Conspiracy Against Harry?

Mu Fan's heart lurched. Fat boy? Budokan? Then, there is only one, and that's Harry!

Hearing these two people walking away, Mu Fan tilted his body slightly backward, sticking out half of his head. After seeing those two figures again, he quickly looked away.

How come this is related to Harry?

Mu Fan jumped down agilely without making a sound. Then, he pushed his body tightly against the wall in the alleyway and returned to the street that he was on. He poked out half of his body to peek at the two men, and he made up his mind,

He stopped following them as the two men were quite cautious, and it would be easier to expose himself once they were out of the district area.

This won't work; I'll have to discuss with Chubby Harry.

After thinking it through, Mu Fan turned around and bought a pineapple for three star coins at a fruit shop behind him. He slowly paced back while enjoying his pineapple; he was trying to blend in naturally with the environment.

"Mhm? This pineapple is so sweet!" Mu Fan squinted his eyes in satisfaction. He purchased it randomly for a cover up, and he didn't expect it to be this juicy and sweet!

Mu Fan went back to that equipment shop while holding the pineapple in his hand. He smiled at the receptionists who looked a bit awkward, and he was then guided to the baggage area after telling the shop owner what he needed.

The exterior of the most popular outdoor backpack in the district was made with 1000D nylon, and the portion that would be in contact with the body was made with 900D waterproof polyester. The shop owner pounded his chest confidently as he told Mu Fan that this backpack was made with the best fabrics on Planet Loga.

Mu Fan disregarded the shop owner's pretty words and felt the exceptional fabrics of the backpack. In the end, he clenched his teeth and took out the big portion of his fortune, 1000 star coins, before handing them to the shop owner who looked like he lost out on the deal.

Mu Fan never had thought that he would one day purchase a bag for 1000 star coins. He looked down at it before he put it carefully and checked the time. It's almost the meet-up time; Chubby Harry should be back by now.

On his way back to the Budokan, Mu Fan bought a bigger pineapple. When Chubby Harry returned to the training room, he saw Mu Fan sitting on the bench, crunching down on a pineapple.

Chubby Harry felt like something was strange about what he saw. Mu Fan was just sitting there and crunching down the big pineapple with a serious expression, but something felt off.

"You're back," Mu Fan greeted him.

Chubby Harry walked over at this moment for some reason and asked, "Is it tasty? Give me a bite if it is."

Mhm? Mu Fan blanked out.

"Oh, nothing. Um… It's just a habit." Harry's face flushed red as he didn't know what had happened to him!

Mu Fan generously shared a piece with Harry when he saw Harry blush out of embarrassment.

After the two finished the pineapple, Mu Fan wiped his lips and asked Harry in a serious manner, "Harry, did you offend anyone lately?"

"Nope!" Chubby Harry said while wiping his lips.

Mu Fan then told Chubby Harry what he saw, shocking Harry. After thinking for a while, he said affirmatively, "I definitely didn't offend anyone because I rarely socialize with others; I spend most of my time on the PO Battle Network. You know that I've only started coming to the Budokan recently."

"Are you leaving through the east gate of the district this afternoon?" Mu Fan asked.

"Yup." Chubby Harry nodded his head.

Mu Fan tapped his finger on the wooden chair and said suddenly, "They exited through the east gate, and it seems like they're camping out with the sleeping bags they've bought. The time and location they mentioned match your schedule and route perfectly."

Chubby Harry got worried. "I didn't do anything; who's doing this to me!"

"Harry, I'll leave with you tomorrow afternoon." Mu Fan stared at Harry with the calmness that didn't match his age, and he continued saying, "There's one more thing that I noticed. Robbing you is only something that they are going to do on the side, which means they have something more important to do."

"Mu Fan, that's too dangerous. It's best if I call some people over." Chubby Harry felt scared that someone had their eyes on him. If it wasn't for Mu Fan, then he probably wouldn't make it after tomorrow.

Mu Fan pressed onto Harry's shoulder and said, "Harry, trust me! I didn't disappoint you with what happened with Young Master Wen, right?"

Harry teared up as he felt the sincerity of Mu Fan's friendship. "Mu Fan!"

Mu Fan patted Chubby Harry's shoulder and smiled.

"I'll follow your car tomorrow afternoon when you leave."

"Okay." Chubby Harry didn't say an extra word.

Mu Fan then quickly entered work mode as he scheduled Chubby Harry for two training sessions. The first one was the stamina training where he threw Chubby Harry onto a treadmill that he set for 10,000 meters, ignoring Harry's cries.

Meanwhile, Mu Fan started to think, and it was rare for him who always hunted beasts by himself. Now, he wasn't only thinking for himself.

"Okay… So the situation is that these two… have been watching Harry for some time… No! They've been keeping an eye on the rich people! Then, they noticed Harry, which means that they are always moving in the city district and are quite familiar with the environment."

This was the first time that he was planning so thoroughly, and his head hurt from it. It would be much better if he could just go and fight them, but the half-hidden message in their conversation made Mu Fan feel like things weren't so simple.

Sigh, my head hurts!

Chubby Harry cried out loud on the treadmill, "Mu Fan, my lungs hurt!"

Mu Fan scratched his cheeks as his brain automatically blocked out all the sounds, forcing himself to continue thinking.

"Keeping an eye on the rich people… And it is a mission? Which means that the mission is to monitor the rich people. It seems that they only sent these two… What does this mean..."

Meanwhile, Chubby Harry was about to fly away on the treadmill, but Mu Fan tied a rope around his waist so that he would probably be crippled if he really flew away.

Tears and snots slid down Chubby Harry's face as he shouted, "Look at me, Mu Fan! Why aren't you paying attention to me? I'm almost dying here…"

Wait. Attention!

A light bulb lit up in Mu Fan's head.

"It means that their higher-ups' attention isn't here! Yet, they still have people monitoring this place. Because there are only two of them, they could choose to do things on the side without permission. The fat sheep that the shorter man mentioned is about this!"

Mu Fan suddenly whipped Chubby Harry's butt, making the crying fatty stop making noises and run faster on the treadmill.

"With everything connected now… They are monitoring many rich people, and District 22 is only one of the locations… Robbing Harry is only an unimportant side job. Therefore…"

"A powerful force or someone high up in status is monitoring many rich people, and they are planning something big and dangerous. Harry who is being targeted now is also involved in this big plan."

"Then, what I need to do tomorrow is… Save Harry, and then follow the lead to find out who's behind all this… before saving Harry again."

It's decided then! Mu Fan rubbed his chin as he felt a thread was connecting all the loose pieces of information together in his head. It was a strange but fascinating feeling! He became extremely clear-headed.

"I don't want to play anymore!" Chubby Harry's voice sounded as sorrowful as ever.

"Oh." Mu Fan clapped his hands and pushed the stop button as he said, "Why didn't you say it earlier."

Like a blanket, Chubby Harry fell onto the treadmill and covered it.

"Phew… I… I… I don't want to talk." Chubby Harry's finger was shaking as he pointed at Mu Fan without any strength.

"So, you're blaming me now?" Mu Fan was in a good mood because he had figured out everything, but now his expression turned a bit cold.

"Darn… you…" That was the last sentence that Chubby Harry said while still trying to catch his breath.