Their past (4) (EDITED)

Later that night, after having their dinner, the trio decided to have a movie marathon... well it was actually Li Bingbing and Xia Meilin who decided to have one.

Xia Sinian was forced to join them since they were watching a horror movie.

His sister was on his right side, curling close to him while Li Bingbing was on his left side, hugging his arm.

Xia Sinian couldn't concentrate on the movie because of Li Bingbing's proximity. He could smell the faint scent of sweet pea coming from her and he could feel the softness of her boobs as she pressed them against his arm.

Xia Sinian may not be attracted to a girl's beauty but he was still a man and... Li Bingbing was special for him.

Ever since the day that she stood up for him in the cafeteria, Xia Sinian couldn't help but admire her.

He had heard a few things about Li Bingbing in school and most of them were bad. He thought that Li Bingbing was quite of a delinquent but after knowing her better, he found she was actually a nice girl... as long as you don't get to her bad side.

She was the first girl that he liked.

Yes, he liked her but he was not brave enough to say tell her how he felt.

After all, who would love a fat and an ugly boy like him?

He would be graduating soon, he still had some time to lose weight. Once he going to a perfect shape, he wanted to give her a surprise and confess to her.

"Ah! That was great!" Xia Meilin grinned at Li Bingbing after the movie ended.

"Yes, it was. I never expected it to be that scary." Li Bingbing finally released Xia Sinian's arm. "I'm starving, why don't we go get something to eat?"

"Eating in the middle of the night is not good for you." Xia Sinian pointed out.

Li Bingbing rolled her eyes, "Starving ourselves is also not good. Let's go grab a midnight snack. And you're coming with us, Sisi."

There goes his diet plan... he hadn't even started yet and he was being fattened up by Li Bingbing's. How could he say no when Li Bingbing was looking at him in such an adorable way?


"As expected, Li Bingbing is still the top student."

"Yeah, but who would have thought the transferee would come second, with just a two points difference."

"She's always hanging out with Li Bingbing, I bet they study together. Ah… I want to be friends with Li Bingbing too."

"That won't be easy you know. You have to wait for our goddess to approach you herself."

Students were chatting among themselves as they stood in front of the bulletin board, looking at the ranking of the students their year.

Meanwhile, the two females that most of the students were talking about were spending their lunch on the rooftop with none other than Xia Sinian.

"Have you heard? There's an anime convention tomorrow, let's go!" Li Bingbing exclaimed with her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Xia Meilin and Xia Sinian stared at each other for a while. They weren't really fond of anime like how Li Bingbing was but since they didn't have anything to do but as for Li Bingbing…

"Aren't you the class president? Shouldn't you be busy in preparing for the upcoming school event? Our class still has to vote later on what kind of booth we'll have." Xia Meilin couldn't help but wonder how Li Bingbing ended up being the class president when she was this… irresponsible. She suddenly felt sorry for their vice president, Gu Jichen.

Li Bingbing pouted, "It's not like we have to prepare for it all at once. Besides, we're just going to go out for one day."

"Well… since that is the case then I guess it's alright." Xia Meilin ended up giving in. "How about you, brother, are you going to come with us tomorrow?"

Before Xia Sinian could decline the offer, Li Bingbing had interrupted, "Of course he is coming with us, right Sisi?"


Could he still say no? He would really like to go to the gym tomorrow to start his weight loss plan.

When Li Bingbing heard no answer from him, she pursed her lips and lowered her head, "You won't be coming with us?"

"I… I will! I will be joining you two!"

Xia Meilin stared at her brother for a while before she turned to Li Bingbing who was now smiling happily at him. Would it be alright if she played cupid for them?


"Okay, everyone, tell me what do you want our class to do for the upcoming school event?" Li Bingbing asked directly, as she stood in front of her class.

"Let's have a maid cafe!" One of the boys suggested.

"It'll be great if the girls wear maid outfits and serve us~"

"We will be working as a class so the boys can be the butlers!" One of the girls suggested.

"How about a haunted room?"

"Or a play?

"Well then, let's start voting on it instead." Li Bingbing crossed her arms. "Those who want to do a maid cafe, please raise your hands."

Soon after, the class ended up choosing a play about Little Red Riding Hood.

Each student's role was chosen by drawing lots and in the end, Lin Qingge, one of the beauties in their class ended up taking the main female role while Xia Meilin ended up taking the role of Little Red's mother.

After school, Li Bingbing, Gu Jichen and the sleeping Xia Meilin were left in the empty classroom.

Li Bingbing and Gu Jichen were talking about what to do for the play that's why they ignored Xia Meilin for a while.

"Gu Jichen, I will be in charge of writing the script for this play. I will give it to everyone by the end of this week, in the meantime, you should divide up the class for making the props."

"Okay. If you're going to write the script, make sure that you write it properly, okay?"

Li Bingbing smirked slyly when she heard what he said, "We can't give the audience a boring play, we need to make it interesting."

Gu Jichen ended up giving in, "Just don't go too far from the story, okay?"

"Don't worry, the story will still be the same." Li Bingbing reassured before she turned to Xia Meilin who was still sleeping on her desk.

"Hey, bitch, wake up." Li Bingbing started shaking her body to wake her up.

Because of how aggressive Li Bingbing was shaking her, Xia Meilin woke up with a bad mood, "Stop shaking me."

Li Bingbing grinned playfully, "Makes me wanna shake you more."

As Li Bingbing continued to shake Xia Meilin, she became so annoyed that the sound of a slap resounded throughout the room.

Gu Jichen was shocked with what he had just seen.

Li Bingbing sat still in her chair with her eyes wide open. She felt her cheek stinging as she stared at Xia Meilin who was glaring at her.

Did she...just... slap her?