Their past (22)

Li Hua furrowed his brows at the mother and daughter duo. They were obviously making it hard for him.

Shi Fen's lips slightly curled up when he heard the two. It wasn't because he found it funny, it was because they were clearly maintaining distance from Li Hua.

"I am a friend of Xi'er." Shi Fen said with a small smile on his lips.

Xi'er? The intimate way of calling Mu Xijiu made Li Hua bitter. How can Mu Xijiu allow another man to call her this way?

"Anyway, do you need anything with us? " Li Bingbing asked with a smile as she crossed her arms. "We're about to leave to make it fast.

Li Hua was supposed to say goodbye to Mu Xijiu and Li Bingbing but when he saw another man with them, he couldn't just leave them with Shi Fen.

"Well, I just wanted to invite you to a newly opened restaurant nearby."

"Ah, we're actually going there too." Mu Xijiu said.

"Great! Would it be alright if I join you to it?" Li Hua asked with a smile.