpa, she may not be from an elite family but Li Bingbing is good." Xia Meilin said as she clung on Li Bingbing. "Stop judging all the people I bring home. Besides, if you want to have Li Hua as your business partner, then go ask him yourself."

Ji Ruo lightly hit her husband's arm, "Meimei is right, stop intimidating our guest."

Li Bingbing chuckled a bit, "It's okay... I don't really mind it..."

Xia Sinian sighed, "I'm heading to my room."

"Ah! Wait for us, ge ge!" Xia Meilin turned to her grandparents, "Grandma, Bingbing will stay here for the night since it's weekend so please prepare a lot of delicious food for dinner, okay?"

Without waiting for Ji Ruo's reply, Xia Meilin rushed and followed Xia Sinian, dragging Li Bingbing with her.

"We will play in Sinian-ge's room!" Xia Meilin exclaimed happily.

Xia Sinian frowned at that, "My room?"

"You have the complete series of the game we wanted to play."

"Then you can borrow it and play it in your room instead."

"Your room is bigger!"


Xia Sinian decided not to argue further since the result would still be the same... Xia Meilin would always be able to have her way in everything she wants.

When Li Bingbing entered Xia Sinian's room, she was amazed by how neat it was.

She had always heard from other girls how dirty a man's room can be that's why she hadn't expected much when Xia Meilin said that they would be playing games in her brother's room.

The room had a blue and black theme in it and everything was placed in order. Having found out that Xia Sinian was a neat freak got him another brownie point from her.

The man she had always dreamed of falling in love with had appeared in front of her!

Her type when it came to men was a kind and gentle man who was not messy and not good looking. But of course, Li Bingbing wasn't going to fall easily for Xia Sinian, she wanted to know him more first.