
Chubby Harry was fidgeting around in the backseat, and even his Skycom was thrown aside as he didn't even feel like watching anything.

Meanwhile, Mu Fan was alert like a leopard as soon as he entered the hover car. Even though he was seated, his entire body tensed up, especially after they had exited the gate. When the military personnel disappeared from their visions, Mu Fan said quietly, "They're coming."

Chubby Harry was startled and straightened his body, checking to make sure all of his equipment was intact. 

Uncle Wu drove the hover car on the same route at the same speed as if nothing was happening.

Once they passed an intersection, they were the only vehicle on the road.

Mu Fan suddenly felt danger approaching, and he warned in a low voice. "Watch out!"

The shorter man hiding in the bushes was eyeing the black vehicle that Mu Fan was in with an optical telescope. As if they were telepathic, when he counted down to zero, Mu Fan shouted in the car, telling Uncle Wu and Chubby Harry to watch out!

Boom! Uncle Wu who was driving felt a huge airwave hitting the vehicle, forcing it to stop. The huge shock immediately made him cough out blood.

Neither Harry nor Mu Fan in the back seat expected the enemies to use a bomb because they were only seven kilometers from the city district! The enemies were crazy enough to attack them with a bomb!

The head of the vehicle instantly caved in from the impact of the strong airwaves, the car stopping in the middle of the road as the engine was destroyed.

"Good thing that this is bulletproof! My precious car!" Chubby Harry's face had turned green due to fear. It was his first time in close contact with a bomb explosion in real life.

Mu Fan had immediately protected his head when the explosion occurred, and he kicked the backdoor open once the car stopped spinning.

However, the moment that Mu Fan jumped out of the car, he felt danger approaching him in mid-air. This was a life-threatening situation, and Mu Fan's eyes turned red in an instant. As if it was tangible, a mystical sense formed a web, expanding outward under the pressure of death. Mu Fan didn't even have the time to think, but he felt the time slowing down as his vision turned red. He detected a small object in the surroundings that was reconstructed in his mind by that mystical sense; it was emitting the immense presence of death.

Caught it; it's a bullet! It was approaching Mu Fan at an incredible speed at a peculiar angle, targeting his heart!

The enemies didn't have extra movements and immediately wanted to kill when they saw someone exiting the car! It was because the first one to exit was definitely not going to be their target, Chubby Harry!

It's either life or death! 

Ah! Mu Fan's eyes opened wide as his heart was contracting three times faster than that of average people. The blood vessels bulged on his skin like centipedes, and his legs enlarged within an instant. He stomped on the ground and shattered the small area around him before leaping rightwards to dodge the deadly bullet!

"Ah!" Pang! 

The sound of the gunshot came through only after the bullet had brushed against Mu Fan's left arm and tore a long wound in it.

Supersonic bullet. It's from a rifle!

"Hm?" A sound of confusion appeared in the bushes as the bullet missed. It didn't even strike the arm, or it shouldn't be on the body anymore.

The accuracy of this small caliber sniper rifle within this short distance was almost 100%, yet this young man had successfully dodged this bullet.

If the first shot missed, then there was no time to shoot a second time at this distance.

The taller man stood up from the thick bush.

The shorter man had to admit that he misjudged this one. Everything was perfect, but he didn't expect to miss at this moment. Mu Fan, the uncounted factor, successfully made their plan against chubby Harry fail.

Only Chubby Harry and Uncle Wu were on the car, and Mu Fan was out alone!

Mu Fan tightened his arm muscles, and his wound that had been sealed by the heat of the bullet ripped open with blood flowing out non-stop.

Mu Fan covered his left arm with his right hand, and the blood stained his right hand and even soaked his cuff. With his red vision active, his eyes locked onto the two men, and his heart was still beating at an abnormally fast speed. His temples bulged, and he was still on guard as he could still feel the threat.

The taller man threw his gun aside and walked over with his hands in his pockets. The shorter one dropped his optical telescope and played with a black dagger.

"Hey boy, it was you who heard us from yesterday, eh?" The shorter man ignored the people in the car and grinned viciously as he walked to Mu Fan while speaking. The taller man was silent.

"Tsk, tsk, I can't believe that I didn't kill you with one shot. The Budokan trained you well, but you're still going to die today. That fat boy in the car! Come out! I can't promise that I'm not going to bomb you again. "

Mu Fan didn't reply nor move at all, and he looked like he was seriously injured. Uncle Wu covered his chest as he got off the car with Young Master Harry, appearing in front of these two robbers.

"Let's see here… Oh~ So, he is our money bank today." The shorter man walked over unbridled and patted Chubby Harry's cheek.

Harry's face twitched, and he stuttered as he asked with fear written all over his face, "Who… Who are you guys?"

The shorter man put out his hands and sighed. "We know you, but you don't know us. Guess we should've met earlier, eh? Young Master Harry of the Fuwen Corporation."

Chubby Harry glared at Mu Fan who stood beside him silently and then looked back at the shorter man as if he was really frightened.

"What… What do you want? I'll give you anything as long as you don't kill me," Chubby Harry said as his whole body trembled.

"That makes things a lot easier. We only want money. Sadly, we can't get the big ones, so…"

"Hey, bro!" The taller man who had his hands in his pockets suddenly warned the shorter man.

