Their past (32)

At the end of their dance, the man who just arrived went to greet Shi Fen and Mu Xijiu. "Congratulations, Mr. Shi."

Shi Fen smiled as he saw the man who arrived, "I am glad that you were able to come, Mr. Lu."

"Although I won't be staying long here since I have a flight to catch." Lu Yifeng said with his usual poker face.

"I'm happy that you were still able to come despite the busy schedule you have. Anyway, meet my wife, Mu Xijiu." Shi Fen said proudly.

"It is nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Shi."

"Likewise." My Xijiu said with a smile. She knew who Lu Yifeng was and she was surprised that a business tycoon like Lu Yifeng was actually a friend of Shi Fen.

Meanwhile, Li Bingbing sat on a bench near the garden's fountain and started drinking her wine there.