Their past (23)

Li Hua was still irritated with the way the two call each other but he was glad that Shi Fen was leaving them already.

After Shi Fen was gone out of sight, Li Hua turned to the girls. "Can I visit you two next week?"

Mu Xijiu turned to Li Bingbing, "I'm fine with it, how about you?"

Li Bingbing shrugged, "I don't mind."

Li Hua sighed in relief, "That's really great. Anyway, I should get going too. I guess I'll see you two next week."

Mu Xijiu waved goodbye to Li Hua and watch him disappear before she turned to Li Bingbing. "Why did you lie about us having a car?"

"I don't want to go with him." Li Bingbing replied frankly. "I'm still not used to it." Li Bingbing quickly added since she didn't want her mother to doubt her. "Anyway, we should get going too.

Mu Xijiu sighed, she was about to stand up from her seat when she suddenly noticed a phone beside her. It was Shi Fen's phone. "Ah... Shi Fen left his phone."

Li Bingbing raised a brow, "Oh? He did?"