"Alright, let's get down to business. Call your dad and tell him that we want 10 million star coins transferred to our anonymous black-market card. Once your call goes through, I'll tell you the card number."

"10 million… That's… That's a bit too much…" Chubby Harry was so frightened that he couldn't put a smooth sentence together.

The shorter man stopped laughing. "Too much? 10 million is too much to buy your life?!? Do you know how much your dad's life is worth?!"

"Hey, bro!!!" The taller man sounded mad. He would have done something already if the shorter man wasn't his little brother. If the higher-ups learned that information was leaked, they would be dead for sure.

"Do you? You don't know." The shorter man drew a strange arc with his dagger in the air, and Mu Fan noticed that the taller man's expression suddenly seemed more relaxed.

They will kill all of us! This is bigger than I thought! Mu Fan's pupils contracted as he thought.

"Don't try to play tricks. Your car is bulletproof, eh? Can it take a punch though?" The shorter man took a deep breath as he smiled and threw a punch at Chubby Harry's car. 

Bam! A huge dent appeared on the car's intact right door, and the entire car shifted half a meter away from where it was.

Damn! Chubby Harry gasped; the strength in this punch was at least on or above level-15! This car weighted 2.7 tonnes.

Mu Fan… Chubby Harry started to worry if they were overly optimistic and confident, but the more he was scared, the more he wouldn't dare call out to Mu Fan!

"Ahem, Young Master. Let me call Master for you." Uncle Wu was starting to worry as well; this was beyond their expectations, and he must keep Young Master Harry safe.

"Old man, did I allow you to speak?" The shorter man said aggressively as he grasped onto the dagger that he was playing. Then, he did something that surprised Mu Fan and the other two; he charged towards Uncle Wu with his dagger aimed at the latter's heart! He wanted to kill Uncle Wu!

"Don't speak when you're not supposed to!"

Mu Fan had already adjusted his muscles the moment that the shorter man changed his position. He suddenly leaped up and dashed out like a leopard. With the blood quickly rushing through his vessels, he grabbed onto the shorter man's wrist with his iron-like fingers and bent it backwards.

Crack! The shorter man's hand dropped down like jelly; Mu Fan had broken his right hand!

The shorter man's eyes were filled with fear as he ignored the pain and shouted, "Big Brother!!! This boy is unusual! Kill him now!!!" 

For years, he had been dancing on the verge of death by doing this job, and the moment Mu Fan grabbed his hand and broke it with one hand, he instantly knew that this boy was a master who at least had a level-16 physique!

Mu Fan felt a great danger approaching him through his blood-red vision, and he subconsciously pulled the shorter man who wanted to run away back in front of him.

Bam! It was a sound louder than the rifle earlier. Both Mu Fan and the shorter man flew into mid-air and smashed onto the ground.

Chubby Harry and Uncle Wu were stunned by the situation. Mu Fan was tricked by the taller man who had his hands in his pockets all this time. There was a handgun known as the Remington Hand Cannon in his hand! There was only one bullet, but its power was twice that of a sniper rifle at close range! It was strong enough to pierce through four people, let alone just two right now!

However, the taller man wasn't happy at all; his expression was more than twisted instead!!! He had accidentally killed his own little brother! The bloody flower that he enjoyed seeing in the past had bloomed on his own brother's chest, and the hole was bigger than a bowl.

"Mu Fan! Mu Fan!!" Chubby Harry regretted not giving the bulletproof vest to Mu Fan!

"Mu Fan! Don't scare me! I still have to take you to the exam, and we have to go to school together! Don't scare me!" Tears poured down Chubby Harry's face as he struggled away from Uncle Wu and ran towards Mu Fan.

"Hahahaha... nI killed my own little brother. Then, all of you are going to die! That kid is dead already, but I'll torture you two to death in the memory of my little brother!" Nobody knew that they were blood-related brothers, and the taller big brother had gone completely insane as he pulled out his dagger and approached the remaining Chubby Harry and Uncle Wu.

"Ahem… My chest hurts, but good thing that this tag is tough enough," a voice sounded from underneath the dead body.

"Still… Still alive… You didn't die… Impossible." The taller man was shocked as he knew how strong his Remington handgun was. But whether he believed it or not, the truth was that his little brother died, but Mu Fan didn't.

Mu Fan pushed the shorter man's dead body off him and stood up. Then, he reached into his breast pocket and took out a black metal tag. A deformed bullet slid off the metal tag, and the engraved character 'Fan' wasn't damaged a bit.

Mu Fan grinned while holding the black metal tag in his bloody right hand. "I'm not dead."

However, nobody including Mu Fan knew that the moment his bloody hand held onto the black metal tag, an invisible electromagnetic wave expanded towards the sky.

This strange electromagnetic wave even found warp points and jumped into them as if it had its own intelligence. 

In the nebula belt about 210,000 kilometers away from Planet Loga, a huge cargo spaceship that looked like an enlarged coffin was quietly floating in space. As if it suddenly got activated, it emitted a dark red light. Like a comet shooting across the universe, a strong thrust force pushed it straight towards a certain direction, turning it into a meteorite-like existence.