One in A Million Chance

The next day, Mu Fan came to the Budokan with a sharpened dagger hidden inside his new backpack. The blade of the dagger was now glistening.

Last night, he had brought the optical computer helmet back to the abandoned factory, and the manic Gladiator trained him for two hours straight with that same metal short staff glowing in green light! The PO Battle Network had a default strength setting for the players, so the players couldn't unleash their strength.

Since players could only rely on techniques to dodge, Mu Fan was defeated multiple times in various ways as his techniques weren't that great.

Mu Fan had never met someone as sickening as the Gladiator in real life, and he was almost traumatized by the defeats. As Mu Fan stood in the training room, he felt like everything he saw was the metal short staff that was glowing the nightmarish green light.

It was good news that the Gladiator said he was going to teach Mu Fan how to use the metal short staff, so Mu Fan had been training in the strength training room with the long-handled training hammer. There were two more weights on the hammer compared to a few days ago!

Strength! Technique!! Use strength to win when techniques are relatively equal, and use techniques when strength level are equal!

Having seen the Gladiator demonstrate his short staff techniques, Mu Fan decided that he was going to train his strength harder.

There was definitely going to be a battle in the afternoon, so Mu Fan was taking every possible chance of training so that he could improve, even if it was just a bit!

Harry came over in the morning, but he didn't want to enter the PO Battle Network, nor did he wanted to watch videos. He saw himself as a pacifist and didn't understand why someone was keeping an eye on him.

Chubby Harry grew angry as he thought about this, and he took off his jacket and unbuttoned the bulletproof vest, letting it drop onto the ground.

"Mu Fan!~" Chubby Harry called out immediately as he walked into the training room with a sad tone.

"I'm here." Mu Fan dropped the training hammer in his hand and walked out, soaking in sweat.

Chubby Harry pouted and said, "Mu Fan, I almost couldn't fall asleep yesterday."

Mu Fan opened his mouth as he was about to comfort Chubby Harry, but he stopped as he had a good night of sleep. He walked over and asked, "As long as you've prepared everything."

Chubby Harry frowned after hearing this, and he started to complain as if the lid of the jar opened. "Mu Fan, did you know? My dad is forcing me to go to the military academy, but I know I won't even pass the entrance exam. Then, he told me that he would even donate half of his fortune to send me in, so that's why I'm here; this is the last-minute cram before the exam!"

Chubby Harry sounded upset as he continued saying, "I'm bitter, but I won't cry. I'll train since I'm already here, and I'm lucky that I've met you! But now, someone wants to hurt me! What did I do wrong? Who have I wronged!!"

Chubby Harry complained as he picked up the heavy bulletproof vest from the ground. Then, he bent over and pulled out an unnumbered protection plate from his pants.

"Hey, don't look at me like this. I'm scared of death, okay?" Chubby Harry said angrily after seeing Mu Fan's look. "I got two explosive grenades in my bag. You… What are you doing!"

Mu Fan jumped away immediately like a monkey, and Chubby Harry was about to break down as he shouted without giving Mu Fan a chance to speak.

"Don't run! The pins are still on, so they won't explode! I've told my dad about this situation, and he put a tracker and an emergency button on me. He didn't want to send bodyguards because he was afraid of alarming these people and making them escape. Many pieces of information have been revealed here, and he also said that you should come with me. My dad is inviting you to come over once this is finished!"

"Don't reject it so fast. My dad's very wealthy, and the UGF enrolment exam will be next month. He said that if the situation allows, you can go and give it a try as well," Chubby Harry said quickly as he saw the curiosity in Mu Fan's eyes.

"UGF enrolment exam?" Mu Fan's eyes glistened as he stared at Chubby Harry.

"Okay. For me, I think my dad is going to be donating money to an A-ranked academy and buy me a spot. You could come with me and give it a try as well. Even though the hope is small, there is still a chance. Even if you enter a B-ranked academy, it's still good enough. Sigh, but I don't even want to go; I would be the laughingstock if I went," Chubby Harry explained everything to Mu Fan patiently.

Academy, going to school! Mu Fan wasn't able to form an image in his head. He had been yearning this just like other people at his age, and he didn't think that he would hear this news from Chubby Harry!!

