Their past (21)

Xia Sinian sighed heavily. Even if he wanted to go back to sleep, he was already awake and just by looking at Li Bingbing, he can already tell that she wanted to tell him something, "I'm listening."

"Are you sure?"

"Speak before I change my mind and end this call." He said before he let out a yawn.

"Well... it's about Li Hua..." She trailed off as she looked away from the screen.

"What about him? Did he come and tried to force you again?" Xia Sinian asked worriedly.

"No, it's not like that." Li Bingbing then continued on telling Xia Sinian on what happened during her dinner with her mother.

After she told him everything, she saw Xia Sinian fast asleep. Li Bingbing wanted to get mad at him for falling asleep while she was talking but she couldn't do it since she knew that Xia Sinian must really be tired.

She leaned and kissed her phone's screen, "Good night, Sisi." She whispered softly before she ended the call.


"Why are you here?" Li Bingbing asked as she stared coldly at her father who was standing by the entrance of the planetarium.

Li Hua was wearing a simple navy blue shirt and black pants, despite wearing one, he still looked like a man who came from a rich family.

My Xijiu was surprised to see Li Hua there as well that was she also wanted to know why he was there.

"I just came to visit a friend who's working in this place." Li Hua said honestly but Li Bingbing didn't believe him, she thought that he must have sent someone to follow them.

Seeing him made Li Bingbing's bright mood dim but for the sake of her mother, she didn't give him any bad remarks to make him leave.

"And you two?" Li Hua asked as he stared at his ex-wife and their daughter.

"We came here to bond." My Xijiu answered with a small smile on her lips.

Li Bingbing's brow twitched when she saw the way her mother acted that's why she clung on her arm, "You're here to visit your friend so you should go, he might be looking for you. We'll take our leave now."

Without waiting for Li Hua's response, Li Bingbing dragged her mother inside.

Inside the Digital Space Dome Theater...

Li Bingbing's guards were up since she knew somewhere in the big theater room, her father could be there, watching them, waiting for an opportunity to trap them.

"Bingbing, didn't we talk about this last night?" Mu Xijiu sighed helplessly when she saw how Li Bingbing was acting.

"I know, but I can't just give him my trust just like that." She huffed.

"I can understand that but don't push him away when he approaches us."

Li Bingbing looked at her mother and sighed, "Mom, tell me the truth, do you still love him?"

"I have already let go of my feelings for him." Mu Xijiu said as she stared up at the ceiling, watching the 3D show that was being projected.

Just by looking at the 3D animations, it was breathtaking. Mu Xijiu couldn't get used to staring at the beautiful vistas of the night sky, planets, the Milky Way, and distant wonders of the universe. It made her feel that she was really in space.

When Li Bingbing saw that her mother was distracted by the outer space beauty, she decided not to continue her inquiry, instead, she would talk it out with her later. She really wanted to know her mother's honest feelings.

After the show ended, they went out of the dome theater and walked around the planetarium.

"Mu Xijiu?" A handsome middle-aged man called out when he noticed her.

Mu Xijiu turned and her eyes went wide when she saw the man, "Omg... Shi Fen?"

Li Bingbing raised a brow when she saw the handsome man wearing a casual shirt and pants.

From the look of it, her mother looked like she knew him.

"Shi Fen!" In a blink of an eye, Mu Xijiu pounced on the man.

The man caught her with a smile, "It's nice to see you again."

"Well, duh, it sure was!" After giving the man a hug, she pulled away, still smiling. "How long was it already since we last saw each other? Was it twenty years?"

"Twenty-five to be exact." The man said with a smile.

Li Bingbing cleared her throat to get their attention.

Mu Xijiu turned to Shi Fen and smiled, "Oh yeah, Bingbing, meet Shi Fen, my best friend during high school."

Best friend during high school? Her mother never mentioned him even once. So he was someone her mother before her Li Hua.

What Li Bingbing knew that during high school, her mother was a very intelligent woman and she was a part of the student council. She only mentioned that the student council Vice President was her best friend but she never mentioned his name since Li Hua would always interrupt her by saying that Mu Xijiu should tell them a better story of her childhood days.

Could Shi Fen be the student council Vice President that Mu Xijiu was talking about?

Li Bingbing hid her questions behind a smile as she offered her hand and said, "It's nice to meet you, sir. My name is Li Bingbing, her daughter."

Since Li Bingbing was watching Shi Fen carefully, she saw the surprise in his eyes when she introduced herself.

Shi Fen turned to Mu Xijiu, "You're married?".

"Why yes, I was." Mu Xijiu chuckled. "You weren't in touch with for twenty-two years so how would you know? Can I hit you for leaving me without a word back then?"

"Was?" This was the only word that Shi Fen was able to hear from her sentence.

"I got a divorce three years ago." She chuckled a bit, "Anyway, that's all in the past now. How about you, are you married? How many children do you have?"

"None, I am not married." Shi Fen said with a smile.

Mu Xijiu gasped in surprise, "What? A handsome like you is still single?"

Shi Fen was the new president of the leading company in the entertainment industry. He was working abroad because of his old man that was why even if he wanted to go back to China, his father was holding him back in States. Now that his sister was making a problem in the company, Shi Fen was finally able to come back to fix things up.

Li Bingbing, who was quietly observing the two from the side finally opened her mouth, "We're going to grab some food, do you want to join us?"

Shi Fen turned to her and nodded, "If you don't mind having an extra person with you then I would love to join the both of you."

Before Mu Xijiu can say a word, Li Hua interrupted them, "Ah, here you are."

The trio turned to Li Hua when they heard his voice

Because of Li Bingbing's resemblance with Li Hua, Shi Fen was already able to guess that he was the father and just by thinking of it, his eyes went cold.

Li Hua blinked a few times when he saw Shi Fen. Who was this guy?

When he saw Mu Xijiu standing closely at him, he couldn't help but feel irritated. Why was she standing close to another man? Do they know each other?

Despite his uneasiness, it wasn't seen in Li Hua's face. He smiled to Shi Fen, "Are you a friend of my wife and daughter?"

"Ex-wife." Mu Xijiu corrected with a plain smile on her lips.

Li Bingbing cleared her throat before she added, "And ex-daughter."