Unshakable (2)

A short silence appeared in the training room!

Mu Fan didn't collapse as Wen Zheming expected, and he even blocked Wen Zheming's stronger punch.

Wen Zheming's face twitched as his expression became more evil!

Not bad! Then take this! Without a pause nor giving time to Mu Fan to react, Wen Zheming used his left leg as support while his right leg kicked up, changing his punch to a kick! The buff guy from not long ago was struck unconscious by this move.


Wen Zheming wanted to vent out all the rage from the past few days.

Meanwhile, Mu Fan curled his left arm upwards to block Wen Zheming's powerful kick, and his right hand rested between his back and the back of his left arm as he bent his knees for support.

Bam! His body froze slightly and returned to his normal position; his two different movements slowed down and stopped the powerful kick.

Wen Zheming stopped and stood up straight as he stared at the slim boy in front of him. He said softly, "You trash; you don't even have the courage to fight back."

Mu Fan was looking down, and he didn't even lift his eyelids when he heard this. However, nobody saw the tint of redness that flashed across his eyes; his eyes sharpened like a blade

Mu Fan who was lifting the punch target suddenly laughed out loud, which made Wen Zheming's expression turn colder.

"If that's the case, then I'm allowed to fight back?"

Wen Zheming didn't speak a word when he heard Mu Fan's question in a careless tone. Instead, he leaped up and whipped his leg toward Mu Fan with a stronger force!

Mu Fan still didn't look up. Like a bull charging at the red flag, he swung the punch target against the kick with an even more violent force.


Wen Zheming's leg landed on the punch target, but it felt slightly different this time as he didn't feel like he was hitting against a passive wooden dummy anymore, but rather there was a violent strike against his leg.


Wen Zheming felt like something was wrong, and he retracted his leg and was about to kick again.

However, Mu Fan's fist pulled back at a faster speed and punched out again immediately!

"Young Master Wen, I'm going to fight back now. Let me know if you can't handle it."

Like an ignited TNT, Mu Fan instantly exploded!

Paper could never withhold fire. Although Charison sent away Jereff secretly, once one person found out, then everyone would know after the news got spread around.

The people at the training court No. 5 were socializing, and a few sentences would pop up occasionally when they chatted.

"You're early today; did you see Jereff?"

"What a coincidence. You know about this too?"

"Shh, who doesn't! There's no way Charison could hide this even if he wants to."

"Jereff had it pretty bad yesterday… Today… Tsk tsk…"

"Don't take pleasure in others' misfortune; it might happen to all of us one day even though none of us want it when we entered the industry," someone talked back.

Another person soon followed. "Big Dave, you are much smaller compared to Jereff, so don't make such heartless statements. You would probably be out in 20 minutes. Maybe even dead."

The one who mocked Jereff raised his eyebrows as he was going to talk back.

"Shh, stop it. Look, Charison came down."


Someone with sharp eyes noticed that the Budokan's middle-tier executive, Charison, had a gloomy expression as he walked towards them with his hands behind his back. Everyone went quiet after a quiet gasp and started to put more effort into training.

"You bunch of slackers! Leave if you don't want to work here anymore! None of you are important, and the Budokan will keep running regardless if you're here or not. If any of you gossip any longer, then you're fired!" Charison scolded them with bloodshot eyes as he walked to this training court.

Mr. Charison was pissed off.

Nobody dared to reply or make a sound as they didn't dare to get on Charison's bad side. As long as they didn't partner up with a brutal client, the pay for this job was quite decent.

No one wanted to get the medical compensation, nor did anyone want to be fired.

Charison was more anxious than ever since Mu Fan had left, and he couldn't even smoke that amazing cigar for more than two puffs.

 He was not his usual self. Since when did a noble young master from District 1 ever come to District 22? Never! So, this was a chance for him to jump out of this district. But if he didn't grab this chance, he probably wouldn't even be able to stand again.

Wen Zheming had crazy mood swings and a small heart; he would seek revenge for the smallest grievance. Who wasn't afraid of him!?

The more that Charison thought about this, the more frustrated he got. When he walked downstairs, he could even guess what these gossipy people were chit chatting about with his butt.

"The next time I see someone chit chatting or gossiping, you're fired right away!" Although Charison had a short figure, everyone shut their mouths after he spoke. Then, he walked back to the levitated elevator with a cold expression.

One second… Two second… Three Second…

Like a dam that suddenly collapsed, everyone busted out laughing.

"Did you see Charison's face; it was wrinkled up like an orange peel! I'm dying of laughter, hahahaha!"

"Who was he trying to scare? Probably only the newbies would get scared from that!"

