The Legend Is Born

Bam! Dust dispersed into the air as an invisible airwave formed between the two.

Wen Zheming's fist stopped when it reached the muscles in Mu Fan's tensed arm right above the elbow. While he was satisfied with the powerful and violent punch he just threw, he was also slightly confused.

Why didn't I hear the sound of a bone fracturing?

He could feel his fist moving as Mu Fan's arm moved.

Wen Zheming looked up when Mu Fan slowly pulled back the arm, and he could see the unyielding spirit in Mu Fan's eyes as well as that faint smile.

"You!" Wen Zheming was unable to hide his shock as he stared at Mu Fan and had to move back his right arm with the help of his left hand.

The Great Leap Cannon Punch that Mu Fan had forced him to use caused him to lose almost all the sensation in his right arm. He felt fatigue all over his body and would need a period of time to recover.

"Young Master Wen, you can't move your arm anymore, right?" Mu Fan asked with something inexplicable in his eyes.

Wen Zheming tightly covered his wrist as he said angrily, "You!"

"Young Master Wen, I believe you would know the consequence if your fist had landed on my elbow instead." Mu Fan slowly lowered his arm and said with a sincere expression, angering Young Master Wen so much that he almost died. "But I am just a practice partner here, and I love this job. So, do you want to continue?"

Do you want to continue?... Conti…nue?

Wen Zheming felt like he was going to blackout as blood rushed into his head.

He had been training with skilled combat masters from the military since he was five years old, and he had been beaten to the ground countless times and was treated using the top-tier body-tempering liquid on this planet. The training that he went through was so hellish that normal people could have never even imagined. He was sent into the army reserves when he was 12 and had killed someone when he was 13. Then, after he returned to normal society three years later, he became the well-known Young Master Wen for his cruelty and brutality in his circle.

Continue? Now he was being asked this question by a practice partner in the Budokan in the sincerest tone.

Wen Zheming spat onto the ground in the end as he thought to himself, I... Like the f*ck I'll continue! His right arm could be barely lifted as he had drained all energy by using that punch.

But clearly, this boy is restraining himself because of something and doesn't dare to cause any real harm to me.

"Hmph." Young Master Wen didn't even want to speak as he had a mixed expression on his face. He never would have thought that this boy could take the force on level-17!

Mu Fan stood up straight and slowly walked to Wen Zheming, who had a fierce expression as he said softly, "Young Master Wen."

Wen Zheming finally stopped looking at Mu Fan as if the latter was an inferior animal. One's strength would speak for themselves, and this boy was qualified for him to look at in another light.

"Speak," Wen Zheming spat out one word without any emotions.

"I'm wondering if your words still count?"

Wen Zheming immediately understood what Mu Fan was trying to get at. He narrowed his eyebrows and said coldly, "Say it."

"Mr. Man Kun whose leg got broken on the first day; he's my friend," Mu Fan slowly spoke up after thinking for a while.

"And?" Wen Zheming's brows pinched together.

"He's my friend." Mu Fan stared straight into Wen Zheming's eyes.

"You sure that you want to bring this up?" Wen Zheming's expression became vicious, the trace of admiration that he had for Mu Fan was gone in an instant.

"I'm sure." Mu Fan smiled innocently.

Wen Zheming stared at Mu Fan without saying anything. When he saw the calmness in Mu Fan's eyes, his good mood after venting out his rage was gone.

He suddenly felt bored by all of this, and he waved his hand and said, "Man Kun, right? Okay, I get it."

Mu Fan stood there and didn't move.

Wen Zheming sat back down onto the sofa as if he didn't see Mu Fan, and he pressed the intercom button of the Budokan.

"I'm Wen Zheming; tell Charison to come up."

"You can leave now," Wen Zheming said as he waved his hand at Mu Fan. "Charison will let you know later."

Mu Fan squinted his eyes and gazed at Wen Zheming deeply before he turned around and left the room.

