Sudden Invitation

Quad-Directional Shooting! It was a technique that could be performed by the Fantasy-Mode mechs. The opponent mech pulled out its five-shot shotgun from its back and locked it onto the magnetic piercing gun on its right arm.

Crack! The tactical lock paired the two guns. It took advantage of the System's 40% compensation in target tracking! With the decreased recoil from the low simulation level, this mech was able to successfully pair two guns at the same time using its special technique and shoot at the same time.

All of this was beyond the capabilities of hand-motion synchronization devices, nor was it possible for an average person to reach the APM needed to use two guns since it would require the player to calibrate two weapons at the same time! However, this was a battle within Fantasy-Mode! It meant endless possibilities beyond imaginations! 

Mu Fan had no idea, and he only heard that chubby girl's reminder a split second before he stomped the wall. He wasn't nervous at all. Rather, he felt thrilled and excited! 

He was a split-second away from stomping on that way, which meant that he reacted nearly a second earlier compared to Nuonuo's reminder!

He won! Mu Fan suddenly raised his head while his hands swept across the control panel as if he was sweeping in thin air. The sound of dense keyboard clicking filled the space.

The output of the energy reactor on the back of the RX-16 suddenly lost balance, and the engine was initiated asymmetrically!

The opponent mech with two guns didn't notice the change, nor did the mech that was assisting in its shooting. However, Wang Nuonuo, who shared her teammate's vision, noticed the difference immediately! She had always been watching this Big Egg who gave her the shield. 

Growing up, Wang Nuonuo had received flowers, delicious gourmet food, and even hover vehicles as gifts, but nobody ever gave her a shield!! Never!! 

At this moment, she noticed that Mu Fan's advancement had successfully attracted the firepower from both of the long-range opponent mechs onto himself. Therefore, she moved the shield slightly so that she could peek out and observe Mu Fan better. 

From her angle, she could tell that the left and right openings of the engine were outputting two different colors of flames. She was familiar with mechs and knew that this was a sign of engine problems. She wondered, could the engines in the PO Battle Network fail too? 

No! That's the asymmetrical initiation of the engine! By sending hedging commands at a speed that would exceed the speed of the system's calibration, positive data chains would be created, causing the engine to enter a "false-damaged" status without inflicting any actual damage to the mech itself. The engine was initiated asymmetrically! The output of the engine would fluctuate greatly and be unstable, but the mech could perform more difficult and advanced moves in the hands of pros.

The 188 star coins were worth it! Ms. Wang suddenly felt like she hit the jackpot with only 188 star coins for this game. She had only seen this performed by the only advanced mech pilot in her family's corporation, and the old man of the family had spent a great amount of money to recruit him! It cost 0.5% of the company's performance share in exchange for an agreement, though very reluctantly since the range of choices was too wide for mech pilots on this level. 

Wang Ji had recorded the scene when that mech pilot showed his skill into a video and watched it multiple times at home. Wang Nuonuo watched it a few times on the side, and now she saw the same thing here! It was natural and indifferent from the performance in the video. It didn't seem like an act; it happened naturally during a dodge movement. It felt like this was what he was supposed to do under this situation. 

What… What's he doing with that hand?

Mu Fan's dull-looking mech changed its direction in mid-air. She saw it! It was an alloy signal pole! Mu Fan's mech reached out its hand and grabbed onto the signal pole with its five fingers.

The engine was outputting forces asymmetrical, and its body leaned to one side and spun on the spot using its foot as a pivot point and the strange output of forces. 

Wang Nuonuo was surprised by Mu Fan's action when the four shots struck the ground near him from all four directions!

Boom! A blue beam of light hit the ground in front of Mu Fan and turned into sparks before disappearing. It was clearly from a magnetic piercing gun! Then, another blue beam of light hit the ground a little bit away at the corner where Mu Fan made a turn before turning into sparks; it was a prediction of Mu Fan's movement. 

Then, two deep pits were left on the ground by the blue beams of light; they were where Mu Fan leaped up earlier. This was a barrage created by one person! This was Quad-Directional Shooting! 

However, it felt like Mu Fan had predicted their course when he made those steps, and all the attacks didn't touch him! 

At this moment, the system's APM recorder reported that Mu Fan's APM had reached 350 in an instant, yet Mu Fan didn't know about it! It meant that his APM actually reached 380 with the extra 30 that Black had hid within the system! Mu Fan didn't stop his operations after the dodge. Instead, he issued a new set of orders smoothly. There was suddenly a flash of light in his mind, suggesting that he could do things one way.

