Their past (13)

After their school event, Xia Sinian made up his mind that it was about time to start his diet and because of that, he started to avoid Li Bingbing so that he won't be tempted by her whenever she offered him food.

His goal was to get slim before his graduation day. He has three months to get the ideal body he has in mind. He would always try to make excuses so that Li Bingbing won't complain to him.

He would skip lunch and dinner, only having water and oatmeal during the morning. He would even do heavy exercise until his body couldn't take it. He fainted after doing this routine for three weeks. Because of his weak body, he was brought to the hospital.

"Are you an idiot?! Do you want to die?!" Li Bingbing glared at Xia Sinian who was lying down on the hospital bed.

Xia Sinian stretched his lips into a thin line as he closed his eyes. How can he saw that he was doing it for her? It would be an embarrassment for him!

Xia Meilin couldn't help but sigh. Even though she knew that her brother was dieting, she didn't know his routine... how could he at once have an intense diet plan when it was his first time?

And thus, Xia Sinian never got his goal since Li Bingbing made sure something like this wouldn't happen in the future.

It finally came to Xia Sinian's graduation. He was the top student in his year and he was awarded many medals.

It was already expected for him to be the top student because of his unbeatable record.

After the ceremony, while everyone greeted him, he received a message from Li Bingbing.

[Meet me at the back of the gym.]

Xia Sinian was curious about why she suddenly want to meet him at the back of the gym that's why after he excused himself from the teachers and family who greeted him, he went to see her.

He saw Li Bingbing leaning against the wall and looking like she was in deep thought.


Li Bingbing raised her head and nervousness could be seen in her eyes.

What was she nervous about?

"Why did you called me here?"

Li Bingbing straightened herself and took a deep breath before she said with seriousness in her tone, "I want to tell you something important."

"Hm? What do you want to tell me?"

Li Bingbing became quiet for a short while before she opened her mouth and finally said her feelings out loud.

"Sinian-ge, I love you! Please go out with me!" Li Bingbing exclaimed as she looked at him with seriousness in her eyes.

It took a while before Xia Sinian was able to process the words she just said. "W... what?"

A smile appeared on Li Bingbing's lips as she said the same words this time with more sureness in it. "I love you, Sisi..."

Xia Sinian's face became as red as tomato, this was the first time he got a confession from a woman. Who would have thought that a beautiful woman like Li Bingbing would actually confess to him?

"Why?" Xia Sinian couldn't help but ask this. He was not handsome. He was fat and ugly. Was she just playing around with him?

But seeing the gentle look and the loving smile on Li Bingbing's face, he couldn't help but have his doubts. Was she really serious?.

"Why?" She took a step towards him.

He clenched his fists tight, "I am fat. I am ugly, there are other men better than-

Li Bingbing placed her finger on his lips to stop him from talking. "So what? Do you need to be handsome for me to love you? Do you need to have a great body?"

He held her wrist and pulled her hand away. "You love handsome men, you love their sexy bodies."

He knew this well since her favorite anime characters were featured this way.

She rolled her eyes, "I may be attracted to them but that's just it. They are just candies for the eyes. I want a candy for my heart and that's you."

Xia Sinian still couldn't believe her, he kept on doubting her. "Stop playing around with me, Li Bingbing."

"I'm not." She hugged him. "So what if you're fat? I love your softness, it's very comfortable. Besides, you're not ugly, I find you handsome."

Was this girl blind? Xia Sinian wanted to push her away but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He yearned this hug from her for a long time, he yearned to hear those words from her, he was afraid that what was happening right now was just a dream.

"I really love you." She said as she looked straightly into his eyes.

She loved him, not because of his appearance, but because of who he was. Even if Li Bingbing was someone who get attracted by a man's appearance, that's it. Xia Sinian was a caring and kind man to her. He treated her like a lady despite how wild and boyish she was. He was always gentle to her. She fell in love with this part of him.

"If you still won't believe me, that's okay. Let me prove it to you everyday... starting from now on." She held his face and kissed him on his lips.

Since Xia Sinian was not that tall, she didn't have a hard time in kissing him.

He was surprised with the kiss, so surprised. What was happening? Did he just received a kiss from her?!

As she moved her lips and kissed him sensually, he finally closed his eyes and gave in. He held her waist before he kissed her back.

Her lips were so soft and sweet, it was so addicting for him. The warm feeling on his chest was growing, he could not feel or hear anything from his surroundings. He was so concentrated with her loving kiss.

After a short while, they pulled away, panting.

Li Bingbing smiled lovingly at him, a blush on her cheeks was seen. "There, you have my first kiss. This is just the start so be prepared." She kissed him on his cheek this time.