Their past (12)

Li Bingbing and her mother stayed in the Xia Manor for a week before they were finally able to move on their new place.

Since Li Bingbing and Mu Xijiu was under the protection of the Xia family, Li Hua never approached them, instead, he tried to win over the Xia family instead.

"You want to marry your daughter in this family?" Xia Jiamu couldn't believe how shameless Li Hua was.

"Yes, this will be an advantage for both of us." Li Hua said with a smile.

Even if Li Bingbing angered him greatly, after learning that she had a connection with the Xia family, Li Hua's anger subsided.

Xia Jiamu took a glance on his wife but when he saw her shake her head, he understood that she was against Li Hua's suggestions.


"This story took place once upon a time, in a land far, far away from where we lived. In a village surrounded by lush forests lived a young girl with her mother." Li Bingbing narrated.

"The girl was a quiet and kind child, she was liked by all the villagers. This beautiful girl was fondly known to all as, Little Red Riding Hood, for she wore a red hood everywhere she went."

As Li Bingbing continued to narrate, the characters who were played by her fellow classmates started acting on the stage.

Lin Qinnge who took on the role of Little Red Riding Hood was walking and greeting her fellow villagers.

"Little Red Riding Hood was a lively little girl. She loved to play at the end of the forests, with her adorable puppy. One fine day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother decided to give a little surprise for her daughter."

Xia Meilin went on the stage and started looking for Lin Qingge, "My daughter, where are you?"

"I am here mother. For what reason did you call me?" Lin Qingge asked with a beautiful and charming smile.

The audience couldn't help but admire the two beauties on stage but for some reason, they found Xia Meilin more captivating than Lin Qingge.

"Take a look! Isn't this magnificent?" Xia Meilin said with a gentle smile on her face.

The smile on Lin Qingge's lips became stiff when she saw the thing that Xia Meilin was holding. "Is that my... red hood?"

"Have you gone blind, Xiao xiao? It's your black hood." Xia Meilin's bright smile never left her face.

"But mother... it was red before." Lin Qingge stared at the black hood she was holding.

Xia Meilin chuckled softly, " Oh you sweet thing. Of course, I decided to dye it black."

"And for what reason did you decide to dye it black?" This time Lin Qingge's face turned serious. Of course, she was still acting since this was all part of the play that Li Bingbing wrote.

"It should be obvious, Xiao xiao. The color red is my trademark. I refuse to let someone else wear it." Xia Meilin huffed as she crossed her arms. "I was once known as Little Red, I can't give it to you."

"But I'm already wearing red, mother."

"Then go change your clothes. Red is not the only color so it's fine, isn't it?"

"What kind of bias is that?"

"In any case, you will be known as Little Black from now on, do you understand?"

"Yes, mother."

"Ahem..." Li Bingbing cleared her throat before she continued, "So Little Red became Little Black, but she was still loved by the villagers all the same."

As the play continued, the audience couldn't help but laugh in every funny scene that was included in the play.


"See? I told you everyone would love it." Li Bingbing said with a wide grin on her lips.

Gu Jichen smiled a bit. Sometimes, Li Bingbing's crazy mind was really in handy.

Lin Qinnge went and approached them with her usual innocent and gentle smile, "Congratulations, Li Bingbing."

"Thank you~" Li Bingbing smiled.

"Bingbing, let's go watch the eating contest that brother joined!" Xia Meilin turned to Lin Qingge, "Xiao Qin, do you want to join us?"

"Can I?"

"Of course you can! My brother is the best when it comes to eating contest to let's go!"


By the time they arrived on the eating contest booth, Xia Sinian had already won the contest easily.

Li Bingbing couldn't help but feel proud when she saw him win. He really was the perfect man for her!

"This should be expected... a fat guy like him would surely win this kind of contest."

Li Bingbing's ears twitched when she heard a random student whisper these words nearby.

Li Bingbing turned to that student with a dangerous glare, "Excuse me, can you please say that again?"

The student gulped nervously when he saw who it was, it was none other than the wild girl, Li Bingbing.

She was looking at him as if she was going to tear him into pieces.

"I-I was not talking about Xia Sinian! I-I was talking about his competitor..."

'So please don't kill me!' The student continued in his mind.