The heavy alloy sword in his hand slanted a bit. Without any effort, he pulled it out from his shoulder and hung it down onto the ground. 

Tink! Tink! There were two crisp sounds of impact!

The player assisting with the shooting was shocked to realize that Mu Fan's sword just so happened to block the paths of the bullets when he lowered it onto the ground casually. Then, that clumsy mech followed the inertia of the impact of the bullets as it spun around the signal pole in a half-circle before leaping out. 

The RX-16 half knelt with its left hand on its knee and slid out in a swift motion with its right hand holding onto the heavy sword. 

"OMG!!! All hail Lord Egg!!!" Wang Nuonuo was losing her mind at what she saw! A pro in real life! She could not believe how that masculine mech was able to perform such an amazing agile movement! So cool! No way, I need to be good friends with this pro! I shouldn't call him Big Egg again! 

Mu Fan felt like it was hopeless to change the name that Black, an A.I. that was mischievous to begin with, gave him. The name "Lord Egg" was unmodifiable to begin with. 

Lord Egg! Although Nuonuo had decided to change the way she would address him, Mu Fan didn't care anymore whether it was Lord Egg, Big Egg, or even Egg Lord! He would accept any of those names! 

Mu Fan's eyes turned red, and he almost exited the state created by Dark Respiration. He calmed down again, and his APM even increased slightly to near 385 due to Wang Nuonuo's pressing words. 

Wang Nuonuo's eyes glistened with hearts in them as she watched Mu Fan from the back, and his movements had become swifter and smoother as time went on! He even slammed away a bullet with his sword, which reflected the skill difference between the two parties! Mu Fan was crushing his opponents in the battle! 

The two opponent mechs felt desperate as they wondered who this person was! His info shows that he is still a blank slate rookie… How are we going to keep on playing if he's a smurf!

We are going to stop playing! We give up. We won't let you slaughter us! 

Just when Mu Fan was about to reach the rooftop, the two mechs turned into white lights and disappeared.

"Enemy Surrendered. Players: Lord Egg and Young Beauty Little Nuonuo have won!" 

"What?! You fired at me, and now you ran away because you're about to lose!!! How shameless." Wang Nuonuo had no idea how hopeless those two opponents felt when she blocked all of the shots they fired at her as she ran away from them with that huge shield on her back in the beginning. 

"Lord, please take me for another game!!! Let me win without doing anything!!!" This time, Wang Nuonuo's words made Mu Fan feel better somce she dropped the damn word 'Egg' in his name! However, a notification suddenly came on through his wristband, and Mu Fan realized that it was from Lemon Balloon.

Chubby Harry's online?

Mu Fan ignored the short chubby girl who was jumping around and clicked open the message. 

"Mu Fan, you're online, and you're in a battle behind my back?! Well, I did forget to get you a Skycom, so this is the only way of contact. I won't be heading to the Budokan tomorrow, but I'll send someone to deliver you a Skycom. Also, remember to come to the banquet tomorrow night." Chubby Harry had recorded his voice message in one breath. 

Beep! It was another message.

"Oh no, I'm being forced into sleep mode soon. Good night… Oh ya! Bring me next time when you battle! Don't get in a battle without telling me!" 

Then, it all went quiet again… 

"You're not taking me again; I'm so sad," Wang Nuonuo said, sounding upset.

"I owe you one, but that's it for today. I'll pay you back next time." Mu Fan felt bad as he had decided to offer another round before, but Chubby Harry's message made him lose interest in going for another round of battle immediately.

As Chubby Hurry mentioned before, meeting his dad would mean that the topic of UGF enrolment exam would be brought up.

It was of the same importance as the attack of the interstellar pirates! It was even a level above that since this was his goal and the reason for everything he had done. 

I should probably go tomorrow to see what is going on, right?

Therefore, Mu Fan went offline while under the stare of grievance that was turned from the stare of passion. Meanwhile on another planet, long-legged beauty Wang Nuonuo was about to flip out as she jumped out of her virtual reality cabinet. 

"Dumb Bear! Dumb Bear! You are really going to kill me by making me mad!"

While on Planet Loga which was 0.8 light years away, Mu Fan who could always eat and sleep had insomnia for the first time in his life. 

What these two didn't know was that a player named 'Three-Second Quick Shot' had made a post in the PO Battle Network Forum titled "Real Smurfer Show-Off in A Level 5 Room in Fantasy-Zone." 

The post quickly attracted viewers and trended rapidly in the network.