Their past (14)

When Xia Meilin saw Li Bingbing and Xia Sinian together, the first thing that came in her mind was that they were dating because of the look they were giving each other.

"Meimei, Qinqin, guess what?" Li Bingbing was so excited to tell the news to the world that she didn't wait for them to reply, "Sisi and I are officially in a relationship!"

"Oh my, really?" Lin Qingge gasped in surprise.

Xia Meilin smiled and clapped slowly, "Congratulations, Bingbing, Sinian-ge."

"Why are you not surprised?" Li Bingbing pouted when she saw Xia Meilin's smiling face.

Xia Meilin shrugged, "I always knew that one day both of you would come together."

"What is this that I'm hearing right now?" Xia Jiamu asked as he walked towards the youngsters.

Xia Meilin went and cling on her grandfather's arm, "They're dating, grandpa."

"Oh, they finally are?" Ji Ruo smiled happily, "I'm so happy for the two of you, Nian'er."

"This is such beautiful news! We should celebrate!" Lin Qingge happily smiled at them.

A small blush appeared on Xia Sinian's cheek as he shyly looked away. This was his first time to date someone and yet his family already had an idea that this day would come so he couldn't help but feel shy about it.

"Xiao Bing, please take care of my grandson, alright?" Ji Ruo said with a gentle smile on her lips.

"Don't worry, grandma. As your granddaughter-in-law, I will make sure to take care of him well." Li Bingbing shamelessly declared.

The Xia elders couldn't help but chuckle, aside from her beauty, Li Bingbing's personality was very likable.

Xia Meilin couldn't help but sigh in envy. How much longer will she have to wait for her prince to come?

'Feng Ning, please come soon!' Xia Meilin thought.


Since it was their summer break, Li Bingbing would always visit Xia Sinian and Xia Meilin to hang out together with them.

Li Bingbing was currently inside his room, playing video games with him. Time and time again, Li Bingbing won every video games they played.

"That's it. I don't want to play with you anymore." Xia Sinian pouted as he went and lied down on his bed, sulking. "Let's go out and eat something instead."

When Li Bingbing saw him on the bed, she smirked at this... her prey was in position. She stood up from the ground and took off her clothes before she went and sat on his big belly. "Let me eat you then." She licked her lips sexily. "You're full of nutrients and meat, just like I wanted."

Xia Sinian blushed when he saw Li Bingbing in her underwear. He looked away in embarrassment. "Y-You want to... sleep with a guy like me?"

"Of course, you're my beloved boyfriend." She giggled softly, a faint blush was seen on her cheeks since she still felt shy being in her underwear in front of him.

Xia Sinian pursed his lips when he heard her words. Li Bingbing was always so straightforward and daring, he couldn't help but think if she actually did it with someone else. "Am I... really your first boyfriend?"

"Of course, you are! I'm a virgin so hurry up and make me into a woman." She stroked his chest before she leaned down to kiss his lips but he avoided her kiss by turning his head, making her kiss his cheek instead.


"I don't believe you." He looked at her with a serious look even if his face was red. "You're always so bold. You're a good kisser and now, you insist on having sex. How can a daring woman like you still be a virgin?"

Li Bingbing couldn't help but feel kind of sad that he was doubting her. She sighed, "I'm not like other girls who like to pretend that they're innocent. I watch porn and from watching it, it gives me an idea on what to do."

"Y-You watch porn?!"

Li Bingbing would always come up with an unexpected answer and this was shocking news for him! Aren't women supposed to be more reserved?

"What? Is there a rule that says that men are the only ones that can watch porn?" She looked away with a pout.

Xia Sinian can see that her ears were red, she was clearly embarrassed in telling this to him.

"Since we started dating I asked some of my online friend about this... he told me that most men love women who are experienced but at the same time they also love it if the woman is a virgin." Li Bingbing's lie was so smooth that Xia Sinian wasn't able to see through it. "So... to hit two birds in one stone... I watched porn to learn. If you don't believe that I'm still a virgin then you can see it for yourself."

"..." Xia Sinian never expected her to be this selfish. He stared at her for a moment before in one swift move, he changed their positions. He was now on top of her and he had a serious look on his face, "Then I will check it if you're lying or not."

He looked at her breasts and was tempted to touch it, as a man, he still has an interest in it. Since she knew that he was a shy person, Li Bingbing held his hand and placed it on her breast. "D-don't just stare at it... do something."

This was a first for the both of them but Xia Sinian allowed his man's instinct to kick in. He tried to unhook her bra but failed so Li Bingbing did it for him while laughing, she was finding him adorable right that moment.

He stopped her from laughing by kissing her roughly. His rough hands touched her soft skin and this ignited the fire inside him. He kissed and touched her everywhere while looking at her reactions from time to time.

Li Bingbing loved every touch and kisses he gave her body. The pleasure of being touched by the man she loved was overwhelming.

After watching a few porns, Li Bingbing couldn't help but imagine Xia Sinian doing it with her and finally, the day has finally come where she can be one with him.

This was always her dream, to give everything of hers to the man she loved.

After giving Li Bingbing a few teases, Xia Sinian was finally able to find out that she was actually telling the truth when he entered her world. He wanted to be gentle to her because it was her first time but after she got used with his heated rod, she started asking for more.

They shared a passionate time with each other that afternoon.

Xia Meilin was supposed to borrow a book from her brother that was why she went to his room but the moment she slightly opened the door, she heard moaning and groaning from the inside. Her face went bright red with the sound she heard from inside which made her shut the door in an instant and run away from that place.

Who would have thought that her brother and her best friend has taken their relationship to the next level just after a week of their relationship?! A week!

Of course the sound of the door startled the couple but nonetheless, they ended up laughing before they continued their heated moment.

After their tiring 'exercise', Li Bingbing lied down on top of him, loving his soft body. "Sinian."


"I love you."

He smiled gently at her words. He lightly stroked her head. "I love you too."

"Sisi, what if I got pregnant?" Li Bingbing asked as she looked at his face.

The color on Xia Sinian's face left and he became pale. He didn't use any protection!

Li Bingbing couldn't help but laugh when she saw his expression, "Hahaha! Don't worry, I took a birth control pill earlier."

"You... took a birth control pill?"

"I had this day planned." She grinned brightly at him.

"..." He should have known.