Their past (11)

When the food arrived, the table was filled mostly because of Li Bingbing's order.

Without waiting for them, Li Bingbing started to eat her share.

The trio watched her consume every food from the plates and bowls and they couldn't help but look at her in amazement.

After having her fill, Li Bingbing wiped her lips with a napkin before she stood up. "Thank you for the meal, I think it's time for me to leave."

Li Hua furrowed his brows at what you said, "What do you mean?"

"Oh, are you stupid? Can't you understand my words?" She took his glass of wine and poured it on top of his head which surprised everyone. "You look better this way, Mr. Li."

She turned to Fei Yang and smirked, "As for you, Mr. Fei..." She paused and kicked him on his chest in one swift motion, making the man fall on the ground. "I feel sorry for whoever your girlfriend is... Do you even have one? You're such a lame and boring guy, I can't understand why women fell for you."

Fei Yang was one of the costumers that attended the bar she was working at and every time he came to visit the bar, he always had different girls with him.

What she hated the most after her father were playboys, she just couldn't stand being in the same room as them without doing anything.

"Li Bingbing! This was not what we talked about!" Li Hua was fuming in anger.

Li Bingbing snickered, "I kept my word. You're just a dumb, prick bastard~ I did say that I would come with you but I never said that I'm going to stay with you and do whatever you want."

She flipped her hair and smirked at them, "Well then, I should take my leave now."

Without waiting for their response, Li Bingbing left the room and hurriedly went out of the restaurant. She didn't want her father's men to follow her after all.

Outside the restaurant, a black Audi car was waiting and when Li Bingbing saw the car, she couldn't help but let out a grin.

She opened the car's front door and sat on the passenger seat. "Sorry for making you wait, mom, Sisi. Anyway did you get the money?" Li Bingbing asked as she looked at her mother who was sitting behind her.

"Yes, I did." Mu Xijiu chuckled. She never knew that her daughter was this schemy.

When she left earlier with Li Hua, Xia Sinian came in and did what Li Bingbing told him.

Li Bingbing told him to tell her mother to pack their things and get the money from the bank before they pick her up to the place where Li Hua brought her. Li Bingbing made sure her phone's GPS was on so that her location can be seen by Xia Sinian.

"Where do you plan on going now?" Xia Sinian asked curiously.

Were they going to leave this place and hide from their father?

As if knowing what Xia Sinian was thinking, Li Bingbing replied, "We're not going to fly anywhere to hide. That bastard Li Hua can come anytime he wants and I can just shove him to the trashcan every time he does."


That would surely be a nice thing to see but that won't be easy to do since the only self-defense Li Bingbing knew was kicking men on where it hurt the most, by kicking them on their crotch.

Xia Sinian can already guess the situation of Li Bingbing's family just by observing them from afar so he didn't ask anything concerning their family situation.

"With such huge money with us, we can't just stay anywhere." Mu Xijiu said as she let out a sigh.

Li Bingbing turned to Xia Sinian but her mouth was shut tight, she didn't say anything although her hopeful eyes were like a puppy as if waiting for his angelic words to come out of his mouth.

When Xia Sinian felt her gaze, he already knew what she was waiting for. His lips slightly curled up at this, "You can stay in my place for the night."

"Really? Thank you, Sisi! You are really the best!" Li Bingbing exclaimed happily.

"Sweetheart, I'm really grateful that you're here to help us... one day, we will surely repay your kindness." Mu Xijiu said gently.

"It's alright, Ms. Mu. Li Bingbing is my friend so I will surely help her."

Friend? Friend?!

Li Bingbing pouted. It would be nice if Xia Sinian could address her as his girlfriend but the time was not right yet since she was inexperienced when it came in bed.

She needed to learn before she confesses and makes Xia Sinian her husband.


Mu Xijiu was surprised to learn that Xia Sinian actually belonged to the prestigious Xia family and because of that when she entered the place, her mouth couldn't help but open as she entered the beautiful Xia manor.

It wasn't obvious that Xia Sinian actually came from a rich family. How was Li Bingbing able to befriend such a rich man?

Could it be that... Xia Sinian liked her? To go this far for her... this was the only reason Mu Xijiu can think of.

Meanwhile, the Xia elders welcomed Li Bingbing and Mu Xijiu in their place after Xia Sinian told them their situations and because of this, the guest rooms were prepared for them.

The Xia elders weren't harsh or stingy, in fact, they were delighted to have Li Bingbing there because they knew how close she was with Xia Sinian. Aside from that, Xia Meilin might have said a word or two about them liking each other secretly.

To like a man like Xia Sinian, Li Bingbing was truly a woman who doesn't look at the outward appearance of a person and because of this, she earned extra brownie points from them.

"Bingbing, I'm happy to have you here." Xia Meilin said with a smile as she hugged her best friend from the side.

They were currently inside Xia Meilin's room lying down together. Xia Meilin forced Li Bingbing to sleep in her room so that they can have some girl's talk and now that they were there, Xia Meilin was hugging Li Bingbing's arm as if she was not allowing her to escape the questions she was about to ask.

Li Bingbing rolled her eyes before she lightly pushed Xia Meilin's face away. "You just want me to spill the beans about what happened to my date with your brother."

"Well... that may be one of the reasons." Xia Meilin grinned. "How did your date went? Tell me everything, even the smallest detail!"