"Alright, that big stomach king, the ten-box-er. Why isn't that dominating kid here right now?" With so many nicknames, they were for sure talking about Mu Fan, who had a big appetite and made a scene yesterday. He was quite famous for what he had done, and it would be impossible to not know who he was.

"Oh, I think I saw him going up to the third floor."

"Didn't he go up yesterday?"

"No, he went up and came down then went up again… Wait, is he…"

"Is he the one?!" a bunch of them said at the same time.

 All of them were stunned, and then they all spoke at the same time...


Meanwhile, in training room No.1 on the third floor, two figures were hitting each other wildly!

Mu Fan was already fired up from the fight.

Didn't you ask me to fight back? I will then!

The two arms blocking in front of Wen Zheming were like two iron pillars that just wouldn't go away. Everywhere he went, they would appear in his sight and punch him violently.

Now, both his hands and legs were hurting a bit because Mu Fan's arms were hard like steel.

Just die already!! Wen Zheming wasn't just simply training; he was using lethal blows.

After throwing a hook, both of their visions were blocked by Mu Fan's punch target, and it seemed like a good chance for Wen Zheming as he swept his leg at Mu Fan with an explosive force that was enough to break a wooden pillar.

Mu Fan's eyes twitched, and his lips curled into a strange smile.

His right leg straightened and stood still like a dragon flag piercing into the ground while he defended himself with the side of his leg.

Eh? This boy's not going to fight back now?

Then, die from my kick! Wen Zheming thought as he whipped his leg forward with force.


Mu Fan didn't even blink after taking on Wen Zheming's kick with a force that exceeded the capability of a level-14 physique. Then, he quickly counterattacked, quickly kicking out his right leg after pulling it back a little bit.

Wen Zheming didn't notice the details. He just felt like he had hit a wall at full speed and was forced to stop due to the strong momentum.

Pia! Wen Zheming's leg was blocked by Mu Fan's right leg, and then his upper body twisted due to inertia. He had to use one of his arms for support as he fell onto the ground messily.

Hu! Wen Zheming stood up while panting heavily as his sweat dripped down onto the ground. Unhidden humiliation appeared on his face.

"Do I need you to go easy on me, boy?"

Mu Fan cracked a smile as he said, "Young Master Wen, if I had kicked you at the same time, your leg would be broken by now."

Wen Zheming felt like it was hard to breath for a moment, and then his face twisted in anger.

With a flash of fury in his eyes, Wen Zheming took in a deep breath as his presence skyrocketed. He took a small leap back with his hands in a strange position.

What is this?

Mu Fan suddenly sensed the aura coming off of Young Master Wen getting more dangerous.

Without any time for Mu Fan to think, Wen Zheming pounced at Mu Fan like a rubber band that was stretched to its fullest within the blink of an eye and released. He was only in that position for a second.

 He attacked as soon as his body moved. His right fist was like an ignited cannonball as he charged towards Mu Fan without any hesitation and struck forward.

Great Leap Cannon Punch! A standard B+ level combat technique!

Wen Zheming shifted the force from his shoulder into his right arm, and all the muscles of his upper body tensed up in less than a second. He felt as if his muscles were ripping apart, but he was already in a manic state. Like a fierce tiger, he didn't care about anything but beating Mu Fan down with this one punch!


His punch had 2500KG of force to begin with. With almost 50% increase from the Great Leap Cannon Punch, his explosive force reached over level-17 in an instant and struck toward Mu Fan.

Mu Fan's eyes turned red instantly as he sensed the great danger.

"Ah!" Redness was swirling inside his eyes as his arm muscles tensed up the same way as when he was inside the gravitational room.

Veins bulged on his arms as Mu Fan took a deep breath. His looked fierce, and his movements were smooth like the water. He crunched his right arm to his side with his left arm locking onto it, and he then twisted his body, tilting forward with his left knee kneeled onto the ground and right leg supporting from behind. He was like a bull charging at an upright position as his right elbow turned outwards and stopped in mid-air! His eyes sharpened as his waist tightened, transferring all his strength to one point.

His elbow was facing outwards while his forearm aimed downwards, forming a perfect vertical line in mid-air.

Semi-Arm Guard!

Mu Fan didn't know this technique that he used out of instinct was a UGF standard B level movement, nor did he know that he almost performed a B+ level counterattack movement called the Shoulder-Hand Strike when he subconsciously wanted to tilt his elbow forward.

To use these techniques, there was one pre-requisite. Aside from having an explosive force of level-18 and above, they also required the person to have muscle tolerance of level-18 and above.

All these requirements...

Mu Fan satisfied all of these!

It meant that he had a level-18 physique!