"What date next month?" Mu Fan clenched his teeth as if he made a decision in his mind.

"The 10th, on Planet Zicui. Let's put that aside now…. How am I going to survive tonight? Sob~"

"Not on Planet Loga?" Mu Fan asked curiously.

"Nope… Our planet isn't qualified to host an exam. Don't think about it; it's so far ahead. We have to survive tonight first." The more that Chubby Harry thought about it, the more scared he got. Why did I agree to Mu Fan's plan yesterday?

Mu Fan's eyes glistened! Even his breathing grew fast. A chance… to go to school!

His fists crackled as he clenched them together, and he couldn't hide the excitement on his face. Mu Fan looked down at Chubby Harry who was sitting on the floor and promised him affirmatively, "Don't worry; I'll take care of everything tonight!"

Mu Fan had no idea how difficult the exam that Chubby Fatty mentioned was, nor did he know that even Chubby Harry didn't know how competitive and crazy the exam was. He had never left District 22, yet he was already thinking about competing with millions of students from other planets. It would be a joke if anybody learned about this.

Mu Fan who knew nothing about this was fully prepared for the upcoming battles; he was excited and motivated.

-4:40 PM-

"Hu… I could now dodge 13 out of the 17 bullets on level 40 now," Mu Fan murmured as he exited the gravitational room when Chubby Harry called him.

I still have to improve my strength with all methods! After an entire afternoon of training, Mu Fan improved a lot as he got used to moving around under 4X standard gravity. If he could keep it going longer, then he would be surpassing level 40 soon.

After tonight, I'll have to find Black!

I need the most efficient way to improve my strength.

Mu Fan nodded and put his thoughts aside for now.

Chubby Harry on the other side was armored up. After he buttoned his suit together, he was smiling like usual as he appeared before Mu Fan.

If Mu Fan is brave enough to face-off Young Master Wen, then why can't I be brave enough to face-off the robbers!

Let's go!

Chubby Harry had the character of a businessman when he was serious; he was two-faced.

He fixed his dark-red necktie and threw a grey servant suit over to Mu Fan.

"This is the servant uniform of our family. If they have been watching us, then they would probably think that you are new on duty. I've already spoken to the Budokan about this."

Mu Fan grabbed the servant suit and touched the material; the fabric was much softer than the training suit. He thought to himself, Even though Chubby Harry seems clumsy, he is actually quite detail-oriented.

The two finished dressing up, and Mu Fan had already transformed into a young servant as he walked behind Chubby Harry while looking down.

"Good afternoon, Young Master." Uncle Wu had been waiting for quite a long time, and he nodded in satisfaction when he saw Mu Fan's respectful expression as if the latter was a true servant.

Mu Fan had a normal expression as he said with his head lowered, "Hello, Uncle Wu. I'm Mu Fan."

"Eh, get in." After Uncle Wu said that, Mu Fan had already opened the car door for Chubby Harry naturally.

In a forest seven kilometers away from the east gate of the district, two men, one tall one short, lay on the ground and blended in with the plants in their camouflage.

The taller man looked at the monitor screen that was the size of his palm before turning his head and saying, "This fat boy brought someone from the Budokan with him today, and he looks like the one who you bumped into yesterday. Are we really going to do this ourselves? Boss wouldn't be happy if he learns about this."

The image on the screen was Mu Fan's profile when he lowered his head and answered a question.

The shorter man turned around and smirked. "Him!? I searched him up yesterday; he's a new practice partner working at the Budokan. Look at that skinny figure wearing the servant suit; he was probably recruited by that fat boy since they play along together. Well, he's unfortunate today I guess. Don't worry about Boss; I'll go and talk to him. Get ready; they're coming soon."

The shorter man didn't seem to care about the skinny looking boy at all; Mu Fan was just one extra person to kill. He chewed the grass root and laid lower into the grass.

The taller man forced away the ominous feeling in his mind as his eyelids were twitching. He laid down as well.

[TL Note: Eyelids twitching is a sign of bad luck in China.]

Definitely going to stop doing this after today's job!

Meanwhile, the hover car that Mu Fan and the other two were in had left the district.