Mu Fan didn't immediately head downstairs after he left the room. Instead, he walked through two corridors and made a turn, arriving at training room no. 4.

The fight lasted less than an hour, and Chubby Harry wasn't there yet, so Mu Fan headed straight for the training bench and sat down to wait.

He suddenly smiled.

Now, Mu Fan finally understood what the Gladiator was trying to say. In a way, the Gladiator was warning him to always think before he acts.

Mu Fan had several chances to cripple Wen Zheming during the fight, but then he would be on the run for the rest of his life if he had really done so.

But it was a good stretch, Mu Fan thought as he closed his eyes and rested on the bench.

What he didn't know was that in the following period, bedlam would break loose in the Budokan.

Charison came downstairs quickly with his face full of excitement. Young Master Wen's satisfied!!!

Wen Zheming didn't mention a word about Mu Fan; he only threw a card at Charison and told him that 100,000 star coins were for Man Kun and 50,000 star coins were for the buff guy from yesterday's afternoon. He exited right afterwards through the private passage and left a message with a deep meaning. "This Budokan is not bad."

Wen Zheming wasn't going to come back anymore! This alone was enough for Charison to throw a party. Not to mention that Young Master Wen looked more than satisfied with the Budokan. Also, with the card that he specified for Man Kun and Jereff; was he still the same cruel Wen Zheming that Charison once knew of?!

How could they use Young Master Wen's money though? But if he misunderstood and returned the card, then that would also be the same as asking for death. Charison shivered and decided that the Budokan was also going to contribute. Man Kun, who he was going to fire, could be moved into administrative duties. That buff Jereff was lucky as well; the amount of money that was nothing for Young Master Wen was more than what he could get for working hard close to half a year.

Charison walked downstairs in a cheerful manner while humming a song, and he walked past the practice partners and coaches on the training court as if they weren't there.

Those in training court no. 5 on the first floor exchanged glances with each other behind Charison's back.

"What medicine did Charison take?"

"He just became a dad or something?"

"Bullsh*t; his wife isn't even pregnant."

"Then, his child must be someone else's!" A clumsy looking practice partner nodded his head affirmatively.

"Idiot." The crowd rolled their eyes and cussed at him.

Where is Mu Fan? Charison suddenly remembered.

He turned around and asked, "Anybody seen Mu Fan?"

There was dead silence in the crowd.

"Mu Fan?"

They were all confused. Didn't he go upstairs, and weren't you just upstairs? Why are you asking us?

"Did Mu Fan come down?" Charison suddenly felt like these people in the Budokan were all stupid.

"Uhm... No... Wasn't he... Didn't he go upstairs? We didn't see him come down." someone stuttered as he answered Charison's question.

Charison's brows pinched together as he called over an employee from not far away.

"Check where Mu Fan is right now."

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Charison… he's in VIP room No.4 on the third floor."

"Interesting. Give him a 2,000-star-coin bonus later." Charison was in a good mood as he prepared to walk back to his office. What an amazing boy, I'll have to ask how he did it!

"You can't even talk straight, you garbage! Be like Mu Fan!" Charison turned around and scolded the person who just spoke before he walked into the levitated elevator with hands behind his back.

While everyone was still confused about what Mu Fan had done so well, a cleaning staff walked down from the third floor, holding two broken punch targets in his hands.

"Tsk, tsk. What kind of people were in room no.1? These are made up of super durable cotton and energy-absorbing rigid spring; they are designed to withstand level-15 standard explosive force, and now they are broken!"

His voice wasn't loud, but it was enough to be heard by everyone.

Bedlam broke loose in the entire training court.

Man Kun and Jereff were both severely injured, but this boy who could eat ten meal boxes in one go continued his second training session with his client after Wen Zheming.

Then, the punch targets designed to withstand level-15 standard explosive force got broken!

Mu Fan!!? The crowd looked at one another and nodded blankly.

Therefore, the legend of the strongest sandbag in the Budokan… was born… on this day.