Their past (33)

Li Bingbing turned to Xia Meilin and frowned, "I should be the one crying so why are you the one crying?"

"If you won't cry when I'll be the one who'll cry for you!" She hugged her once again, "My brother is so stupid for not realizing how lucky he is to have you!"

Li Bingbing sighed, "You're such a baby."

"I'm not a baby!" Xia Meilin huffed as she pulled away from the hug. She wiped her tears before she showed her pinky finger to Li Bingbing, "No matter what, we will always be friends, okay?"

Li Bingbing smiled as she wrapped her pinky finger around hers, "Not friends, we're always going to be sisters."

Xia Meilin ended up smiling as she looked at their wrapped pinky fingers, "Ehehe... I have a sister."

"Stay here, I will call assistant Xu so that he can bring you home." Li Bingbing said as she stood up. "I know it's cold but I can't carry so-"

"It's because you're short!" Xia Meilin laughed. "Bingbing is so short! Short!"